Man, I really need some of this
Motivation thread
What's the problem bro?
Motivation to jump off something and kill yourself...?
I dunno man, it's just everytime I do a set, I stare the wall for 5 seconds and I just cannot continue again....
What do you lift for?
Gym isnt about motivation, its about making it a routine
For myself, for my health, to get a clean mindset and live my life to my fullest potential.
That's fucking right nigga! Now do it!
That pretty much hits the nail
Tf, listen to some music at gym. Some rap or something.
Love the last bit in this one.
rap is for niggers
Yeah I guess youre right
Now that sounds weird but I usually dont listen to music while lifting because I think there might be someone behind me and do smth.
But I sure will take your advice, thanks
Only motivation you need is to look at my life and understand anyone can achieve something
Everyone can make it
Becoming successful isn't the hard thing
Finding a purpose to live after you have become successful is some hard stuff to deal with which I never prepared for
As far as your situation you haven't really explained much, however, you will most likely make it since you have had the guts to question things and you need that discomfort in life to achieve other things
You might be focusing on your issues right now, however, that isn't something you can't change. Life always takes a different path sometimes, nobody in this thread became successful over night, its all about hard work and never stopping
You stop succeeding when you're dead not when you find another rock in the road. You move the rock and carry on. I'm a bit older than some of you though so the things I have seen in life you wouldn't understand
Not OP but,
I hope to make it someday.
Thanks for the advice.
Damn that's deep. Thank you man, I will save your precious advice
A great test for a man is to do something that's good for him that he doesn't feel like doing: willpower. Self-trust and self-confidence are earned through completing goals we set off to complete - through denying ourselves bad habits that may be familiar and comfortable. Don't let the low-energy, empty voice have your ear. Let that hidden high-energy, hot-blooded fiend out from deep within your head and into this world so deserving of its fire.
Give it to me straight, Veeky Forums, how am I looking?
>27 years old
>lifting is all i have
>no friends
>never gf
>no social life
>tfw spend all my time alone and it's fucking my mind up
read mein kampf it will give you more motivation than you ask for
>you forgot memes
>mom passed away two months ago
>stay at work late because it distracts me
>spend the rest of the day aimlessly walking/driving around
I don't know how I'm going to do it. I cry everyday at some point. Despite the time that's passed I think I'm still in denial. I have dreams where she is still alive and tells me that she's gone. I used to talk to her everyday. I told her everything. I don't care if it sounds gay but she was my best friend. All I can think of is how she won't be there when I graduate law school, how she won't be at my wedding, how my future kids will be deprived of someone who would've been the perfect grandma. I've battled depression for as long as I can remember but it's never been this bad. I'm not bathing regularly, I'm eating a lot less. I'm a mess and I don't know how it'll get better because everyday it just gets worse as more time elapses since the last time I will ever have spoken to her
age? how long you training?
That really sucks user. How did she die?
Sorry for your loss man. Know that the amount of time spent grieving is not a reflection of how much you loved someone.
>Alexis Carrel
Really gets the noggin goin
What is this program?
She fought a hard battle against a rare form of cancer for many years, it wasn't officially diagnosed until 3 and a half years ago. Last summer it spread to her bone marrow meaning that there were essentially no possible treatments. She remained determined and brave throughout, I deluded myself into thinking she'd be ok. Even in the days leading up to her passing I kept convincing myself she'd get better but she knew and she was so brave about it.
Thank you, and I know. My mom even told me she didn't want her passing to affect my life or to worry me but I can't help it. I'm sure time will ease the pain but I don't think I'll ever get over it. There is a hole in my life that no one will ever be able to fill. I just wish I could go back in time. I've found myself driving past an ex gfs house lately and when I realized that I've been considering reaching out. I know it's a bad idea, especially since it wasn't a pretty break up, and I know that I would never consider settling down with her but I think I associate her with the last time I lived at home with my parents two years ago and I think that association is drawing me to her
If you're not already, convert to Christianity. The lord will bless you and you will have no fear of the world. Your confidence will be through the roof knowing that you're chosen by God to deliver his word and live a godly lifestyle without laziness.
>adopt a crutch
Im so sorry for your loss user.
You just have to remember to carry on. Its what she would have wanted. You said it yourself, she was a brave woman until the bitter end and I think she would have found comfort knowing that you kept her in your memory but allowed yourself to move on and take care of yourself.
