>supposed to lose my virginity to girlfriend last night >hard during cuddling >hard during kissing and rubbing >clothes start coming off >start thinking "omg its gonna happen" >"i HAVE to get hard now" >dick goes limp >i eat her out >dick is not only soft but it actually shrunk >she goes to give me succ >im watching fucking jackass on MTV >dick not reacting >gives me a look and asks whats wrong >tell her im nervous >she doesnt understand how i can be nervous around her she doesnt know im a virgin btw, told her i had sex, but that it was 3-4 years ago >tells me not to overthink things so much >we kind of joke around with the situation a bit >pull her in to start kissing and help myself >it starts working >she starts laughing and says "i cant do it now anymore" >tell her to give me 30 seconds and pull her back in >starts working >she starts laughing again and says she cant >whatever >go back to watching tv >doing the thousand mile stare contemplating suicide >both silent >she asks me whats wrong >tell her its nothing >asks me that 5 more times because i looked so serious >after 30 more min she has to go because its 5 am >walk her halfway home >asks me few more time if everything is okay >tell her yes >she gives me a big long hug >kisses me goodbye
how the fuck do i stop overthinking and overanalyzing every god damn fucking situation? Please help me out.
Nathaniel Roberts
This greentext made my dick cringe
Colton Edwards
I'm torn between genuinely trying to help you or just calling you a faggot.
Henry Johnson
This happened to me when I first attempted to lose my virginity except with one night stands. Kind of worse because there was no relationship, the WHOLE POINT was to fuck. Doesn't really matter though, it went away and since I then there's no problem with erections. Luckily you're in a relationship so you can just try again until it works. It will probably work next time or the time after.
If you get morning wood, then there's nothing wrong with you physically and it will just go away.
Benjamin Rodriguez
I should say, it happened to me TWICE with different girls as well.
Thomas Ross
you're all mental midgets
just think like tyron, gives no shits about the girl
Jayden King
You know what to do.
Kayden Bennett
Oh and what's more, both of them continued to contact me, and not for a relationship, they directly asked to have sex. The funny thing was the whole situation made me lose interest in them but didn't make them lose interest in me. I don't think girls care that much, not that it would really matter if they did.
>avoiding extra-marital sex
Pence would approve, my man. Even if it was unintentional.
Jonathan Peterson
Jace Miller
Its a natural reaction. Obviously your genes are so crippled that your body's natural reflex is to keep you from procreating.
Logan Torres
I've had this hapoen with every new girl during the first few fucks. It's just the nerves and atleast for me it is just the mental aspect. I think it can be traced back to insecurities in younger years.
Elijah Green
but i dont get morning wood anymore. Is this supposed to still be happening? I dont remember when was the last time i woke up with a boner.
Jordan Peterson
This happened to me five times to different girls before I lost my virginity. The solution is to not watch porn nor fap for at least a week before u think u have a chance, then you will be so horny that your anxiety won't even matter
Elijah Cooper
There might be a physical problem then. Maybe see your doctor. Especially if you used to get it and now you don't.
Obviously if you watch porn, stop that as well.
Angel Sullivan
Well, you could have opened up to her when she asked you to ease the tension and feel more comfortable around her. Yet you chose to stay silent like the underage faggot you are
Connor Kelly
quit porn, trust me
Evan Moore
this is a test issue
red blooded males don't get nervous, EVER
Cameron Collins
>>she gives me a big long hug >>kisses me goodbye HAHAHAHHA I know that pity hug OP, been there. so sorry for you. just break up now or she will do it when you least want it
Landon Ross
Zachary Sanchez
If you're Dick doesn't work, you're not a man.
Stop watching porn, and add the following to your diet: Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin B12.
Hudson Lewis
Next time try with a man
Evan Brown
>it's all about the dick yeah right, I bet you lift for women, I bet your whole life spins around making women happy and having children
Matthew Hernandez
U now have a legit reason to inject chinese bathtub chemicals into ur ass
Anthony Martin
Sad! When I'm nervous I still get hard but I can fuck her for like 1 hour because I cum harder when nervous
Ayden Jackson
This. On top of the hug she laughed in your face. It's over.
Tyler Murphy
Maybe you like men Fuck a twink
Ryan Foster
1. Be a man 2. Fuck her right in the pussy 3. ??? 4. Profit
Parker Hall
i cant envision that this could actually happen to someone in reality
if this is real and not a trollpost you probably have some kind of hormonal imbalance or are gay or shes ugly or something. i cant imagine not getting hard
tl;dr nigga u gay and retarded
John Sanchez
She sounds like a cunt anyway lad. >hahaha I can't anymore now
I mean, if she was a random hookup I would get it - but she is supposed to be your gf, right? Off to a bad start there.
