Daily reminder Wing chun is the best parry and strike art you can ever learn. Combining wing chun with grapple combat and boxing makes for a deadly opponent.
Anyone who does not study wing chun should start now >good gor mental health >teaches you how to repel attacks using your core. >can passively block oncoming strikes without using any effort >force opponent to be open for very power palm jabs.
Combine this art with ji jitsu or kav and you are immortal on the street
Daily reminder it takes only a year to develop advanced form and sequence. Daily reminder you can kick 80% of the populations ass if study the art for about a year
Why are you not learning an art? Why are you not learning wing chun
Only 80 percent? Given that I'm a fit 6 foot male I can already beat a good 80 percent and more due to women, manlets, unfit people, etc. So if I'm studying 3 martial arts for a year it better be at least 95 percent lmao
Evan Lewis
Wing Chun can be especially dangerous when engaging larger targets. Goven your height, people can still out weigh you along with their reach. Wing chun roots your body to the ground while applyig the force of a mountain. Wing chun is especially useful for shorter people because their center of gravity ks easier to manage, making it easier for them to knock you down using their core and forearms. I say 80% because in the states many people can open carry a fire arm, its best to walk away
Henry Evans
Oh yea, well I was thinking unarmed combat where both sides are aware of the situation, or else martial arts aren't very useful imo.
Jason Lewis
You should take the initiative and learn the art. You will be surprises how strong you become. You will find out you have had massive power in placed you didnt expect (ie: being able to guide a punch with your wrist and letting your deltoid absorb the strike, this locka your opponent in an awkward postion and you can palm strike his jaw/nose or take hin to the ground for elbows as your blades will be naturally near his face during the take down.)
Here is a great example of someone effortlessly guiding attacks into pussy tickles.
Combing this knowledge with something like ji jitsu is very powerful
Joseph Cruz
Useful martial arts (in no particular order): >wing chun >savate >krav maga >Brazilian jiu-jitsu >other MMA training >various combat/tactical training >firearm training >sambo >amateur wrestling
Less-useful >kickboxing >boxing >judo
Garbage-tier >everything else
Benjamin Hill
Daily Reminder Wing Chun is garbage and slightly less effective in a fight than rhythmic gymnastics
Jackson Jones
Daily reminder you dont study any type of art
Isaiah Harris
Purple belt in BJJ, friendo
Jayden Evans
>he felt for the Wing Tsung meme. Dear g*d, most of them can't even deal with a low kick. OP watched one too many master wong video. To think those situations are to be expected... and not avoided If you're smart enough you dodge them miles away. Unless you're a bouncer; LEO or something similar (in case bjj, mt, or judo are far more efficient). Yeah, you're a faggot. I know, we're on Veeky Forums, but you are a special kind of faggot
Leo Campbell
Daily reminder not to practice bullshido. Why block when you could just dodge every strike thrown at you
>spends hours training >fantasizes how he gonna defeat highly skilled unarmed assailant >talks about "realistic" techniques Nobody cares. Nothing happens. The end.
Brayden Clark
This ain't reddit brah, never state you belt color. Never, even if it's red, like Hickson Gracie red.
Colton Flores
You guys are stupid. In a street fight you will win 9/10 if you have aby type pf training. Wing chun tsun teaches you fundamental parrys almost no other art teaches. The reason you WANT to parry instead of dodging is cuz it lets you take complete control of the situation, you have the targest arm in a position he cannot retrieve it from.
Posting mma fighters is retarded, theres always someone else using something to beat what ever. Like I said, COMBINING WING CHUNS PARRY STRIKE WITH A GRAPPLE STYLE IS VERY POWERFUL. Theres a reason why all of bruce lees fundmentals are purely wing chun and transition into boxing and grapple art. There is mo better base stance and form
Gabriel Martinez
>good gor mental health cant even spellcheck
Lincoln Anderson
Mobile posting eat a dick you dont even care
Cameron Perez
nice memes bro
Caleb Reyes
Why do people in martial arts threads always bring up street fights? Where do you inbreds love that street fights actually happen?
Gabriel Rodriguez
Wing Chun is an art designed to help you master yourself. Those who take this to mma will never reach the full potential of shaolin Kungfu. Theres a reason why you dont see shaolin monks competing in mma. These mother fuckers have ascended into a demi god level of power, slicing bricks with your palms and take direct spear hits to the neck and breaking the spear entirely.
If you study wing chun for a competitive purpose, you will never ever master it. This style of art is for mental and physical health, creating lighting brain and muscle reactions while finding yourself at complete peace during form.
This art is for truely spirtial people and if you want to actually hurt people with it you need to combine it with other stuff like boxing or muai.
Joshua Jackson
>Useful martial arts (in no particular order): >>wing chun >>savate >>krav maga
>Less-useful >>kickboxing >>boxing >>judo
Worst list ever.
Gabriel Gomez
Depends what you define useful for.
If you study martial arts to best people up you want stuff like judo and kick boxing. If you are spirtual and want to find complete serenity in your life you probably want to study something like wing chun.
