Best cure for a hangover?

Best cure for a hangover?


Cancer and sages threads

Weed / benzos /more alcohol
Greasy food

Another drink

Just promise to yourself you won't get drunk again (lie)

I was hungover all day, I fucking hate alcohol. If your day is absolutely fucked you can take the hair of the dog approach, which is just have another beer and feel like a degenerate, sleep it off and start the next day fresh.

If you can be a man at night, you can be a man in the morning



Isotonic drinks

>drives to work hungover and crashes into kindergarten

water and sleep

tiredness and dehydration, also drinking is for degenerates and pajeets

Coffee or cocaine

Drink lots of water and go back to sleep. It's easier to prevent a hangover than cure one. Drink water throughout the night, drink lots of water before bed, and anytime you get up to piss drink a big glass. Try not to piss the bed.

>being this stupid

Tramadol and klonopin literally cures you.

It might mask the pain, but a hangover is caused by dehydration. Only water can cure it.

What is this baby boomer trash quote have to do with drinking?


No it is actually caused by inflamation in the stomach.
Taking ibuprofen will help you.

But I agree, drinking lots of water really helps.

Drink 4 pints of water and take a few ibuprofen then go back to bed.

don't drink in the first place

dropping the vast majority of alcohol is the easiest part of dieting, every time you have a pizza or something you can think it is free vs number of calories you cut from beer

>opioids and benzos

my nigger

1x5 glass of water
1x1 glass of V8
1-2x3 ibuprofen
5x5 tell self to not drink like that again

that's such retarded advice.

die summer


beer is stupidly high in calories just cut it

fat food

Dehydration makes your brain sore and causes headache
Since i started drinking water after heavy drinking hangovers are a lesser problem


This, but before you go to bed. You will simply not get a hangover if you drink enough pedialyte before sleeping.



Start smoking weed.
Protein shake during and after drinking helps as well.

hgh or bk677


Drink a lot of water before going to sleep.
Basically when you consume alcohol you have ethanol passing in your blood blocking ADH.
ADH role is to make your kidney reabsorb water, so of course when it's blocked you become dehydrated which results in hangover the next morning.

Aint nothing better than some soup, some nice hot ass broth of anything man, from chicken noodle to wonton it's all good.

scientifically prove: coffee
multivitamin with B vitamins

personal preference: dairy products (easy to eat/drink when you have no appetite)

this is coming from a former alcoholic, heavily researched the science behind a hangover

>being a man
>Baby boomer

Fucking millenials I swear

>No it is actually caused by inflamation in the stomach.

No it isn't.
t. med student, this guy got it

People say this, but when you have anything that even resembles a decent social life it's pretty hard to just cut out beer/spirits

yeah just be that guy who doesn't drink at a party
great advice

not drinking next time

Lots of antioxidants. Pills, green tea, berry kompot, take in as many antioxidants as you can. Drink lots of water, and get some sleep.

drinking some spirits or wine is better for calories

beer is the killer