
I have a really slight scoliosis at 22 years old, Veeky Forums.

I was wondering if it's fixable with stretching and lifting weights alone, or do I need surgery.

The angle isn't higher than 10°.

Burn the coal, pay the toll. Shame the whore is still alive though.

>Slav comes to UK
>Makes baby with negro fellow
>He leaves
>She finds another
>He beats the boy to death

Bretty sad desu.

If by sad you mean that a decent slav became such a mentally ill deviant then yeah. The boys death was a blessing on this world that does not need more mulatto freaks in it.

You can be an ethnic nationalist without being hateful m8. The slav probably had a bad upbringing, the boy had no say in the matter. All parties have feelings and lives of their own.

You're most likely finished growing and the angle isn't severe enough to warrant surgery.
Surgery is a huge last resort thing, most surgeons would look at you like you were crazy if you even asked for a less than 10 degree curve.
However, it'll probably never get much better either.

t. Have much more severe scoliosis

The boy was a mongrel. They are the worst, lowest creatures in the world, and the method for the end of civilization. The life of a mongrel has no value. Absolutely zero.

Boy goes on Veeky Forums, misinterprets memes and becomes hateful! Thinks mixed race children are a bigger problem than traitor politicians and weak western men. Many such cases!

Ah I see you subsribed to /r/Le_BASEDBLACKMAN

Mate, mines 30°, got it down from 33° with good posture and weight lifting (I'd argue deadlifts etc have helped). Ultimately you can't really do anything about it. Just keep good posture, have a friend tell you whenever you're leaning with the curvature. Surgery is the only real solution.

>Not obsessed with the tiny problem of a few low-quality white women choosing to marry black men
>Instead actually actually care about morals, human dignity and the weakness of our own people.


You are much more reddit than me m8. You'll understand in time.

There's that deflective Whataboutism. Keep defending race-mixing. MAGA! What's your benching PR by the way?


"please" go back to r*ddit

>responding to the OP's question when he broke the cardinal rule of "never post a picture more interesting than your question"


Useful idiots

Do you think (((they))) would prefer we foam at the mouth over race-mixing, or actually consider how we can improve ourselves and become good, strong human beings? Unless you are actually going to go out and wipe out mulattos, I don't see what you're achieving.

>Implying I am defending race-mixing
People make bad decisions, but all human life has value.

>More interesting
It's just a regular /pol/ thread starter, not that interesting at all.

Until an angle of around 40 degrees you can use conservative measures
as soon as the Cobb-angle passes 50 degrees surgery is inevitable

not him but slavs are basicly white niggers. i dont want mullatos to die but they are the eternal enemy of every nationalistic movement and therfor must leave.

In addition to that, you cant really make it "better" you can merely stop the Progression by using a Backbrace or regular physiotherapy

Yeah I agree they should leave. But they're still human beings.

Don't agree about slavs though, sounds like typical divide and conquer.

Here's a less controversial picture for you to start your thread with next time so you can get legitimate responses instead of derailing it.
No one dislikes a good Steve.

My pool boy would have a few bad words to say about Steve (Steve is a veteran right?). The retarded pool boy thought he had any right to rattle off to my father about how crooked he is for being a Marine. Needless to say that retard isn't allowed on our property anymore.

My god, you are pathetic. I have not misinterpreted any memes, it is an objective fact that mongrels are filthy subhuman creatures that should not exist in this world. They are only detrimental to mankind.
>mixed race children are a bigger problem than traitor politicians and weak western men
Just because some problems are bigger than others doesn't mean some of them should be ignored. Mongrels still must disappear from this planet. Instead of backing down like you Cuckservatives, we need to purge all of our enemies and solve all of our problems. Not just some of them.
You are a prime example of a Cuckservative.
>hehe I voted Trump I'm now one of u guys right? xD btw we nationalists should tolerate negroes, and homos, and Jews, and...
>all human life has value
That is just blatantly false. A human's life loses its value or gains in value based on their actions. In addition, there are something that resemble humans yet are below it: subhumans. The value of their life begins at 0, and is extremely unlikely to ever rise above 0.

Middle stance about Slavs. On one hand it's D&C to an extent, probably going all the way back to the Bolshevik revolution. On the other hand they are notably different from a genetic standpoint. Slavs are still miles better than migrants from the ME and NA as well as being vehemently nationalistic in comparison to the rest of Europe. I say they're fine.

They literally aren't human beings though. Jesus christ Republicans are pathetic. You're literally no different than antifa at this point.

i guess you are american?
if you would have big amounts of slavic immigrants you would know that they are in average less intelligent and more aggresive. often they want gib me dats etc. i am not saying they are nearly as bad as real negros but they are significant differences between the whites which shouldnt be ignored. after all arabs and jews are caucausian too. so white isnt just white. you know that slav derifes from the germanic word for slave because some germanic tribes were hunting slavs and sell them. they didnt do that with celtics or romans.

