Bf% estimate?
185cm 83kg
Bf% estimate?
Arm flexed
Also how to get rid of chicken legs
You DO know you can calculate bf% on your own, right?
these threads are always people fishing for compliments
but he is skelly as fuck
6'2" 155lbs
I started a thread a few minutes ago not seeing this one, deleted it and moved to here.
The one user in last thread said I was about 15%
Will post another pic for reference
now kys
Same guy different pic
Doesn't matter what your bf% is when you have literally no muscle.
You are way too skinny. Do a slow bulk for eight months, gain no more than one kg a month, then cut.
I'm trying to get down to 8-10% because that's what lyle McDonald said to do in the sticky for calorie partitionining.
>those stretch marks
Fat powerlifter?
Bro, you'll look nutrient deprived if you cut to that with your current amount of lean mass. Why not bulk on a strenght program like a normal human bean?
What signs of nutrient depravity do you see? I am doing a strength program just not bulking
Ya I used to be obese user
Sorry misread you'll as you nvm the first part
>obviously not a natty
Uhm no, I'm 6'1" 198lbs 12-15%
Congrats on losing the extra weight, but you really really should start bulking. Even if your goal is otter mode you shouldn't keep cutting at that weight and muscle mass. Aim for 1-2 lbs a month gain and do enough volume to get stronger.
>pic related is me in terrible lighting and a bit bloated from drinking last night
Oh and forgot the why.
Calorie partitionining reasons. I used to be fat I don't want to be fat again and if I'm at a lower bf% I'm less likely to gain back majority fat. That and I'm just tired having alot of fat on my mid section lower back sides ect.
Mirin, op. If i looked like that I would stand before a mirror and jack off to myself. Nohomo
Thank you! But could you tell me why? Everyone tells me to bulk but no one has why. I'm going to look like shit for awhile regardless and my strength is still going up on Greyskull. I'm not trying to be argumentative and I'm not trying to deflect advise that doesn't confirm what I was already doing, I just want to understand if and why I am wrong
oh noes you got me on my e-statting!
6'2 155 is very, very skinny.
This is me at 5'11 150 lbs a couple years ago (I was a twig with low bf using angles and lighting to look bigger.)
As long as you're below 20% bf or so, you don't have to worry about calorie partitioning and that sort of thing. Plus you actually have to have some muscle mass for that to work. If you bulk slowly enough and do enough volume then you can gain weight while only barely increasing your bf%. For long term progress bulking is the best things to do unless you're well over 15% bf. Obviously cutting is better for looking good in the short term, but at your current muscle mass you won't look good no matter how lean you get (no offense).
Also, cutting is easier when you have more muscle mass since it raises your TDEE. I'm and can cut quite quickly on 2300 cals/day when before I had to do 2000ish.
Op here also how to get thicker neck
Actually do some heavy deadlifts.
lmao at all the people bitching at pic comparisons of making dudes with thick necks have thin nekcs by saying that nobody has that thin of a neck, but look at this
Get real, friend. If you were anywhere near as asthetic as op you would be posting yourself. We all know you're some fat "powerlifter" who's mad jealous.
Thank you so much for your explanation! No offense taken, I was 100% aware of that fact. So with volume in mind would a PHUL style routine be right for me when I start my bulk? For what I currently have my strength days don't have much volume in them. Also more of a side note you've already implied that I'm well below 20% where am I than? And at what bf% so I stop the bulk. I assume at 15?
refer to And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids
Another pic, any neck routines?
Tbh routines don't matter too much as long as you try hard and do enough. If you feel like it's too easy and you have more energy after the main work, feel free to add in more upper body volume since your arms and chest can take a lot. Starting with either greyskull or PHUL would be fine and just slowly up the volume over time if you feel like you're recovering well.
You're definitely below 20% bf. It's hard to tell with the loose skin, but definitely below 20%. I usually like to bulk/cut between 12-17%ish bf, but lots of people who prefer to be leaner stay between 10-15%.
Just make sure you don't bulk too quickly. Yes, you'll shoot up a few pounds when you start eating more because of glycogen, more water weight, food in you, etc. But after the initial spike over the first week or so, you should aim for 1-2 lbs a month if you don't want your bf to go up much. Bulking at a 500 surplus is a total meme. Also if you are getting stronger after your initial beginner CNS gains, then your are putting on more muscle mass, so use this to figure out if something is working for you or not.
Why even lift when it's all about HEIGHT FACE FRAME?
1. Ok I will definitely do that
2. Ya that's why I kept posting in these threads the loose skin makes it to hard to figure it out.
3. I think with all this information I'm going to kept a small deficit until the end of the summer. I have some breaks with family.coming over so it will probably only amount to 4 weeks more weeks of an actual deficit, maybe 6 but probably not
4. I don't I will, I'm pretty autistic with my food intake but I will follow this advice.
Thank you so much for all your help