Sebastian Morgan
OP here I just broke up with her. She kept asking what was wrong and I called her a fucking cunt. She then tells me my "dick doesn't work" and to fuck off. I'm so mad I threw my phone at the fucking wall. Fuck this. Fuck all of you.
Jeremiah Powell
Happily married and a dad. I lift to stay in shape for my work.
Don't assume things newfag.
Owen Richardson
so much this, don't be a fool OP.
Easton Myers
Michael Martinez
Happened to me few times ten years ago. The thing is once it's happened you'll overthink it the next time and it will defintely not happen. Try to avoid situations where you have planned that today it happens and today i have to succeed. The pressure will always win. If the situation comes naturally just go with the flow. How i did was that i got shitfaced and forgot all the pressure. One good thing is also not to fap for awhile to get extra horny. This way the first time will either be short or horrible but who the fuck cares. After the first all the pressure is hehind and it's just smooth sailing onwards. Don't worry you'll get enough chances to redeem yourselves now just get the first time of your chest. Protip girls dont give a fuck if you mess a up your first. If you start dwelling on that then you'll look like a looser. Laugh the fuck ups off and fuck her properly the next times. You'll manage eventually
Hudson Gomez
>Happily married and a dad just like I said. you work and lift because your woman would dump you if you don't. congratulations on the kid tho, now you have another meaning to live for
Michael Allen
communicate with your gf you retard
David Bell
Just calm the fuck down. Try again as soon as possible
Connor Perez
Lol fag
Christian Long
Happens to a ton of dudes. Its just preformance pressure. Talk to the girl, tell her your a newb, kill the tv, get the lights out, makeout with no huge prospect to fuck. Prolong the whole moment and boom. Enjoy a smoke.
Ian Cruz
she's the furthest thing from a cunt there is. Im a 21 yearold virgin and she's my first gf ever. A beautiful 19 yearold girl who could have any guy she wanted. Yet she chose me despite me revealing my power level and being open about the robotic lifestyle i used to lead. We went out on 5 dates before i TOLD HER that i want to kiss her. Took me 4 hours of mustering courage. And she found the whole thing cute. She tolerates my autism and knows im a retard when it comes to women, and still decides to stick by my side. how pathetic does your life have to be to pretend you're someone else on a serbian fidget spinner tricks board?
Xavier Hall
m8 if she tolerates you being a literal autist runt do you think she'll care that you had trouble getting it up ONCE? Just stop being such a fag about it. Your dick will work next time or the time after.
Xavier Gonzalez
send this unicorn to me pls
William Cooper
I had something similar due to weed, refractory period (already fapped that day) and anxiety.
You know what I did? I made that 8.5 suck my limp dick like her life depended on it. I directed her HOW to suck my dick until I got hard, then I fucked her for quite a long time but couldn't cum.
You guys think a limp dick is the fucking end of the world, but seriously, put yourself in her shoes for a second and think. She probably enjoys it even more if she makes your limp dick after some good sucking hard, she worked for it.
I couldn't cum, was close a few times but after a while it just wouldn't happen so we stopped having sex like after a half an hour. She was all insecure about it but it had really nothing to do with her.
Gabriel Gray
That sounds great at the beginning but make sure you actually seek improvement. If she's not encouraging you to become a better person and tolerating your autist behavior, she's not that great, and once she gets tired of being with you, she'll suffer and your relationship will end in a tragic way. Make sure her being with you doesn't perpetuate your autist-self. Good luck, I was in your shoes once and if I hadn't turned my life 360 degrees, I don't think we would still be together.
Nathan Cox
Had a lot of issues exactly like this. Stop watching porn and don't jack it for a few days beforehand. The science says it takes anywhere between 60-120 days to re-sensitize yourself after quitting porn but you'll probably be able to fugg her faster than that.
Let her know it's not her and say you've got some issues you need to deal with- be vague about it. If she's a decent girl and you're not a total faggot she'll stick with you through it.
Get her horny and start by just putting it in raw. Fuck her a bit then attempt the condom.
Samuel Barnes
well i dont, we laughed it off and shit, but when we would start grinding before and when she would try to rub me over my pants i still wouldnt get hard because i kept focusing on how im supposed to get hard at the moment. I wouldnt be that bummed if this was the first time this happened. Its just the first time she saw it happen. no, finders keepers she is encouraging me. I was on my way to self improvement 2 weeks before i met her. After i met her she was just an extra reason to keep going. In the physical sense i made huge progress. In the mental department i started making progress when me and her started dating. She made me loosen up and feel comfortable around her and she's always willing to help with anything. And im actively trying to better myself. im not assertive enough to flat out make her suck my dick.
