What Veeky Forums thinks chad is:

What Veeky Forums thinks chad is:
>ultra buff dude
>lifeguards or other job to show off physique
>gets all the girls
>successful in every facet of life

Who these "chads" actually are
>people with low GPAs who have compensated with ultra athletic bodies (some play a sport or have good reasons but most are compensating like Veeky Forums is)
>bad career, makes 40k max, takes orders from fat ugly people all day
>gets trashy bottom tier girls on tinder who are hot but have attained equal levels of mediocrity in their material life

Who chad actually is:
>lives in a world city
>speaks several languages
>has managerial office job, 80k minimum + benefits
>tasteful car like a BMW, travels a lot
>works out to maintain health not necessarily buff
>gets more out of life in a month than "chads" and Veeky Forumscels do in a year

Also true chad gets access to the well-bred rich girls who come from high IQ well placed families.


>>tasteful car like a BMW
good bait. Stopped reading there.

>Veeky Forumscels projecting and in denial

>Invents new definition of Chad

Chad already has a definition retard.

"Chads" are people who know how to hustle, and are able to make the best out of what they have.

You're placing arbitrary metrics on the word, literally all it takes to become a chad is having the drive to lift and achieve your goals. If you don't give a shit about speaking several languages, why would you force yourself into doing so? if you're happy living in a small town should you be considered a non chad simply because you aren't in a world city? Who the fuck thinks a bmw is a tasteful car and why the fuck would anyone who is making 80k drive one? thats autistic

I do agree with getting more out of life than "chads" and fitcels though. I've had moments in my life where I've had almost nothing to my name, yet now I approach every day with a positive mindset and am so much more thankful for the friends that I have gained because of it.

damn just looking at that pic makes me feel sorry for him. looks like his last meal before he blows his brains out to get back at his ex

>poorfag thinking a BMW is a 'tasteful car'

>implying Chad would ever degrade himself to an office worker

It's just a meme bro.

Try $100k

what managerial jobs actually are
>suckered into salary job so forced to work 80+ hour weeks
>literally have no life outside of work simply because you are never away from work, thanks smart phones
>pile up money but only because you never have time to spend it and have no one to spend it on
>have no personality or hobbies other than work so buy the shit magazines tell you well off people are supposed to dump their money on like expensive cars, watches, and cloths even though you have no personal interest in any of it, basically patrick bateman mode but without the body and sex
>end up buying retarded and expensive shit off of the infomercials you watch to try to justify your life and work to yourself for the 30 minutes youre home before you go to sleep for four hours to wake up and start it all over again

> lives in a "world city"
> makes 80k a year

that's enough for maybe a studio apartment in a shitty part of town. OP is utterly clueless but that's the most glaring proof.

Have fun in ur BMW, faggot, while I fuck ur daughter in my toyota

>dares appropriate PSL lingo
>still believes in the money cope
Moneymaxxing = cuckmaxxing

user, pls. It hurts to read this

>tasteful car like a BMW
Kys seriously cringe faggot


pleb tier taste. tesla model s is the new chad car.


I've been seeing a lot of Maserati sedans rolling around in South Florida.

If I were going to shell out for a Maserati, I sure as should wouldn't be buying a 4-door sedan.

They're so fucking sexy. I love the tesla logo too. I would fuck a tesla chad asap

Ps I'm a str8 guy

>tasteful car like BMW
BMW is shit
Audi is shit
European is shit
American is shit
Buy Japanese

t. Mechanic


Buy Japanese if you want a car that's going to have electrical issues every year.
Buy American if you want a car that's going to have minor mechanical issues every year.
Buy European if you want expensive mechanical issues every year.
Buy Hyundai because they're made in Mexico.

Pick you fucking poison, rice burning faggot, while I stick to my 94 K1500 with an LT1 that's never had anything more than brake issues.

t. mechanic