Cringe Thread
Cringe Thread
>no home gym
maximum cringe
Fucking dyel women attention whoring
Like doesn't this bitch have a stud that will pay attention to her so she doesn't need validation from strangers?
Is she drinking horse jizz?
haha look at those chicken leg faggots dont skip leg day bro.
bonus points if they occupying a machine/bench
bitchmade cringe fgt
What's ur 1 rm?
t. lardass
I'm not concerned about the biking itself, but men with tattoos on their legs riding bikes is the only thing gayer than being buttfucked by a man.
Just looking at those pics, I can hear them in my head...
>meat is murder dude
>at least I'm not ruining the planet just so I can get to work on time bro
>Trump is a fascist that wants to take our bikes away, not my President
>dude, evil capitalist corporations like Walmart and Amazon are so evil bro, shop at Whole Foods instead
20 mins of bike at 90rotations/min before lifting master race reporting.
Why does Arnold have a belt on?
>cuffed jorts
>barely any beard
>leg tattoo
>unnecessary leather bracelet
>messenger bag
>girl shoes
>riding a bike
>wearing a shirt made of the flag of Yugoslavia
Always buckle up.
To prevent getting a hernia
What am I missing here?
Because he's jogging while carrying a bike.
whole foods uses prison labor.
>He has small calves xD
>Stupid meathead probably skips leg day lol!
Lmao that tiny dink
is the belt made for any other reason?
She was on the UK Apprentice, right?
this looks like the typical french faggot
i swear when i'm abroad i can recognize fellow french individuals by their faggy attires
>cropped out the weights
okay, i keked
Fags recognize each other. Personally I recognize french when they speak user.
No dude it's basketball shorts
Her older daughter is a little cute, but this is some of most cringe-worthy shit ever. Check out her "exercise" vids.
IG /kt.patrick/
Chucks are good lifting shoes only cringe here is taking creepshots at the gym
KEK he's a walking meme.
>Chucks are good lifting shoes
>I only wear Adipowers
you guys do know that newfags eat this shit up, right?
when people say dumb shit on this board 99% of the time it is people who take these memes too seriously.
it is a funny joke but it will ruin this board
tired of this reddit trash that some fags try to push
>not lifting barefoot
>getting foot fungus
>That body
>Those clothes
>Smith machine
>Pussy pad
>Squat sesh
This i gold
What's the joke. Shorts? What are these jokesters suggesting as an alternative?
Curlbro with no legs.
>you guys do know that newfags eat this shit up, right?
You know this is just Veeky Forums, right?
Does anyone have the webm/source for this?
Is that a real horse dick or is it photoshopped? I've never seen one before. Also, is it circumcised?
That is what a real horse dick looks like.
t. Texan
I see guys in the gym wearing bandannas around their mouth pretty often actually. I think it probably has to do with acne or some shit, I've got no problem with it.