I'm finished

I'm finished

some info: 21y, super virgin, basically little to no experience with women, look fit for normies, don't like showing feelings or telling problems to family, low social skills, feel very confident until i have to socialize, low self-esteem, shy

> go to bar with brother and his wife
> go near dance floor and chat with brah while his wife dances drunk as fuck
> some fat girl bumbs into me twice
> says that "speak some language to my friend"
> look at her friend who is shyly smiling at me behind the fat girl and get a fucking heart attack after witnessing absolutely imo 9.9/10 beauty,
so little make up but still absolute goddess
> act cool but i can feel how my brother is monitoring my autism and get even more freaked out
> tell fat girl that i don't understand what she is asking like 4 times until they leave frustrated
> brother asks what was that and tell him while still acting cool that they were just some random wasted chicks

now i wish that i would have told the fat girl that i'm shy and her friends beauty makes me nervous

pro tips to get better social skills
inb4: socialize

Other urls found in this thread:


u dont deserve a good life. was going to ask if u grew up with two moms but a dyke may have been able to slap some manliness into you for christ sakes

Not by telling the fat girl your autism. You dumb fucks need to learn to display higher social ranking.

You need to ground yourself, my friend.
You're all over the place because you don't have a foundation.
Ever try meditating?

I know that feel brah. I usually avoid opportunities in fear of exposing my social ineptness.

I've had girls go as far as to put their own number in my phone then get mad when I don't hit them up. I wish I could be more open and carefree but I'm too self conscious

This has nothing to do with fitness to the fuck back to r9k

1. drink a little more and lose some inhibitions

2. grow up and experience and fail at the same thing (social situation) over and over again t\'til you're good at it

and i forget what it's called when you think you have people watching you all the time and it makes you nervous, but everybody around you is more concerned with themselves then they are with you so just chill

Faggots you have to master your male sexual energy and fuck the feminine energy inside of you and everyone else. Simple as that.
And stop saying you're this or that. You ain't shit till the fat lady sings. Too much shit in your head.

You all need to take notes from the best cuntry in the world on how to act

alright thanks guys, i will do my best when i start university in autumn, i hope that it is the magic pill i need.

>Faggots you have to master your male sexual energy and fuck the feminine energy inside of you and everyone else. Simple as that.

There may yet be hope. I don't know how bad your skills really are, but start small, it will get easier. And go to the fucking parties!

The conscious mind is male energy and the subconscious is female energy.
Your body reacts to your subconscious primarily so if you were raised bitchmade then you will tend to act bitchmade for the rest of your life.
Luckily your conscious mind can eventually imprint some things into your subconscious, but you have to train it every day for a long time.
When you make changes to your subconscious, it's like your male energy (the conscious) is fucking your female energy ( the subconscious) and it will translate into results in your body.

I hope that got through, but this video will elaborate on everything I posted.


>we all know that feel
You know what they say user, nothing builds confidence better than accomplishment. Got any other hobbies?

I play Yugioh and work out.

man I really do not know whether I could trust that guy. a lot of what he says rings true but he comes across as a cult leader promising me a magic solution.

Don't trust his solutions, just recognize that his prognosis of the situation is accurate and that you can come up with your own way of consciously affecting your subconscious.
I didn't mean to shill his products to you.

>the (((devil))) promoting immigration and multiculturalism
white australia policy when?

>The conscious mind is male energy and the subconscious is female energy.
>Your body reacts to your subconscious primarily so if you were raised bitchmade then you will tend to act bitchmade for the rest of your life.
>Luckily your conscious mind can eventually imprint some things into your subconscious, but you have to train it every day for a long time.
>When you make changes to your subconscious, it's like your male energy (the conscious) is fucking your female energy ( the subconscious) and it will translate into results in your body.

Wow nice argument I am now #MentallyHill.

Op stuff like this is unavoidable when you're trying to take control and finally get women into your life. Don't let it get you down or give up. Keep trying, trust me it sucks at first but eventually you will success. Then those bad moments will be learning lessons or funny stories.

get in touch with your emotions and learn to express it. Sure socializing with others will help you vibe with them and make you feel more comfortable but if you want true deep human connections, you have to get in touch with yourself first. Everything starts with you. Want people to respect you? Respect yourself. Want girls to admire you? Admire yourself. Want girls to be comfortable in their sexuality with you? Be comfortable with your own sexuality.

It's a lifelong process, not a destination. Even the most suave, "alpha" mother fucker in this world still struggles from time to time with the above just as how the most fittest man on earth still struggles with eating and training at times, just less than others. Keep at it and it will be easier. I promise.

wtf is with all the beta fucks on this forum? Look, I'm a fat girl. I'm working on it, should hit my goal weight in 2 years at this rate. But, even as is, my confidence level seems to crush like 90% of the people in Veeky Forums

I just don't understand, is all.

An easier way of saying this is that male energy is active and female energy is passive. Which I believe is true for humans. Males become the happiest, IMO, when they are ACTIVELY choosing their life, choices, and destiny. Females become the happiest when they follow a man or a leader in general to guide them. Might sound sexist but just my observation.


