Breath in,breathe out

>Breath in,breathe out
Why is meditation so hyped?
What are the benefits, if any, on a fitness level?

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google it you lazy fucking troll

>What are the benefits, if any

None, except you "feel" better. It's no different than cold showers or nofap or whatever other bullshit circulates among the betas.


It's literally as simple as googling "meta-analysis *topic*".

Yes I can,I just wanted Veeky Forums's point of view, you can always surprise me


>reduces blood pressure
>speeds recovery by clearing waste products from the blood

what is meta analysis?

>speeds recovery by clearing waste products from the blood

Oh, brother.

I'm guessing its like any kinda of activity where you focus on something completely. You get lost in the process and forget your daily bullshit. Same thing as lifting, or shooting a gun.

For what its worth Bikram, of Bikram Yoga, doesn't believe in it. That's a top yoga guy who doesn't do it. But he's a wacky fellow.

Deep breathing circulates more oxygen. Oxygen removes acidic build up on muscles allowing them to heal faster.

If you're after something non-scientific then you're in luck.

Meditating is a good way of releasing the tension you carry with you all day. Imagine getting a massage but not as good. It's not just breathing, it's consciously relaxing and letting your mind quiet down. Taking a little time out from reading, TV and browsing the internet on your phone to just chill out.

Highly recommend it if you can't get to sleep very easily. I only struggle when I've got something very, very pressing on the day after, eg. End of semester exams.

That was a wholesome and interesting responce, unlike those cunts:

>What are the benefits, if any, on a fitness level?
this has reasons to meditate , its a good vid .

When you focus on the motion of breathing in and out, you learn to be more in the moment. Being in the moment is the same as stilling your mind. You become more aware of your surroundings and yourself when in the moment.

You know those moments when you're gaming, working out, or doing any task that takes all your focus? When it's just you and the task at hand. You know how that same focus brings about a peace regardless of the task you're doing? Imagine being in that state of mind all day. That state of awareness and peace.

That is the beginning of how meditation can help you.

Other benefits would be becoming aware of your emotional state at all the times. When you learn this, you begin to learn what triggers changes in emotional states. Or what you allow to change your emotional state. When you're aware, instead of letting it take over, you begin to choose what you allow to depress or anger you.

With awareness, comes control, but not control in the way you think. I am having difficulty describing it at this moment as I just woke up. But honestly, just practice it and you will see the benefits. What do you have to lose when you're just focusing on your breathe 10mins a day?

Also, if you're gonna do it, the best way to start is just sit with your eyes closed in a comfortable position (you do not need some lotus posture, indian style will do) and breathe. During that breathing, focus on the in and out of the breathe. If other thoughts come in, let them, be aware of the thoughts, give the thoughts attention then once you have become aware that you're drifting into the thought, bring your focus back to your breathing.

Start slow. 5-10mins and just increase the meditation time over time.

Look up "Wim Hof".

I'm reading this atm

I like it, although it's lengthy. At some point he even says that meditation is a lot like lifting in that there is progressive overload. The point is not upping your 1RM but increasing your understanding of how the mind works and being able to use your mind better, to increase focus, mental clarity, calmness, seeing the difference between sensations and their interpretations, being aware of the content of your stream of consciousness and gaining better control of that content.

While I think meditation will be beneficial for most endeavors including lifting, my experience is that after lifting I have a hard time sitting still and beind focused, it just makes you doozy.

your loss bud, breathing also does this, guess what, its breathing

>I'm reading this atm

Not OP but thanks for the link, have put it on my list and will buy and read.

You unlock your Mystic Form - Your true potential.

The days I meditate I feel like I know what I'm doing, that I'm in charge. The days I don't I end up getting the feel that I am in auto-pilot, life is more dull and boring/predictable.

Basically it alters your state of mind. With enough practice some time you will stumble upon a different state of consciousness in which you have shut down the nagging voices in the inside of your mind and it'll get quite peaceful for a couple days. I never had the consistency to meditate every day for long periods of time but I am acquainted with its effects on perception in the short run and I have gotten a glimpse of the neurological stuff working behind the scenes due to some books on psychology and neurology that I've read that talked about stuff I could relate to from my experiences meditating.

It's legit but most people won't know what they are doing or believe it's more complicated than it actually is. The act of sitting (how, etc) or so isn't all that important, what is important is what is happening to you internally, the mental effort that you put in. You must be able to concentrate in your body and the present moment hard enough to stop thinking verbally and keep yourself as long as your can in that state of mind. Eventually, with effort, that becomes your default state of mind, thoughts only appear when you need to instead of randomly and without request.

