For the sake of the summer children, let's have an honest discussion about deadlifts

For the sake of the summer children, let's have an honest discussion about deadlifts

Yeah still a deadlift
Still a deadlift
Yeah still a deadlift
For gym lifts, yes it's a deadlift

Any other opinion is guaranteed coming from a DYEL weakling

Dissent must be accompanied by proof of respectable deadlift

I previously used a hex bar but my new gym doesn't have one. I can only do sumos and the bar still scrapes my knees. Is there anything I'm losing out on by not being able to do regular deadlifts?

What if I don't slam the weight down and use the bounce to make my next rep happen (slam lifts), is that a deadlift?

it's called a DEAD lift for a reason.

Dead weight being lifting, if you use a bounce it's not a deadlift. it's some other kind.

i'm having trouble getting my deadlift up. are there any deadlift specific routines i can follow that will work? currently bulking so nutrition is good.

Work accessory lifts, like Rows, Shrugs, and calf raises.



A sumo deadlift isn't a deadlift, it's a sumo deadlift.

>French food isn't food, it's French food

>playing on semantics to justify a bastardised and objectively easier lift

>Doing a deadlift in France isn't a deadlift, it's a French deadlift

The deadlift should be replaced with the power clean

calf raises wut

If that was true no powerlifters would do conventional.

that doesn't work

yeah, doesn't count

What is a respectable DL weight to start thinking about a belt?

>all these DYELs that think sumo is easier than conventional

Go pull your max, conventional, then try to do it sumo. Even if you have pretty good sumo form, you probably won't pull as much unless your anatomy is built for it.

At some point, some of these things stack and synergize that it's barely even a deadlift.

There are manlets on instagram that can pull 700+ in the gym, but barely break 600 at meets. This is because:

>bendaroo bar, removes a couple inches of ROM before you actually have the full load in your hands
>super wide sumo, allowed in comp, but reduces ROM further
>straps, allows you to let the bar rest almost a full inch lower in your hand, cutting ROM even further

You add this shit to a sumo deadlift (which already has a shortened ROM), and you're suddenly cutting that ROM by another 20-30%. It makes for neat instagram PRs, but then your competition deadlift is like 100 lbs lower.

>bonus points for using 4 bumper plates, then putting iron plates on the end of the bar for maximum bendaroo assistance

What is your body weight and deadlift?

Exactly. It's easier for some anatomies, but not all. There is a reason all the biggest deadlifts in history have been pulled conventional. Sumo doesn't work as well for large men.

Whenever the fuck you want. Read the 70s big articles on belts.

>There is a reason all the biggest deadlifts in history have been pulled conventional.

Correct, sumo isn't allowed in strongman :)

sumo is less ROM
i dont really give a shit about competition but thats why i think theyre stupid

>low-bar squats aren't squats

see how easy that is?


I fucking love this little pre-lift routine he did. It's so autistic and spot on, would totally get me hyped.

I don't lowbar squat

Sumo deadlift is legal in powerlifting, so it's a deadlift.

That's like saying that a split jerk isn't a jerk.

It isn't. If you split the jerk it's only half of one dumbass.

It's also very dangerous to bounce with any heavy weight

I think I'm going to start using straps for all my deadlifts, my hands just can't take the beating from pulling twice a week (doing nuckols 2x int program)

also my grip strength is an obvious weakness since I have always done mixed and never really focused on it specifically, is that leddit beginner grip training routine any good?

When I deadlift, I pick up dead weight instead of touch and go. I expect the same when people tell me they do x amount of reps

just hook. Also do nucks 2x int for DL. Never had grip issues even when maxing. Your hand rarely hurts during the sets. Usually, its the day after your thumb is killing u

I would have to lower my max a ton to get used to hook grip, and that is not something I'm going to do on a calorie deficit

>appeal to legality
IPF fucked up.

You're right we should do the crossfit thing

Is that Jordan?

Also, do you pull sumo or conventional? If conventional, do you use sumo as the opposite stance since the program asks you to?

idk who the picture is to be honest with you, just some jacked dude deadlifting

I pull conventional and use sumo as my alternate stance work, which I think is probably the ideal situation for that program (I think doing 5x6 with conventional would be hell and a lot more fatiguing than doing it sumo)