Nostalgia is a powerful, powerful feeling. Its what draws you back to your ex gf. The days of yore.
But we can't have that again. We instead can just forge on and make new memories with the ones we love.
Maybe take some time off work if they allow it. Do something that makes you happy. It will be a better distraction than staying late.
Its not the same at all, but when I broke up with my long term girlfriend i took up running as a way to sort of change myself. I set my goal as 10k. I thought that running the 10k would free me from the crappy feelings. But the journey to the 10k was more life changing than the run itself.
Your soul will soothe with time my friend.
that thumbnail... I am sorry.
I'm coming up on 24 hours without eating, and I am trying to quit smoking, haven't had a cig all day.
I'm fucking miserable but Its a test of will. Please god help me. Going to need a miracle to make it through work tomorrow.
I can't imagine your pain friend, but I hope you can be strong and be the man your mother would be proud of. She's still with you.
This is a motivation thread, asshole. I don't know you or your mom, why the fuck would I care. Take your depressing bullshit to the fucking psychiatrist.
>t. someone quitting smoking.
I'm trying to and I resolved to make her as proud as I can by being as successful as I can be and being the best person I can in general. Despite being more depressed than ever suicide has never crossed my mind, whereas before I'd often think of it, because I know I need to carry her legacy forward. It's just hard. And it always will be.
It's very powerful. I consciously know how bad of an idea it is to contact my ex but in the back of my mind it gnaws at me to reach out. It doesn't help that she's honestly the most beautiful person I've met (never even wears make up) and I feel the ugliest I've felt in years (thanks to the stress of law school, my dad getting diagnosed with cancer right after I left for law school, my mom's battle and the current unspeakable heart break I'm experiencing from losing her, along with losing two long term gfs in the last three years, I've lost my gains [used to be about 185 lbs of mostly muscle, never knew bodyfat% but it couldn't have been high as I clean bulked and jumped rope/ran everyday], lost a lot of my hair, lost my confidence due to the above and the fact that given everything on my plate my first year at law school didn't go well). Part of me doesn't even want to make new memories because I don't want to lose the memories of my mom or do big things without her there. I know it's stupid but I'm so afraid I'll forget the small things, especially because she passed when I am so young.
I took a long time off already and can't take off anymore. Thankfully my boss is super understanding and I don't hate the work. The problem is I just don't want to do anything else. Nothing sounds enjoyable. No food sounds good.
I've been thinking about running. I am on vyvanse and dexedrine but I'm not worried about having a heart attack. I probably should just start running one day, when I get the chance though it just seems like so much effort to get ready and to take a shower after that I lose all interest.
She'll always be with me and I will live my life in a way that makes her proud. Thanks user
Listen to this every day. You're welcome.
And why would anyone give a fuck about your smoking you little whiny bitch?
The man loses a loved one, motivation is exactly what he needs right now.
Same guy you're responding to. I have an uncle that quit cold turkey one day without planning on doing it. Said he went to light a cigarette, looked down at it, "thought this little fucking thing is controlling my life?" and never looked back.
I'm not saying you should quit cold turkey, that's on you, but if you are trying to quit it means you're smart enough to realize it's a problem. All that's left is to be strong enough to control your own life instead of letting a small little stick control it. If my uncle could do it, and millions of others, so can you. It may suck but I know you can do it so stay true
Meme in the you that memes in yourself user.
Your mother would want you to be happy user, not grieving over that which is natural in life: death.
We've all got to go sometime. What's important is that in this cruel and callous universe, we have the overwhelming chance to connect and care for others, even if but for a short while.
When you die, I'm sure you'll want your children to cherish the times you had together, just as I'm sure you cherished those times with your mother.
Grief is a natural human emotion, it just shows how much we can love each other. But know that you're mother lived a life of value, and it had value because of you. Now it's your turn to live your life, and pass that love onto others.
Best of luck, user.
3 weeks, 21 yo
Lol that's not arnies quote
Pick up a hobby dude, or get some work friends.
start taking dat dere Cell-Tech
Shooby shoo doo
Doesn't hurt to try
If you want some music that will punch you in the face and come at you with pure aggression. Listen the album Leprosy, by Death. Specifically the song "Left To Die". Shit gets me goimg every time.
user being superior by notgiving a shit what the shit the other said
Please don't give up on yourself user.
I was going to write something elaborate, but fuck that.
Just know that we are here for you and that you're never truely alone.
And remember, nothing of worth ever comes easy.