Training Masks

Redpill me on training masks.

Seems kinda stupid to restrict your own oxygen supply during a workout, but some people say they're effective:

must get high as a kite

>Seems kinda stupid
For you


It would be extremely painful to remove them

Saw someone using this at the gym friday afternoon. I didn't realize this was a thing, and neither did anyone else staring at him.

Not caring what others think is one thing, actively trying to stand out to show it off it is another...

The only time I've seen someone use one was when I went to the gym at like 2am once and there was some baboon nigger wearing one of these SCREAMING jibberish to himself at the top of his fucking lungs, acting weird af. It legit kind of creeped me TF out.

Well, congratulations, you're breathing through a straw. Now what's the next step in your master plan?

It's a retarded gimmick to make autists feel superior to their peers. You know that 40 years old dyel who's been going to the gym for half of his life and is still benching less than 2pl8 and does it keeping his legs in the air because otherwise it's "cheating"? Same faggots

The only thing these things might be effective at is building mental toughness. They provide none of the benefits of training at high altitude.

If I pull that off would you suck me off?

Crashing these gains...

>benching less than 2pl8 and does it keeping his legs in the air
fucking never understood logic behind it. The first principle of lifting weight is to do it on a stable ground.

A few cross-fitters have gotten collapsed lungs from wearing I guess that's as good a commendation as any.

Is that a warning against wearing the masks or doing crossfit?

Only worth using if you're going up against paleolithic superhumans.

Now you too can pretend to be fucking sub zero while you do squats balancing on medicine balls

Absolutely retarded, just go to a gym at a higher altitude if that is what you want to do.



I saw one recently as well

If you like to barely breathe go for it.

pretty gay caption. have you even seen he movie? sounds like your'e *literally* meme spouting.

my only guess is its ironic? i hope

this might come as a surprise to you but most of the people here aren't just pretending to be autistic, they actually legitimately are

No one cared who he was until he put on the mask

>sounds like your'e *literally* meme spouting
Yeah no fucking shit

Fucking kek

It's a meme to squeeze the money out of suckers. It's "supposed" to simulate the effects of training at altitude to get your body to produce more red blood cells. The issue is that it takes several months or longer for your body to do this, not wearing it for an hour while you flip a tire.

On top of that, it doesn't restrict oxygen as much as it just restricts your air intake and can lead to the normal issues that come with asphyxiation.

I already have asthma, I don't see the kick of difficulty breathing


For you.

Wasn't this guy was it?