ALL you niggers dont respect kung fu enough, this shit wasn't made solely for fighting
Jonathan Taylor
Bruce Lee was an actor with no documented wins in ANY combat sport. No one should care what Bruce Lee did.
Ryan Wilson
Your faggot. Do you compete in mma? Do you travel around to fight people all around the world? No?
You are dense and dont understand why people study this stuff, its best retards like you pretend they box.
Daniel Garcia
Lol do you also lift weights to win body building competitions? Lmao
Anthony Mitchell
Stop vomiting the kool aid you drank. WT is useless in MMA as it is in self defense. Random .webm about fighting.
Caleb Walker
If you study fighting for sports/competition, you will always have a set of rules that artificially limits you maximum effectiveness. So you are arguing about rules of an existing sport -- which has been scientifically been proved to be retarded.
If you are considering the possibility of getting into a serious fight you don't want, move out the fucking nigga ghetto you live in
If you study fighting because it makes you feel good about yourself, you are basically larping like the worst insecure beta faggot
Ian Jones
why learn all this ching chong fancy acrobatics when krav teaches you techniques based on your bodies natural reflexes? there's a reason most military and police forces use krav maga
Ayden Collins
Good goys, forget about all of that wing chan ching chan, if you don't focus on individual discipline we can finally bring collectivism!
Go take your cool grapple brawl fighting to a monastery and see how fun it is to have broken wrists. If you cant into spiritualism then its not for you, best retards stay away from this shit, no one likes a white boy destroying a cultrual meditation because hehe i can kick some but!
Nathaniel Perry
Why is wing chun more spiritual than any other martial art?
Oh right because its not, anything can be spiritual if you make it spiritual
Leo Ross
good luck finding a good place to learn wing chun in the US
Angel Russell
Krav is a waste of time if you don't have solid basics in another art.
Logan Murphy
every krav gym i know of teaches from boxing to basic mma
Liam Brooks
how will spiritualism help me win a fight? how will cultural meditation save me from getting my ass whooped?
Jack Nguyen
The training is substantially more difficult and takes decades to start mastering. Its something you never stop learning. Every master has another master. We talking real wing chun not some gay american style. Wing chun is shaolin kung fu, its a life style if you want to be a real deal
Austin Lewis
oh yeah forgot that one:spiritual growth through martial arts
Art has to do with reality. Calling this larp bullshit art is a joke. Guys who train fighting want to escape their beta fag reality Real artists seek out reality. You do the opposite. Martial anti-art
Nathan Ortiz
Dude, OP spefically states combining it with other combat styles. Im telling you, if you know how to parry, you will beat any normies ass, a real mma fighter and a real kung fu guy are never going to pick a fight
Ian Green
Kek, its all pretend larping guys. Anyone can do this learning mma :)
This is pretend. These guys in the video are nerds and neet. So lame right user? This isnt actual a life style its just larping! See!
Jason Morgan
If you're not already versed in MMA and/or boxing, judo etc..., you're wasting time and money. >how will spiritualism help me win a fight? In learning to identify and not to go in fights you cannot win (unscathed).
Blake Evans
>In learning to identify and not to go in fights you cannot win (unscathed). that's called common sense and I don't need to be into spiritualism when a person will knock me out
Jayden Sanders
Obviously its not something your interested in. Sooo why are you wasting time here?
Caleb Diaz
parrying isn't exclusive to wing chun and it has nothing to do with spiritualism
James Perry
you ran out of your arguments for your cult martial art?
Brandon Sullivan
No, its just not something your interested in, why would i sell this to someone who doesnt want to learn it?
Kayden Edwards
The Yoga of Martial Arts. Learn a real skill, nerd.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
>Communist try to destroy every monetary that teaches wing chun >hehe nice communist kungfu.
I know none of you shit posting actual practice an art otherwise you would be constructive. The only arguments offered here are "heh nice meme" and a mma webm. Dont you guys have sip threads to post in?
Gavin Brooks
Useful martial arts (in no particular order): >savate >Brazilian jiu-jitsu >other MMA training >sambo >amateur wrestling >kickboxing >boxing >judo
Less-useful >various combat/tactical training >firearm training (practically useless in Europe, maybe useful in the USA)
Garbage-tier >wing chun >krav maga
David Rogers
>T. Someone who watches mexican wrestling
Ian Parker
because last time i went to wing chun i knocked out a guy in sparring with a right cross, and i suck at punching, since i mostly trained kyokushin. It's a bullshit martial art that belongs in ancient china (which was 100 years ago in chinese years, since the chinese are 1000 years behind europeans).
Also go suck a dick for this troll post I know you don't even train wc
Levi Bell
I'm trying to warn people that are interested
Owen Diaz
Yes, user, anyone can. Shaolin is fucking brand name like Tesla. The problem with eastern mystics is that no one ever talks back to them, applies the scientific method etc... >Asia... so mysterious... laws if physics don't apply to them >cannot reproduce in controlled environment >doubt = racism Fuck off
I dont think they cry racism. Its like a religion that revolves around the invidiual. Im not sure if theres any monk who wouldnlet people do science with their kung fu. Maybe cause it feels like others are castig doubt on his ability, the monk knows he can do it (what ever" it" is) but we wll wanna know "how"! He explains "do it every day for 10 hours" and then we say nonono thats stupid, yet no one actual tries it. The training isnfucking crazy and if you join you commitnyour entire life to it. If you just got accepted into one of these temples you would likely be "brainwashed" over the years. You commit so much time and you keep seeing yourself do cool things, who knows man. If theres any scientific data to how thse guys do the shit they do i would really love to see it.
