How do I into Peter Steele
How do I into Peter Steele
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Start by not being a manlet
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Best chance would be finding him in a club and getting him wasted
>"Hey Peter Stelle!
>Can I bugger you up the choco starfirsh?"
And he'll probably go
>"Sure you little dyel punce.
>Spit on it and inject me with your faggy autism"
October Rust > World Coming Down > Dead Again > Slow, Deep, and Hard > Bloody Kisses > Life is Killing Me
Fitness? Be tall as fuck, work out, abuse drugs, get STDs.
I miss Pete :(
>I miss Pete :(
Amen, brother.
That is the correct order
SD&H is so far removed from the rest of TON's discography, imo. It still sounds basically like Carnivore but thematically it's headed in the direction of TON. It's one of the few albums I can enjoy at literally any time and place, a complete masterpiece.
Chest and biceps 2x/week.
I fuckin love october rust, been listening to it for the past month while lifting
>best workout songs?
Do softcore porn, pose nude
That is more appriciated by guys that girls, which made him so sad and cofused
I started with slow deep and hard because of scaruffi
did I get memed on? fantastic album btw
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I can't figure out, was he actually content or annoyed with the fact that he was a kind of a sex symbol
This is the ideal male body. You might not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.