Keto diet pros;

Keto diet pros;
>less tired
>less sugar
>less moody
>less hungry
>more healthy food
>more morning wood
>decreased depression
>increased testosterone

>no pump
>no pizza

Not worth it

Check the catalog in the future

>keep falling for the meme
>never going to achieve good health

>never going to achieve good health
>burgers and butter are the only fats I know of
>LDL and HDL are the same thing
>fat makes you fat
>my nutrition knowledge comes straight from the 80's
>meanwhile I drink soda
>and eat so much protein I need to get it from shakes because I can't even begin to get it through food.

stay cuked, faggot

this, however i disagree with your implication that burger patties and butter are unhealthy fats

not unhealthy in and of themselves, but unhealthy if they are your only source of fat, vs incorporating vegetable fats, nuts and fatty fish.

Keto pros:
> diet I can actually stay on
> food tastes good
> little prep time
> breaks addiction to sweets

Keto cons:
> people telling me I'm going to die of a heart attack all the time

t. lost 80lbs on keto.

Good job, buddy! I don't really need to loose weight, just want to feel healthier. Don't know if keto is for me, so I might change it to paleo diet.

>Don't know if keto is for me, so I might change it to paleo diet.

not that guy but this is basically what i'm gonna do once i've lost another ~5kg. keto plus about 100g of post-workout starchy vegetables. no grains though.

The main pro of keto is that it's easy to do for weight loss because it absolutely tanks your appetite. Beyond that, it's not great long term.

Do many people doing that diet actually enter ketosis? 4:1 seems fucking hard.

>stinky metal breath
>keto shits

>losing weight fast

>starvation mode body
>no glucose for the brain
>blood sugars down to a bad low
>heart rate goes up
>fatty acids inside muscles making people get fat again once they stop keto and start eating carbs
>less water in the body
>less pump without glucose stores in muscles
>literlly just making the body sick to lose weight and need to continue this shitty diet or you gain weight very easily back

I don't know man, you can just simply do a water fast and have the same results but without as much negative effects

I'm not interested in your diet choice but I would highly recommend to read up a little mit more about keto diet and just think it though a little bit.

most of your "cons" are untrue, and one is actually a pro

most of my cons are basic body functions so I don't know what you are talking about

>no glucose for the brain
the idea that the body cant turn fatty acids into glucose is a meme

>>more healthy food
Ecks Dee.

Also the rest is also 100% subjective, none of that is actually proven. Keto is shit for non-fat people.

I never heard someone say otherwise but Gluconeogenesis is nothing ideal

you fell for fake news, congrats

i went from 280 to 237 in 2 months

keto is great!

>bad for your gut microbiota
>unknown long term adverse effects

doesn't seem worth it to me

is that why i can't shit properly?

tried laxatives and still came out watery

that would more likely be the lack of fibre in most ketogenic diets

> getting cancer from the meat and dairy

I'd rather stay vegan and keep making ethical gains sans chemo thank you

PS - vegans have more test than meat eaters, look it up

i get 5 servings of leafy veggies everyday though

kale, broccoli, cauliflower, celery and spinach

Oh okay, I don't really know if poor gut microbiota composition is related to bad poos. Sorry.

Yeah, it's ezpz

>muh starvation mode
>brain needs muh glucose or else YOU DIE (protip: research for what purpose keto was developed in the first place)
>what is hepatic gluconeogenesis
>fatty acids inside the muscles make you fat... honestly wat

Mom get off the internet, it's not for you

>fad diet based on broscience
>low in plant fiber and beneficial phytochemicals (flavanols, polyphenols, and more)
>high-fat diet promotes accumulation of reactive oxygen species via lipid peroxidation
>increased lipid peroxidation damages liver
>>A liver damage was observed in rats fed with high-fat diet via increase of liver lipid peroxidation and decreased hepatic antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase).
>increased lipid peroxidation promotes chronic inflammation
>high-fat diets is literally bad for your brain
>>"The present data indicate that a high-fat diet impairs hippocampal neurogenesis and neural progenitor cells proliferation through increased lipid peroxidation and decreased brain-derived neurotrophic factor."
>high-fat diets will reduce healthy gut bacteria levels
>high-fat/high-protein/no-carb diet will cause Type 2 diabetes
>elevated cholesterol (keto fags will deny this in the face of evidence)
>literally no doctor will tell you it's a good idea

>study hard
>read several books a week
>brings sex/masturbation and porn to a whole new level
>workout like a god
>cheap on the streets
>music sounds great
>impossible to eat anything