How doe these motherfuckers skice bricks with their god damn wrists and take spear impaling, it makes no god damn sense lol
Austin Cooper
>do you compete in mma? ...travel the world to fight? Bruce Lee didn't either >your faggot You+are = you're
Gavin Hill
Ok, so how does boxing not take years to fully grasp, not involve trainers or instructors (the western equivalent of master), and how is the training that boxers do not difficult?
Oh right, you don't have an answer for any of these, because you've been brainwashed to believe that eastern martial arts are naturally superior to western martial arts.
It will mostly get you hurt (or killed) in a violent altercation.
Hunter Wilson
Idk about that one man, iv been in a few fights, all ending far from death. Where do you boys live haha
Gabriel Perry
Testing to see if I'm b&
Ethan Hughes
A while back my mothers best friend started dating a guy that had been studying wing chung for over 6 years. Guy was a real asshole and decided it would be a good idea to come into the back room where me, my brother and a few of our friends, 3 of which were girls and start shit. He was telling our friends that if they didn't give him the parents phone numbers that he would call the police just to make sure they're allowed to be there (doesn't make much sense I know). Next thing I know he was all up in my older brothers face (14 at the time)never been in a fight) shouting and poking his chest. Long story short the guy got his ass handed to him by an untrained 14 year old. Wing chung is a fucking joke
Hunter Walker
Reminder that if your "martial art" isn't used in MMA or street fights then you might as well kill yourself for wasting your time on useless dance moves.
Christian Johnson
your mom dated an idiot who taught he was learning wing chun but was actually learning the American bastardized version taught by frauds capitalizing on the reputation of it and idiots who are willing to pay good goy bucks for it
Isaac Smith
All Wing Chun is trash, fuccboi. It isn't an effective form of unarmed combat.
Isaiah Howard
I said my mum's friend first off, also why do Americans assume everyone else they speak to is also American. I don't know where he train or what credentials his trainer had, all I know is that he trained for years, and left my house with a broken eye socket and 2 less teeth
Connor Hernandez
sounds like a cuck boy. Glad he got whooped.
The art itself is cool, id learn it cause it looks pretty fun. Its better to know many forms than 1. People could benefit from learning fundamentals in every type of fighting they can. Theres always a situation where something you learned can be applied! This stuff looks like it sharpens your reactions, you dont have to hit the way they do though.
Jaxon Morales
Wing tsun is pretty good, its like a grapple palm fighting. Im taking classes in usa. You learn how to fight people who grapple. You can fuck ppl on the way to the ground its pretty cool.
Bentley Roberts
Your instructor would probably get fucked up by a 10th grade high school wrestler imho.
Connor Howard
Don't get me wrong, wing tsun is a great martial art choice for anyone, as long as the have the ability to be 5 years old and adopted by a shoalin monestary where they will practice the art 5 hours a day for the rest of their lives.
For everyone else, boxing and mma are gonna be the bread and butter. These take great amounts of strength, discipline, and technique. I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be butthurt because a new martial art made up of everything useful from other martial arts is better than one made thousands of years ago in a secluded temple.
If you are really adventurous muay thai, krav maga, or jiu jitsu.
Josiah Hall
no you would :)
Blake Jones
Yeah I agree, though there is something ugly about mma but maybe its because i cant recognize all the different styles when they are executed at once.
i like this, hes practical and makes sense. Watch this video.
Chase Johnson
There's a wing chun school near me where the trainer was taught by ip mans son. Would be interested in seeing if its bullshit or not.
Hudson Morgan
good vid. If you practice wing chun you should probably box other wise youll get ass whooped, most wing chun fighters are not initiated in violent close up fights, their teachers dont let them hit so they never learn.
Jace Edwards
>judo >less useful get out of here you fat fuck
Luis Bailey
I learned wing chun for like 4 months, this guy is absolutely right when he says the teacher takes away the fight from the students. I never got forward momentum in our sparing matches he never let me strike and he never strikes back.
If you learn this shit you better find a teach who isnt a faggot tradition worship idiot, If you want to apply this type of fighting irl, you need to find someone who teaches a very aggressive chisau. Your not going to hurt anyone unless you put up tons of aggression and forward attacks.
Jonathan Robinson
>No true scottman. WT is a joke as ma.
Luke Martin
If you "practice" Wing Chun you should definitely take up boxing and then never return to Wing Chun.
Oliver James
I always see people who use WT never go for a brutal attack. Is it just the way they train to stay back and not engage? Its always like this, look at every single mma fight with a WT fighter.
nah you have to find the right guy to teach you, there is a guy i know who learns it. When we box (just for fun) he can throw me off balance pretty quickly. He mostly sticks to the boxing but I can feel his WT slip out once in a while, sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't.