The Eastern Front was a frozen hellh-

>the Eastern Front was a frozen hellh-

I'm surprised at the amount of people who think Russia/former Soviet Eastern Europe is just a frozen shithole year-round without hot summers.
German horse-drawn supply columns had to make frequent water breaks during the first months of Barbarossa due to the heat, slowing everyone down.

"Muh winter stopping fascists" is just a soviet meme anyways. The axis would have taken Moscow regardless and achieved the main objective of driving the bolshevists back behind the Urals in late 1941 had it not been for a couple of extremely unfortunate factors. At that point it would have been a reverse russian civil war basically, where instead of the white army running around in siberia getting put down by the red one it would have been the other way around.

The USSR barely staved off the Germans. Lend Lease was literally the single thing that allowed them to win the war in the East.

lmao okay, the germs didnt even inflict a 2:1 kill ratio on the battlefield

You do understand how fucking hard that would be when you're at first the attacker attacking prepared positions and then after that running for your life?

Yes because you win wars by having a better KD ratio

no one thinks it's frozen year round, don't insult the human race pal

when it's not frozen it's got a dirty great season of mud in every direction

soviet numbers are way too low. Its basically russian propaganda

>soviets numbers are too low?
are you fucking insane

Lend lease did not kick in in earnest until after the germans had been stalled before Moscow and with the sixth army already encircled.
It's dubious how well they could have went on the offensive as they did with the resources available to them, but at this point Germany was not really in a position to go back on the offensive in any significant manner. Even Kursk was merely a means of buying some breathing room for transferring division towards the Mediterranean.

>It's the "Russian winter is a meme" meme

Refers to

yes those are really low estimates. Some calculations show that soviet losses could be double the numbers we are fed by propaganda

That's the thing about Russia, it exists in extremes when it comes to climate. Freezing cold winters and burning hot summers.

Lend/Lease was barely useful aside from trucks and trains, the goods that were provided were of unfathomably bad quality. Chinese aid is what helped out the USSR the most, because they were sending foodstuffs and raw materials instead of military surplus trash.

K/D ratios are not how you win a war, least of all this one. Do you think that the reason the US finished the first atom bomb was because one of their marines got a 25 killstreak?

Enemy at the Gates is not a source, but humor me and post it anyways.

>had it not been for a couple of extremely unfortunate factors
such as?

Hitler telling them to not do it, for one

Everyone in this thread is an idiot who boils down the Soviet fate on the eastern front to a single significant factor. In reality it was very complex. Yes, lend lease helped, so did the russian numbers, so did poor leadership on the german side and good reaction on the russian side, so did russian moral having had major retreats before major victories in the past, so did the weather, so did a million other factors. We know what happened. Saying the victory hung on one factor is pretty retarded.

Lol, that's ridiculous. Nazis could have never taken Moscow, they never made it to the absolute defense line and were already worn down and exhausted beyond belief. Maybe, MAYBE if the joint Axis attack on the Soviet Union panned out, they could have done something, but that doesn't change the fact that they were nowhere near prepared enough for both the ferocity of the defenders and cold.

Anecdote, but its worth pointing out. Russia is flat as hell, and hitting -50 celsius, with windchill on top of that, is debilitating. I live in Nunavut, that shit will outright kill you. Germans couldn't even get their trains to work at like, -40, let alone mount an offensive at an even colder temp.

People have an obsession with the idea that there was a turning point in WW2 for some reason, or posing insane Nazi hypotheticals where they win every battle ever, forever.

>it is summer in this pictire so winter doesn't real

The absolute state of this board

>Call of Duty stats and warfare are the same thing

>w-we only lost because of winter
>wehrmacht attacked in summer? nonsence!
the absolute state of wehraboos kys

russian historians are. Even their fucking president said that estimates might be wrong

even Цeнтpaльный apхив Mиниcтepcтвa oбopoны Poccийcкoй Фeдepaции says their losses were few milion higher. Silonin claims at least 20 milion military deaths. Sokolov also points to bigger numbers than official.


they're making victims of themselves soviet/german casualities were less than 1.3 soviet soldiers for 1 german. Soviets overreported their casualities.


Since the offensive started in june or something and all teh retarded pseudo /his people still think they went there in winter.

>at least 20 milion military deaths

overreported, a scratch that disabled soldier for a while was considered as combat loss, a tank with damaged tracks that coulsn't move also was a loss. Unlike germans who actually counted their casualities very poorly.
"-So hans we're retreating? -Yes -How many soldiers in that hospital? -89 -Write down 50 and burn this hospital to the ground, we're retreating after allo"

>20 million military deaths
>14 million civilian casualties
>100 billion christian aryan children starved personally by Stalin before and after war
>150 billion shot by judeo-bolshevik before and after war
>Russia, Ukraine and Belarus somehow exist to this day