>tfw struggling with anterior hip impingement
/plg/ powerlifting general
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i fixed that by squatting wider
underrated post
Squat wider, don't "drop down" into the bottom position, keep the bar in a perfectly vertical line over your heels throughout the squat, keep control and tight as you go up and down -especially at the bottom-, and lastly check to see if you're going too low, there's a possibility you're going well below parallel and not realizing it.
>Stretch and foam roll
Meme reddit answer.
I found some guy say it's to do with muscle imbalance, one side weaker than the other, and that resonates to me. Think I'm gonna drop 40% of the weight and do a bunch of slow controlled work.
(weirdly enough the pain isn't that bad during the squat, only afterwards)
holy shit, thought it was hernia on my end, shit makes sense now.
every day...
I think I herniated my belly button rolling the bench bar
underrated post? its the first fucking post in the thread, and yours was second. smells like samefaggotry to me.
This might help some of you knuckleheads
Any of you splibs have a spreadsheet for the Cowboy Method? I'm between that and 5/3/1.
Does anyone here do their own programming? As in don't follow some random template from the internet. How strong are you, how did you learn about programming?
Does anyone have a coach who writes them programming? How much does it cost?
Let me guess....you sumo?
There's one on ATG
fucking dumbass
fucking dumbass
I do my own programming. It's rudimentary, but I'm learning. My lifts are a bit over 1/2/3/4, and I put about 70 pounds on my total (10 on squat, 20 on bench, 40 on deadlift) while cutting during my last 12-week cycle. The difficulty with going out on your own with programming is that you have to suffer a bit while you learn (hence the bad squat gains).
I'm doing a very basic linear periodization. Four days per week, one for each of my main lifts. Working up to a max rep set, then two 5% drops, adding weight each week. Variation of the alternate lift afterwards, then accessories.
Example, deadlift day:
deadlift: 10@305,285,265
front squat: 10@135,125,115 (just started doing these, squat seems to be responding well a few weeks in)
cable crunch 5x10
leg extension 8x12
GHR 5x15 (need to start adding weight)
It's basically trial and error, fucking up until stuff works.
>week 2 C6W
Haven't posted here in a few weeks just wanted to let you all know that our boi Jacob "blueshoes" brindle made a thread on r9k lol
Oh also I squatted 4 plates, so that's good.
I do my own programming and it recently added 100lbs to my total! I'm moderate I guess, 74kilos bodyweight, 405 squat, 250 bench, ??? Deadlift (should be at least 4 plates)
I learned about programming through reading, trial and error, and looking at premade templates for inspiration
Everything I do is sort of a periodization. High reps phase, medium reps phase, low reps high intensity phase. Lotta volume also and targeted accessories to fix my weaknesses
this fucking cuck ass bitch mentioning dildos for no reason other than to be sexual and FGDSFIKNmedsddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd i hate "her" (him) i didnt really care before when "she" was here because i ignored her but now she invaded MY safe space fjdksmnewkdmasdasd
I'm a big guy
Dre btfo @everyone
hello friends
I have a loving family
>Over your heels
Confirmed for 2playt squat.
I've never done any program other than my own. Considering how often I've stopped and started again I would say I've got decent gains. I'm 6'0 180 315 bench 345 squat 395 dead. I stopped training squats and especially deads for a while because of hernias, otherwise my total would be higher
Play me a song
"Hip inpingement"
It's probably a hernia
Sorry boyo
haha ok pajeet
I do. I haven't maxed in a while but some good sets lately have been:
S: 170kg 2x2 @9ish
B: 110kg x5 @10
D: 220kg x2 @9
87kg bw right now
Squat and bench are meh but getting better
Bow to dis dic
talk when you have more than 6 harolds
My harold is 6.51 u IDIOT
talk when you have 7 or more harolds
im the real harold buddy get out
umm back the fuck off???
Holy shit plg sucks these days. Trappy was better than you fags.
Harold desu suck my lobster dick u leif erickson primordial ooze fish monster
nice projection christopher i know you dont even have a drivers license
Nice projection
dont talk down to me cretin
i own you
Itt harold projecting
Harold samefagging
name on christopher i know its you you coward
5kg diddy pr with more in the tank.