Camden Nelson
Drugs and or alcohol. Not a lot of either. Just enough that you stop being a fag and loosen up. Once you're over the hump you'll be fucking like a real boy.
Henry Fisher
Well it happened to me twice, happened to another guy in this thread 5 times, another guy a few times. Went away for all of us.
She's not gonna leave you over it, so you know you have no reason to overthink it. So don't.
Daniel Ramirez
She will find out you're a virgin when u start fucking her btw, because u will not know wtf to do
Owen Sanders
>im not assertive enough to flat out make her suck my dick. Assuming she is sitting next to you:
>grab her hand on the far side >pull her so that her upper body is over you >grab the back of her head and lead it towards your dick
She'll know what to do.
Evan Brooks
should've told her to gtfo the minute she started laughing
what the fuck
Cameron Smith
t. insecure beta males
If you can't see why it's funny you're a sensitive little fag tumlbrina
Caleb Adams
>she is so good to me because she doesn't hate me and gives me attention
Incredible. You are setting yourself up for huge failure with that attitude.
But yeah, maybe she is actually a nice girl and you just suck at describing situations. But when you want to have sex for the first time with a romantic partner and he laughs at you for not getting it up and tells you she can't take you serious anymore now, then there is something wrong.
Aaron Brooks
If you can't tell the difference between sharing a laugh about it and her rejecting his further sexual advances by implying that she can't take him serious anymore, then you are just a fucking socially retarded teenager.
Hudson Moore
People get weird about sex. Are you saying it's weirder for her to find this guy jerking his flaccid 3-incher funny than it is weird for him to not be able to get hard for a girl he likes and then get pissy about it? They're both weird things to do, but both normal reactions to sexual nerves. You are just so neurotic that you can't imagine how awkward and self-conscious she felt about the situation, and why she might react by laughing.
Classic beta who thinks he is the only one with social problems and everyone else is just out to get him.
Jack Howard
happened to me for two years straight, with the same girl, had sex barely once once you fuck up, the fear never leaves
Easton Hill
>a serbian fidget spinner tricks board best one i've seen so far
Owen Harris
No, it's not weird. Any adult person can understand the situation naturally and will understand what is going on.
If you think "hahah I can't anymore now" is an appropriate reaction then you are just a shitty person.
And the fact that you use terms like "beta" always gives away that you are fucking teenager.
David White
Spotted the pimply teenager
Nathan Lopez
god forbid any woman changes their mind about having sex with a guy.
Justin Ramirez
I didn't say it was appropriate but it is understandable. She made a mistake but it IS a normal reaction to self-consciousness about the guy you like not getting hard for you. He made a mistake by pulling a tantrum about instead of laughing it off. Both are understandable.
I used beta because I am on Veeky Forums. And also because you clearly can't see things from a female perspective and choose to play the victim. Which is classic insecure, neurotic, beta attitude.
Luke Wright
Stop stressing so much about having sex for the first time. Think about blasting that pussy full of your cum and have fun.
Isaac Johnson
Oh, and you can also try to stop masturbating. After probably a week of no masturbation, your need to cum will outweigh your anxiety.
Evan Taylor
happens to literally everyone at least once in life. Especially the first few times. just tell her to hav epatience and have a sense of humor about the whole thing. No more 1000 yard stares and being a little passive aggressive bitch "NOTHINGS WRONG MOM GAWWD"
no one wants to date some guy who turns into a little whiny depressed asshat the second some minor thing doesnt go his way
work on your mental toughness. a lost boner isn't the end of the world because a girlfriend who leaves from a little nervous dick syndrome ain't worth it anyways.
Isaiah Cook
If it actually did make her self-concious about herself then yes, absolutely understandable. From what OP described that is not the case at all. You'd think that if it upset her and made her self-concious he would mention it.
>inbe4 "maybe he didnt notice" Even the biggest turbo autists would notice it in that situation.
Jacob Richardson
Teenage girls are generally very insecure.
Also he is a self-professed turbo autist.
Angel Gomez
Right, but i am still more leaning towards the side that he is the "underdog" in this "relationship" and that he is the one who should take care of himself. Hence my remark to his situation.
But yes, you are right at pointing out that it COULD be her being insecure as well and that they are actually at eye level.
Camden Russell
"I don't think girls care that much, not that it would really matter if they did."
Being this delusional
Isaiah Ward
Stop prentending to be me you fucking virgin.
Aiden Diaz
ok correction: girls don't care that much if you're attractive
Didn't mean to offend the facelets.
