Friendly reminder that Incline bench is all you need if going for chest aesthetics

Friendly reminder that Incline bench is all you need if going for chest aesthetics

Friendly reminder that incline dumbbell bench is superior

This is true
Incline DB press and seated machine flies are the GOAT for chest growth

How much do incline

rip in piss shoulders


Do memorizer first of being triangle

Friendly reminder that u are a fucking weak dyel and flat bench is better

only if you're a fucktard who thinks the bar should touch his clavicles

but you can do heavier weight on flat than you can on incline..

who said anything about strength? he said aesthetics, and flat bench is absolute shit tier for aesthetics you shitposting faggot

flat bench is only better for attaining a better bench, not for growing a big chest. At least not in comparison to incline movements, and lightweight flys

Recovering from a rotator cuff injury from basketball, so I've been avoiding OHP. Is incline bench hard on your rotators? I can do flat bench just fine with no pain, and dumbbell shoulder presses aren't bad either.

that really depends on the type of injury you have on your rotator cuff. I injured mine skiing and could OHP just fine but couldn't bench for a month

Okay, thanks. I guess I'll give it a shot with just the bar next time I'm there to see if I get any twinges.

yeah i bet you stop when ur arms are 90 degrees dumbass

>Cutting out ROM because you can't retract your fucking scapulae.

>who said anything about strength?

I lift to be better at boxing. I'll buy a flat bench then.

that doesn't appear to be a dude...u know 50% of this no....poor advice sorry

What do you mean by this?

Why seated? You can't change the angle?

I tried it for the first time the other day and it did feel good but why???

I do this. Am I gonna die ?

>dudes are 50% of this board

you need to do way instain equalizer first

>start incline barbelling heavy twice a week
>my bench shoots up
>currently incline pressing only 30lbs less than my bench

I feel weak because my flat is so close but they're both so high I don't care

>flat 295 for 4
>incline 265 for 4

It would be extremely painful.

Dudes are literally >99.5% of this board

>t. Dyels