The year is 2055

The year is 2055.

Veeky Forums has become a baron and empty wasteland of what it once was.

Crypto has fallen due to the rise of ______


Bartering of child sex androids


lol meant to say that

quantum computers

What is this and where can I buy it?



$300 an ounce

Super computers in every city

I can only dream.


the correct answer is eltcoin

The rise of cybernetically augmented technomages who has integrated with advances in AI and automation over the next decades to become creators of cities of their own design, competing with each other to attract humans to live there by making the nicest automated economy cities to live in.

Communism is dead. Capitalism is dead. Charity and technocracy through "those who do stuff decide how it's done" is now the economic model.

Society and economy is now a collaborative open source freeware project.

bought 100k


To the rise of a crypto that is made from the goverment


>biz has become a baron


Your mom

Boomers and normies buying all of Veeky Forums's bags and making us rich beyond our wildest dreams