Lmao at telling your employer they're a piece of shit.
Guess he could skim a pool, but can't skim through an extensive catalogue of top-notch MRE reviews.

This is true. And of course he is an American, he is arguing in favor of tolerating race mixing, and is imitating Trump. He's a braindead Cuckservative. Probably wanted to vote Ted Cruz originally.

Fucking low reading comprehension fag literal nigger tier understanding

My point is that you're holding yourself back by being hateful instead of rational. Recognise a problem and the think of a reasonable solution to it. Don't get hysterical about it like a woman or a german. You can't kill all mulattoes so why get upset about it? Why is killing them better than sending them away anyway?

If you don't believe that human life has value you will end up with a 3rd world tier country.

Not a republican or american I am English. The difference between Poles and East Germans is genetically negligible. All indo-europeans come from eastern europe.

>he is arguing in favor of tolerating race mixing
Double digit IQ wog

>slavs are basicly white niggers
What does that make Britts then? Those retards import negros by millions. Same with Germany, France and so on. If Slavs are niggers, but could forsee the problems, then what the Western people are? Dogs? Rats? Bugs? Certainly lower than niggers, lol.

I guarantee you this poster is an ugly hapa manlet, folks

Nice divide and conquer, Schlomo.

Slav derives from Slava which means glory, you western spy.

>A human's life loses its value or gains in value based on their actions.
>Bases a child's value on other's actions.

Your shit's flawed you below-0 nigger.

that is bullshit. "eatern germans" are in fact more related to anglo saxons than they are to the poles. even the former eastern germans werent slavic but germanic/baltic.

That's a meme. Look up some genetic studies.

I bet you think the English are Germanic too.

t. Philip Lozinski
The ethnonym "Slav" probably comes from, at its basest level the Greek word "sklábos" which while meaning slave, is probably a misunderstanding of the Slavic autonym "Slovo"

not true

i already did. thats why i am claiming this.
the majority of the anglos came from northern germany and almost completly left to england. the saxons however (central germanics) lived and live in northern and east germany until today.


needs one to know one, huh?

That was the standing consensus when I graduated 3 years ago. There are other theories but they're mostly disregarded.

10 degrees is very slight. A surgeon will never touch that, a back brace or chiropractor might straighten it but I have no experience of that and it's probably expensive. Type in scoliosis on Google scholar or the cochrane database and try and find out what methods will straighten it.
Or just live with it and if a girl even notices it (unlikely unless you're constantly bending over or topless) just say Usain bolt has scoliosis

>girlfriends son
beta uprising?

the common theory is always the political correct theory

Kid looks pretty fucking white desu

/pol/tards are the most insufferable faggots on this site. You never see /v/irgins rile shit up by posting thinly veiled vidya threads on other boards. You never see Veeky Forumsizens post thinly veiled threads on other boards. No, it's always just /pol/tards who feel the need to post this garbage outside it's intended board. And they do it on every single fucking board. I've even seen this shit on /out/, where a thread can last for months due to low traffic

The other theories presented aren't even controversial, most people just don't agree with them. Linguistics surprisingly isn't fully fugged by Cultural Marxists as most people don't even know it's something you can do in University.

Nope, he doesnt

Guys here are bitter because they consider the girl cute so they are mad because the girl is a coalburner

I wish /out/ was more popular. Going out camping is my favorite hobby. You haven't lived until you try to have sex in the middle of the woods, slip and break the ridgeline on your tarp and try to set it back up in the middle of the night while your girlfriend is bitching about getting rained on.

Sounds like karma to me.

>Chick burns the coal
>Proceeds to pay the toll
>"Haha u guys are so mad"
No, mostly we're just not surprised that it happened. I don't think anyone here is mad.

They are angry because that girl they think is cute is a coalburner and wouldnt look at them

>"Kid looks pretty fucking white"

>gerojam slava ))
neck yourself fucking faggot

You don't go out much, do you?

they are angry because she is still alive.

The only reason anyone in this thread has to be angry is that the resident namefag has made an appearance once again.

>dead mulatto
>nigger in jail
>slut redpilled (jk she probably thought it was hot as fuck)

Feel good story all around

I want to take up camping when I graduate but I feel like if I try to do what I want (hiking miles out into the wilderness alone and setting up camp) I'd end up killing myself

this desu
I have horrible pelvic floor problems and back problems.
Working out and stretching are going to be needed to prevent further damage, it may help it, but odds are it won't get much better.
Working out is just a temporary fix for my pain, always comes back.
They won't commit to surgery until it absolutely has to happen.

