Three questions about Nietzsche

Why is he worshipped so much, what necessarily makes the Übermensch so special and above others, and is there anything you dislike about his ideologies?

hes a prophet, his will changing the world, not enough books to read

Then elaborate why.

He proved that logic of the previous philosophers was nothing, but a rationalization for their own lack of will, courage and hard work.

> anything you dislike about his ideologies?
Nietzsche's ideology is used to justify all kinds of messed up bullshit.

but why

ok but could you be specific about why or how that is the case

Because even the most abstract logic comes from a biased human being, who has its own passions and flaws?

So because humans are flawed so are their ideologies? I thought that was a given.

This is a statement mostly from observation. I don't know why he is the philosopher of choice for edgy pseudo-intellectuals, rebellious teenagers, etc.

I don't disagree but that's a bit of an ad hominem. His following should not be the defining factor in his ideology. Use that argument in a debate and you lost. Surely you can tell me yourself what it is about his ideas that you find disagreeable.

He's a reddit tier emo. Real men read Kant.

He was the one who exposed them all, the proof of a concept.

> His following should not be the defining factor in his ideology.
Why not? The only merit of an idea is how people act upon it. You can't ignore the consequences.

"1+1 is 2", sane person
"Nah man. That's just your rationalization for your will to power dude. I can't say why your wrong, but I sure you know you are", Nietszche

>The only merit of an idea is how people act upon it. You can't ignore the consequences.
Tumblr pls

Irregardless of its origins, it has been distilled into a pure form uncorrupted by passion's taint.

Inhuman incomprehensible inflexible anglo rationalism brought low nations, religions and even the the dream of a better future for all. If Nietzsche saw how far it would go I am sure he would recognize its utility.

I am pretty sure that Nietzsche himself would be against modern interpretations, so it is given that he could express his views at least a little better.

>this is what postmodernists believe
Next you'll say that science is a western construct

His analysis doesn't engage with the actual history and philosophy of Christianity, while his arguments are disgusting and immoral.

Fedoralords love to play the cynical sociopath who is above everyone, unfortunately it gets eerie and unsettling to think everyone is a cynical nihilistic sociopath who would icepick your head for a laugh which they didn't even find all that funny.
Ubermensch is a meme, it's just Nietzsche's ideal man, his new man.
Unfortunately existing man is pretty fucking resilient and refuses to be overthrown even by the Superman.
He doesn't have an ideology, just kind of fragmented pieces of ideas.
He's incoherent, lays out nothing to formal reason or even the pathos of the soul, he just seduces the faculties of reason poetic prose and then reduces all reason to pathology of weakness, despite the fact that the Nietzsche's ideal of strength itself is smashed not only by itself, but also by others who are stronger.
Heroism will always triumph over strength.
Heroism breeds unity and collective strength, understanding, wisdom, and deeper more fundamental experience.
Strength as an ideal in and of itself leads to ruin, arrogance, and self destruction.
(You) are the reason Nietzsche isn't taken seriously.
Oddly enough the philosophers who came before Nietzsche were men of war, men of strength, men of action, world shakers, men of great feats, but the difference between them and the Superman is those greater men are heroic while the Superman is an idealized version of what a five year old thinks of themselves.

>fought in the numerous wars of the Greeks side by side with their brothers drenched in blood

>fell of a horse

>Marcus Aurelius
>fought back the most savage of men who stood a foot taller than the entire world, a race more beast than man. Then went on to pacify the Eastern World who brought to bear all the strength and majesty of civilization against him

>Jesus Christ
>willingly faced his fate knowing he would die, a man ready to contend with death head-on.
poisoning the well

Science is a Western Construct.
That's not postmodernism, that's objective Spenglerianism.

>yeah the population growth rates of rabbits is a "western concept"

I unironically think he was a very lonely man who needed to get laid and fell short himself of his own ideal version of the Ubermensch. I think he is famous for being an anti-moralist and challenging the chruch which made him edgy during his time.

He's edgy and that's hip.
Stop. Psychologisms are not a valid form of argumentation. They're for 15 year olds.

A better way of phrasing this is that he proved that these philosophers are expressing their Being through their thinking, masquerading their passions, flaws, fascinations, in short everything that individuates them, in the form of abstract argumentation. This was a major shift in history of Western ontology, a complete shattering of Platonism.

>Why is he worshipped so much

He is fun to read

1 + 1 = 2 presupposes its own axioms in order to prove them. It's circular logic, hence why it's so goddamn obvious. Epistemological foundationalism simply assumes that this is somehow correct based on faith, while coherentism shows that it is an analytically circular statement like all logical systems.

if anyone's here,
He was right about the problem, that "God is dead" thing. Christian God is dead with individualism, there's no ethics in that, but there is one thing going on in every relation between people, it's the Will to power.
But on the other hand, his sollution, übermensch leads to schizophrenia. He, in that frame of mind, represents his "I", "you" and/or "him". He caused his mental illness with that.

>Why is he worshipped so much
He's probably in the top 10 most famous philosophers and along with Plato he's one of the few from the list where people actually like reading the primary sources (at least in translation). Both are considered poets as well as philosophers.

>what necessarily makes the Übermensch so special and above others
He is special by definition, he is the "Over human". Ideals/goals for humanity existed long before the Overman, it's just that Nietzsche's conception of that goal opposes the ascetic conceptions that are favoured by most world-religions and humanism. If most goals for humanity were ascetic, then Nietzsche's goal is aristocratic. I guess you could think of it as a tribute to Machiavelli's advice to princes. Nietzsche is giving humanity an amoral goal.

>and is there anything you dislike about his ideologies?
That so many retards feel compelled to discuss him without reading all his books first. This thread is complete garbage except for this post.

>Why is he worshipped so much
>Dude like you are like unique lmao
Postmodernits just suck his dick to build up their ridiculous theories that being a pedophile tranny that wants to transmit AIDs to 13 year old kids is ok as morality is a social construct and crazyness is just a form of uniqueness

How? He just said stuff without justifying it.He is more of a prophet than a philosopher

>What's pragmatic epistemology
It's true becuase it works in reality.

Your post is-
>He's just got an ideal! what a FAGGOT!
>I love Plato and Aristotle! Great ideals.
>His ideology is completely incoherent
>He values strength of mind and writes in poetic aphorisms
>Valuing strength is such faggotry
>He was a fag because he isn't as strong as these other philosophers
Wow. Much intellllikence my dude.
Did you even read all his speculation where he concluded that his ideals were impossible, because they represented an effectively unreachable goal that could be pursued?
The overman IS an ideal.
>"The overman shall be the meaning of the earth"
>We wuz overmen n' sheit
>We must secure the existence of our reccurance and a future for overchildren
10/10 reading of nietzche, got the point very much desu

>I think
Aren't those all indisputable facts?
The woman he liked ran away, he claimed to be very lonely, he claimed nobody alive could meet his ideal.
>I think he is famous for
That he is an antimoralist who was edgy for challenging the church? You suspect this?
How many fucking times does he have to literally state "I am an ammoralist and church can suck my dick" before a few people say "He might've been an ammoralist who doesn't like the church"
You aren't wrong, that isn't my issue, these are very simple objective biographic facts, why the subjective tone?
>I think this Napoleon guy might've been an effective general
>I have a strong suspicion that the concept of "aristocracy" comes from the ideas of aristotle
>What if James Madison was the guy behind the bill of rights all along? I heard he values personal freedom
>Personally, Joseph Stalin, probably, caused some people to starve.

One Thing about Nietzsche

He hugged a diying horse on the street and got psychological institutioned, talk about the übermensch