Finally realized I've had some form issues lately and sorted them
Feels good lads
Do the sitting butterfly stretch before you squat, and rest in a squatted position immediately before you squat for at least a minute or two. These guys saying "squat wider" are wrong because I had the same issue and squatting wider made it worse.
I'm guessing you lay down or sit with your legs crossed a lot. That's mainly why. You have closed/tight hips.
>Train primarily sumo for my entire training history
>spontaneously try maxing out on conventional
>35kg PR
t. 35% torso, 6'9 wingspan
Why start doing good sumo?
Your form is probably trash. Train mostly conventional and switch to sumo a few weeks out from meets if you want.
Or just don't be a bitch and always pull conventional
I have slight APT and mad pain right where the pic shows, not gonna squat today, fuck.
Okay, does splitting Texas method in two weeks makes sence? I thinking about running the programm the first week the way it is, then altering routine for second week and doing OHP and bench volume as well as new 5 RM for both of them and dropping squats from that week completly.
Doing 3x int med for bench, but how do the lower body workouts for 28 free programs compare to other routines?
I am enjoying the bench, and want to have 2 days squat with 1 day DL.
Do people run these programs mixed together to make a full body, at the moment i do upper lower.
Underrated post. Lots of good info and tips. Apparently I was squatting too deep, my bench grip is too narrow and my pelvis is too high when I start DL. Great info and tips
>no squats for a week
sounds bad
Who is harold? Who is christopher? Who is sean?
yeah mix them together or mix them into other things.
im trying to mix bench 3x beg into my early TM.
no time / space for OHP tho...
>Do people run these programs mixed together to make a full body
yeh ofcourse
I have been doing the Bench 3x week beginner as OHP, after bench seems to working pretty well.
what did your routine look like ?
you mean you do bench 3x int med (using bench) and then right afterwards (= day per day) you do bench 3x beg (using press)?
Usually in this order
>Upper body
Bench int med
Rows 1x12- 2x10 - 1x8 - 1x6
OHP (Bench 3x beginner)
4x8-12 Curls
Then two exercises for either arms or shoulders at 3x12.
I've got a one way train ticket to India for the luggage that I'm currently dropping out
Let's just say it's a person names Norman Khan that I am currently in the process of processing and dropping off
With extra care as
This Norman khan is very stinky and brown
Wew good riddance
how long does that workout take ?
you do that 3 times a week?
i would die with that much work only for the upper body!
1 - 1 and half hours.
The Bench dont take long, i rest 2 min max between sets and take 3+ min for the AMRAP sets.
Rest of the stuff i can blast out pretty quick, i try to take 1 min on accessories.
Could be reliant on a belt hinder strength and muscle gains?
I usually use a belt to lift any on my working sets, and today i did squats and DL without a belt for all my sets and it felt 10 times harder.
It felt like my core was gonna explode and just holding the weight after 10 reps felt like hell. However i was able to squat deeper too, and it felt like my reps were much cleaner.
I am thinking about not using my belt anymore, and see how far i can get without using it. I feel like i compensate with the belt by leaning forward, it allows me to hit more weight but feels less productive.
no, if your using your belt correctly you should get better core activation. it sounds like youre just not bothering to brace when you put it on
squatting deeper than necessary is a negative, not a positive and lifting heavier weight=more stimulus so its more productive
beltless training is a meme and is less useful and carries greater risk of injury
I brace when using the belt, but i dont get anywhere near the same fatigue in my core.
if you were bracing properly you would. the fact you get more forward lean and uglier reps suggests it too
>Could be reliant on a belt hinder strength and muscle gains?
just read the article The Belt Bible and figure it out - check it out on google .
>beltless training is a meme and is less useful and carries greater risk of injury
he was about to fall for the belt training is for pussies meme.
anyone have the renaissance periodization diet and training templates ?
They are not on the drive anymore
I will recheck my form with the belt.
My form tends to be sloppier on multiple reps of heavy weights, maybe i am just weak and need to drop the weight a bit.
Thanks reading it now.