I agree with that interpretation except that it's not sexist at all.
It's natural and it's important it be kept that way.


Of course you don't understand, women don't work for fuck all. You don't know what it's like to get rejected and fail even HALF as much as an average man has to deal with growing up.

>inb4 fat so yes you get rejected

Go fuck yourself cunt. You know it's true. No matter what, a girl has more inate social privileges growing up than a boy. Eg. Less punishment, emotional coddling, compliments on apperance and behaviour, stronger bonds with peers due to emotionally open social norms, the list goes on and on and on.

Boys, and men have to deal with A LOT more than society likes to admit. Hell, men don't talk about it because it's frowned upon. Uh oh, better not come off as a little bitch boi. Gotta BE A MAN.

Rethink your perspective ffs

Here a fucking perfect example of just how little pressure is put on women socially. OPs story. Did this 9.9/10 girl approach him? Fuck no. She even got her friend to initiate contact. What a joke. You have confidence do you? Step into a man's shoes. Try your hand at taking the lead in literally every aspect of your life. I have not once met a decisive woman. I've met plenty, however, who needs others approval (bonus points of its from men) to make any strong decisions.

>in 2 years
you're a big girl

Shoo shoo Newtown smashed avo satan.

You haven't actually encountered any women, have you? Hey, i know you're right about women. Most women take the easy route, more often than i wish. Makes it hard for decisive girls like myself to be taken seriously.

Do you have any idea how hard it is for a woman to take the lead in any given social interaction, especially if there's a man with them? Check your own fucking perspective for one microsecond. My only option in most cases is to blurt awkwardly/rudely into the exchange, which i ain't gonna do.

I sincerely don't think that having a penis swinging between my legs would affect my confidence. Sadly, i have no way to prove that.

Yeah, 6ft 279lbs. Goal is to be 180lbs but I'll probably keep going at that point, y'know?

Is this a joke? I've seen women "take the lead" plenty of times. They may not do it as boldly as men, but they still do it. It's only awkward because you're making it awkward.

why do you think ppl drink so much? its to avoid feeling like a loser in front of the opposite sex

For you

that guy is definitely selling some shit but it makes sense to repeat things with your conscious mind until your subconscious accepts it as a given and you are predisposed to that behavior

>you haven't met any women
>you're right

Lol okay, what...

I've met plenty, I've had LTRs with plenty, and I've had sex with plenty. Enough to know exactly what kind of girl you are when you say you're awkward about taking the lead. You're just socially retarded about it, you need more practice. Don't blame it on men. A lot of men (note, not all) are pleased to meet a woman who isn't a vapid brain-dead carbon copy of the last girl they spoke with, and can think for themselves. Kudos for taking fitness seriously, and being independent, there's merit in that.

But you didn't actually address anything I mentioned? Or was that when you called me right about it? Point is, the experience a girl has and a boy has growing up is almost inconceivably different. So don't go making assumptions about what kind of confidence you'd have as a man, or putting these guys down for "having less than you would". It's ignorant af tbqh.

It's a privilege to even have an 'easy route' to take. Boys/men don't have that luxury. Unless they're filthy rich, every man has to carve out his one space, and establish himself in a very volotile social climate, from ground zero, with no handouts.


Read this and do all the exercises daily

Fat girl deserved some love

You the one that said "I've never once met a decisive woman"? If so, i stand by my assertion that you've never actually encountered a woman. You're other point was right, tho. I stand by that too.

>met plenty, had LTRs, had sex with plenty

Holy shit, that's pretty annoying. Well done. Fixating on the "awkward" snippet, there. I can tell exactly what you think you have all figured out, and it's way off base.

That's my fault for trying to explain my perspective in a hurry. Let me reword that. When a solid 90% of social exchanges go down, my guy friend is the one that gets full attention/addressed right out the gate. I think that's just the way society goes, unfortunately. Now, i can bring the attention to me, but it ends up being so difficult, it's like pulling teeth. It's just not worth it. You can be the smoothest woman in the world and still come off weird in this situation, and that's the situation that we're put in almost all the time. Does that make more sense?

Also, side note, i don't give any shits about being awkward. I don't think that i ever am. Other people's opinions honestly do not matter enough to me. inb4 "then y u defending urself"

>was that when you called me right?
Yep yep yep. Women annoy the piss out of me most of the time, for all the reasons you mentioned. Women are put into this easy, baby soft place by society. And more often than not, women milk it for all it's worth. It's the truth. You simply don't seem to understand how difficult it is to break from that mould.

Also, fuck you. "It's so wildly different, your female brain couldn't even conceive of how hard it is for us penises" Are you for real bruh? Back at you, ya little shit. Don't make assumptions, you're ignorant.

I consider the "easy route" my vagina places me in to be a handicap. Unwelcome. I'm doing my tiny little part to change society. Trying to be the exception. Carve out my own space, you could say. But it's hard, man. It's real hard.