It's pretty much a mental exercise whose point is to grant you control over your thoughts, instead of you being controlled by them. To "shut down the background noise", in some sense.

I hope that was helpful.

Also forgot to mention you will have far greater control of your emotions, impulses and etc., but that's just some of the myriad of positive effects it has.

>Breathe in
>Breathe out
>Got a machine head
>it's better than the rest

How the fuck does sitting around concentrating clean your blood?

Awesome post. Thank you

Fantastic post user.

I'm new to meditation.

Should I just focus on my breath. Also my mind wanders a lot, any tips for this?


I used to concentrate on gentle and slow breath as a way to stop mind wandering. I think what matters most is proper mindset and training.

Currently I just say to myself thath "I'll start meditate NOW" as form of ritual.

When mind starts to wander I gently "push away" thoughts. This also requires training.

Also even very short meditation can be good,
but with meditation longer than a few minutes I strongly recommend using meditation timer. It helps with anxiety over spending too much time and helps with settled meditation goal.

As a begginer don`t set too big goals, it may be hard. Start with very short meditations, then with 3-5 minute long with a timer.

I've been practicing for about 6 months. I can't say it has any direct effect on physical fitness, but it does help me live my life with more intentionality - which, among many other benefits, aids me in maintaining my exercise and diet regimens.

you might reach enlightenment
thats a pretty big fucking benefit

It won't solve every single problem under the sun and isn't the cure for every disease. But if you find you are anxious in general/about things it certainly does help.

thanks for the advice

If apps are your thing, I'd recommend the app 10% Happier. It's simple and informative, and proved to be the one resource that really helped the practice stick after several years of failing to integrate it into my life.

Breathing deep gets more oxygen to your blood which has tons of health benefits.

Meditation helps your stress which has a whole other slew of benefits.

>hears Frank Yang went to Vipassana and watch his videos on it
>get interessed and try submiting to it
>be honest in their questions and answer about trying suicide once
>they say they need some psychologist or psychiatrist saying im okay now so i can go
>go to my psychologist and tell her about it
>she says she doesn't want to sign anything because she doesn't like this kind of stuff
>no time to find another profissional
>even through she said im stable, i couldn't go to something i wanted for some time, because she didn't like it

After mediate , i frequently have these weird "feels"
> Who am i ( seriously i feel like i have been in auto-pilot mode my whole life ). I feel really strange when looking at the mirror.
> I think about people that i take for granted ( mom, dad , gramps ) .
> Realize how pointless everything i have been mindlessly follow until now ( game , drama , fame ,...)
> Realize that i always can end it all immediately with some pill . That I have the ultimate shut down button , then why should i scare playing the game ?

> Everybody is gonna dead

feel like a hardcore mmorpg addicted kid realized that play game is mean to be fun .

It's just good for your mental state. Helps you relax more and get over bad feels.
For beginners it can hep them keep up their routine, for others it'll be a great way to relax post workout

>You become more aware of your surroundings and yourself when in the moment.

I thought meditation was about becoming dull to your surroundings

If you meditate for that reason, sure. But if anything, you become more aware, not in the excitable sense though, but more in the sense that you recognize a rock for being a rock in all its existence. You don't pass any judgement, you respect that it's there and then you move on. With that awareness, you naturally, over time, begin to notice the slight changes around you, slight noises that's usually filtered out due to the barrage of thoughts that flood your mind.

So it's basically swapping out the the endless bullshit thoughts that do nothing for you; with whatever is happening around you right now. Hell, if anything, it's less energy consuming.

Dunno if you were trying to be funny or what, but please, my man, re-read what you type. I got the ideas, but it was starting to become a de-railed train trying to read what you typed.

>entire religions built around it with billions of people practicing it daily
>the same as nofap and a cold shower


Oh user...

its the opposite, read this

sometimes its important to just take a few moments to "recalibrate" yourself in a life where your brain is constantly flooded with information. its interesting at first to see how your brain just can't shut up

>tfw I believed this for years

that sucks but you can meditate at home or anywhere really
i like to post this magnet in meditation threads .
i highly recommend this but if it dosent feel right to you try a different way
namaste my frends

Underrated post.

Helps me sleep. If I meditate for 20 minutes before bed I'll be out like a light in less than 20 minutes or so. Normally takes me like an hour. The quality of sleep also seems better too.


Honestly, let it wander. You can't know what is frivolous stuff you can push aside until you can come face to face with it a few times.

be kind to yourself . dont get angry or frustrated that the mind wanders . just note that you strayed from the breath or whatever you were focusing on and return to the focus .

This is good advice. I got a German Shepard puppy recently which took me out of my morning routine, but I have been meditating the way you described while I'm in the sauna, and while I kayak.

so much reddit in here