Jaxson Parker
Give her to me, And my dick will satisfy her wet pussy.
Matthew Perez
OP here. Just to mention that i did not make a tantrum about it. I told her its because im thinking too much and am nervous and i laughed it off. She's the one that started asking me whats wrong as if she's expecting me to say something. I told her everything is fine several times and asked her what she thinks could be wrong. She said "i dont know" and i told her that even if something was wrong it would have nothing to do with her, but with me because im the one thinking too much.
Hunter Lopez
Why not try being the bottom and letting her peg you? It's the only thing you can do with that clitty of yours.
Owen Nelson
user, you need to open up with her and just admit to her that you're a nervous wreck of a man. Honestly if she's a good gf she'll be understanding and work you through it. When I lost my virginity I was insanely nervous and couldn't get it up. I was so fucking embarrassed, but you know what, the following week I ripped that pussy apart,
You can do it user, but you need to open up to her,
Michael Ward
>but user, why should I open up to her?
Cause she'll find it attractive that you can open up to her. Bitches love a man who can emotional with em.
Don't listen to the haters calling you a gay. You might be a faggot, but that doesn't mean you don't love vagina! They're just mad jelly that a girl kissed and hugged you. Fuck even I am, I haven't gotten laid in 2 years now senpai
Nathan Russell
It's okay, OP, this happened with my ex-girlfriend twice and once when she tried blowing me when we first started dating. I was nervous, and she was my first so she was completely understanding. We had never really talked about it, and she thought I wasn't a virgin (I was only 19). She assumed I wasn't a virgin because I was so "hot." Hell, I just had my first kiss two weeks before meeting her. It caught me off guard when we started, and I wasn't ready at the time. Either take a shot or two of alcohol or ease into it. You'll be okay.
Carson Evans
This is purely anxiety. Remeber it goes both ways, anxiety on the fems side makes the puss tighter so theres always that to look out for. Anyway like a few anons suggested a little bit of alcohol will help you relax. It's important you feel comfortable.
I've had this happen before from too much booze buts that it, What I've discovered is that with so many different mind sets + mental states + woman you can find a large number of combinations of sexual performance. Of course the best is hands down to fuck like a champ for an hour without coming. I'm an alcoholic so I've experienced a wide range of drunken states when it comes to sex.
Also you failed hard at the interaction with your gf. I don't think there is really ever a chance where you can thousand stare your way into getting pussy, but it might work if your an artist. Some woman really love that tortured poet crap.
Logan Campbell
hahahahaha thanks for the laugh, nice pic
Jacob Reed
Literally just stop masturbating
Tyler Flores
i was just staring at the tv empty headed. I wasnt pissed at anyone. She just kept asking if something was wrong as in "are you mad at me" and i wasnt. And im not an artist. Im a 6'3 205lbs kickboxing brute with a near buzzcut that looks like he stabs people for a living.
Sebastian Martin
HAHA you are a weak pussy faggot.
Carson Flores
lol, why be so beta you can't tell a woman what the reality of the situation is? Fucking tell her like it is, in a playful and funny way... "I'm thinking about how hard I blew it right there... you're still looking cute as fuck over there though... come here." (Pull her closer, gently) "I'm not sure what it is about you but look at what my nerves have done." Then you'll caress her face, and reestablish intimacy in the moment... and shut off the tv. "Maybe you can talk him into coming out and playing if you're real friendly and nice to him" then she proceeds to exert effort at sucking you off, you get hard as fuck and blast that pussy.
Lincoln Jones
>"I'm thinking about how hard I blew it right there... you're still looking cute as fuck over there though... come here." (Pull her closer, gently) "I'm not sure what it is about you but look at what my nerves have done."
Michael Martinez
> zinc and magnesium before bed > stop masturbating (at least in the short term) > no porn > when you have anxiety about it, take a breath and move to something else > when the time comes > tell her you like her and she doesn't make you nervous, you just want to please her and are worried it'll happen again > vicious cycle sorta thing > take it slow > focus on her, not erection > you don't have to be diamonds to stick it in
Nolan James
okay lets assume you're not baiting i would never say shit like that and she knows that and she would probably think im either drugged up or drunk if i started talking like that.
Camden Hernandez
OP you need to learn to communicate better, why pretend something isnt wrong when it is.
William Rodriguez
congratulations you're a faggot
Dominic Roberts
Wow let's start this slowly Stop going on r9k
Logan Walker
because sharing feelings is hard :(
Levi Richardson
You sound like you have a nice gf user
Jack Fisher
>"Maybe you can talk him into coming out and playing if you're real friendly and nice to him" Christ anons