Is it a good idea to do high bar on the volume day of Texas method and only use low bar for intensity day? Or will it fuck up my progress?
Juggernaut Method or Texas Method for better hypertrophy and strength gains as an early intermediate?
what is the juggernaut method
if your form isnt different on lowbar it shouldnt hurt your progress
some people do semi goodmornings when doing lowbar, but the mechanics should be exactly the same except for the fact that the torso is more leaned over when doing lowbar
Is being a GDE down to poor diet and training, or is it really just they have shit genetics and cant make gains?
I know a guy who make gains whilst eating like shit, and does random brosplit, he misses workouts each week yet they bench 150kg+ has never trained for strength, and still has like 18" arms.
Strength program mostly aimed at athletes. The unique thing of the program is that you lift in waves of 10s 8s 5s and 3s every week, so you dedicate some time to hypertrophy, and at the end to strength, kinda like a pendulum.
coming here for some time now I forgot how easy it is to impress normies
literally repping three plates on either squat or dl makes everyone look at the guy doing it
sometimes even two plates
>Is being a GDE down to poor diet and training, or is it really just they have shit genetics and cant make gains?
people usually think they are GDE but it's only shit caloric intake and lack of rest or overtraining
that being said, GENETIC dead is due to GENETICS, but it's up to you whether you find out your true potential or fuck up midway because you eat 2k kcl a day
and the guys who look dyel and lift heavy shit are genetically strong
i need some insight on conventional deadlift technique. so i have a good friend who is actually one of the strongest pullers in our country and he does sumo. we talked about the setup und he said he tries to get almost all of his weight behind the bar and his shins to be as vertical as possible.
does the same still apply to conventional or should your shins be more inclined at the start of the pull?
my best pull was 300 in comp and i always pull with very vertical shins (conventional) but in this new video about how to teach the big three from sheiko he doesnt seem to care about the shin angle.
>only ever lifted alone in my shed
>starting uni in september
literally the thing Im looking forward to most is showing off my GDE squat to normies
>live in a small town with shitty gyms
>go to uni
>new city
>train there for the first time for 7-8 months, follow SS, TM memes
>return home
>squat 285 lb in the gym
>people think I am not real
>twf dyel as fuck, was a skelly before, now looking a bit bigger but have got some fat because MUH MILK
>a-t least I can impress normies with my shit squat hehe, who cares if I look skinny fat when I take off my shirt
>a-at least I have somewhat visible abs when I flex
I had a guy come up to me the other week asking me if i used any "extra help" after watching me DL lmao 5.5 plate.
I always get weird looks when i squat, and some guy was like woah your warming up on 100kg.
Im GDE standards by Veeky Forums and still fairly DYEL.
forgot pic
Start doing PPL or something so you can stop being a fat powerlifter and actually get college pussy
don't really care about that now desu, I have a gf, although things are complicated now a bit, and we taking a break for a couple of months to think about stuff (don't ask)
I'm more into strength than aesthetics, but I guess I can easily cut once I reach at least some reasonable numbers of my lifts
>routine, not diet, is gonna determine bodyfat%
If I run a 5-6 day program which should be consecutive, does it really make a difference if I take a day off today because I just had a bad sleep and feel exhausted today? I don't think it matters but worth the question. Supposed to be squat PR.
would I look a bit better if I did a 5 day PL routine than a 3 day PL routine?
let's say I eat the same amount of calories on each of the routines, but the 5 day one would have me be active a bit more, thus burning more fat, no?
doing c6w now, I feel like I am more active then I was on TM desu
>constantly focused on strength and compounds that burn you out won't affect your mentality and diet
Are you serious with this rudimentary shit?
>we taking a break for a couple of months to think about stuff
Is that what the girls are calling it these days
nah, no cheating or anything, I am sure of it, we've been together for a long while
it's just that I am not sure whether I want it to become as serious as she was implying
she basically started telling me how she sees us living together in ten years and I freaked out desu, started kind of avoiding her to be alone for a bit, and the whole relationship fell on her back
now we're not seeing each other during the holidays
>tfw I imagined being a cuck now
wew lad, I'd break up immediately