>You haven't lived until you've tried to have sex

Just work your way up my guy. Also there are a lot of good camping and bushcraft channels on JewTube that are informative and helpful.
MCQBushcraft isn't bad
I like Survival Russia too but some people are annoyed by his accent.

You'll get there someday my guy.
If you still haven't gotten any in a few years just hit me up and I'll penetrate your boipucci.

Modss, /pol/ is leaking again

Thanks, I'll have to check those out. I wish /out/ had a sticky of recommended equipment so I don't get shit or overpriced stuff. Also feel like the sticky that is there could have more beginner info but it's probably the most helpful board on this site (Veeky Forums also actually has a pretty great community in general) so when I get closer to having free time I guess I'll just make a thread

Hitler approves


Is that you BN?

He is the only one mad that i use dominican

No, I don't like BN either, I like you less because you manage to show up in every thread and consistently piss people off. There's no reason for names or trips outside of generals.

Do you think i care that you like me less?

Why would i care about that?
If people get pissed that is their problem, not mine

Take care, lad

Your autism hit me like a tsunami

The kid is (was) half Asian.

Guaranteed she is going to get knocked up by a new nigger soon. Just like that acid attack victim Katie Piper, who got disfigured by a nigger, and then went on to date another nigger.

Dumb Russians fell for the hollywood meme that niggers are human

Slavs in the West get reduced to pathetic pussies. All their women go for BBC and the guys resort to crime.

>The life of a mongrel has no value. Absolutely zero.

White people are the most "mongrelized" "race" on the planet. Their vast range of phenotypic differences (hair color, eye colour, skin color, hair texture, etc) is proof of that interbreeding between various white tribes (when they were genuinely racially pure) in ancient history. Whites therefore have no value. Absolutely zero.

I am the one being rational by not budging from the ideals. You are not being rational, you are being a cuck and a leftist.

Mongrels are not human children, nigger.
You're either blind or retarded. Or both.
No, we are not mad Tyrone. That's not how this works. Nobody is "mad at coalburners because they want the attention from the filthy race mixing slut". No, we want all of them to die because they are bringing shame to our race by mixing with your filthy subhuman kind.
We are happy that the coal burner was punished for her immorality and wrongdoings, but we are also disappointed that her punishment was too light, she also should have lost her life. Well, she will eventually at the hands of some negro.
You don't think much, do you?

That's incredibly stupid. All white tribes descend from the same common ancestor, the Cro-Magnon. Can't mongrelize with members of your own race, dumbass.

who put that orangutan in a suit? poor things probably boiling

You'll feel better if you refer to it as "groovy spine syndrome"

You really don't know anything about genetics, do you?

not that guy but what do you know about genetics?

racemixers will be killed first

nothing of value was lost.

Clearly a lot more than you, dumbfuck. It's not "mongrelization" if different tribes descending from the same ancestor race mix with each other. Besides, Europeans have remained much closer to their pure tribal DNA than Amerimutts.
Either way, nothing wrong with different European tribes mixing a bit, as long as it doesn't cause any of the various cultures to disappear.

All pit bull owners are scum

>arguing with hateful edgy teens on 4chin

Wanting to protect your race from its enemies is love, not hate.


/pol/ just has a lot of traffic and many people even in Veeky Forums are pol/acks

Veeky Forums is my homeboard but when the subject arises I'm not hiding my opinions

>You never see Veeky Forumsizens post thinly veiled threads on other boards.

People post Veeky Forums threads on Veeky Forums and /pol/ plenty of times.

Coal: burned
Toll: paid

Also, consult a fucking doctor for this. You can generally lift safely but I'd go see a dr or medical PT


Im not black, pigskin faggot


Cross board traffic is all well and good but posting off topic shit isn't. I go to /sp/, as I'm sure many others do here, but I don't make stupid op topics no one really cares about with a picture about why bird is better than lebron to rile up arguments. The only time I ever see purely off topic garbage that belongs on another board is when some faggot kid from /pol/ makes a thread against blacks, jews, women, sjws, or anyone not "white"

There is a difference when someone makes a thread on /pol/ with a picture of Arnold asking why whites are superior or what workout to do in preparation for the "day of the rope" and when some chicken dick makes a thread on any board but /pol/ with an "on topic comment" that is so boring and straightforward it warrants no more discussion than a single reply but includes a picture of an interracial couple or crimes committed by immigrants or some shit with the sole purpose of making the thread one big argument. Also, the biggest offender before /pol/ became such a fucking shit show was /a/ shit being posted on /v/ and when that used to happen at least half the thread would just be and it would eventually get moved to /a/.

In short keep your "political" trash on /pol/. I come to Veeky Forums to talk about fitness, not to read the autistic ramblings of some hateful teenager who is so pathetic he has to project his massive insecurities and inferiority complex on an anonymous image board