Straight up, no bullshit: Why do women move on from heartbreak faster than men?

Straight up, no bullshit: Why do women move on from heartbreak faster than men?

Take me for example. I was dumped last summer. Since then, I've partied, fucked, dated, and had fun with a variety of women - more attractive than my ex, too.

But still, I do wonder how she's doing. There'll be times where a song will come on the radio and I'll get sad. There'll be times where I'll get mad and think "I can't belive that birch ruined what we had..." etc

Because men have empathy.

Relevant post.
I've come to the conclusion that since women are emotional creatures, they "clock out" of a relationship far sooner than a man does.

When a lass breaks up with a man its the result of weeks of thought, while the man doesnt even know what hit him, even if it was mutual.

Women blame other people.

Men blame themselves.

Men pursue, women need to be pursued. From this, it follows that both parties assume that if a relationship fails it's due to some failure or deficiency on the mans part. From the mans perspective, he had a task and failed at it. The woman believes this as well, with the added belief that there's always a better guy out there who will buy her more expensive things or more convincingly pretend that opinions are interesting.

More options.

Cause you are gay.

holy shit, wasn't expecting this shit on a sunday

>not being gay

Evolution. Women need to be able to switch providers quickly, otherwise they and their spawn are in danger.

You were designed to die for them.

They were designed to replace you when you die.

Not trying to sound all /r9k/ here but but in general it goes something like this after a breakup:

>get tons of support
>other women tell you "Oh honey, you can do better anyway!"
>guys will do the same and validate you by wanting to give you the D
>dating market is already in your favour so when you're ready for that D or to start dating again, it's just a matter of deciding to say "Yes"
>if under 30, you're having this even more since no one expects you to be successful, just cute and available

>"lol get over it fgt"
>"Yeah, Jen's a bitch. Heard she's fucking Mike now anyways, my man."
>have to attempt to get other women; will likely have to still go through rejections
>if under 30 you likely aren't too successful yet and have to compete against slightly older men who have their shit together who will want the same women as you

Just supply and demand really. Now obviously this isn't a universal rule and I'm sure that a 25 year old Leo DiCaprio wasn't exactly spending six months as a wreck after getting broken up with, but for your average 5 or 6/10 guy who is maybe barely just out of college AND is competing with every other straight guy out there, the transition isn't as easy. At least the 5 or 6/10 woman can get the validation on demand and the support from everyone.

1: Dating for women is really fucking easy. I'm close friends with a guy/girl who were dating for several years and recently broke up. She hopped on OKCupid, went on a bunch of dates, and had a new boyfriend a month later. He's struggling to just find women to talk to. There is a HUGE difference in how dating works for men and women, and that allows women to find a replacement faster
2: Men are more emotionally invested in relationships. I don't know where we got this idea of men being shallow and women somehow being the romantic ones, but generally a man loves his gf more than she loves him. It's why he does more for her than she does for him in courtship and relationship.
3: Women are usually the ones to end it. I know with divorce it's 2:1 women ending it, and IME it's similar for relationships too. It's easier to get over it when you're the one who wanted it to end

also this. Historically, men died unexpectedly a lot and women needed to move on to find a new provider. Whereas men were supposed to protect women, and it was a failure on his part if she died.

This. They also often got a new partner in sight before breaking up, it's called monkey branching.

It feels really weird when you realise that you're the new branch.


Firstly I don't think men and women experience love the same way.

A normal man expresses love for anything in a selfless way. Love for country, for family and love for their partner is usually expressed by doing things for, fighting for and defending the things they love even at risk of self harm or no true personal gain.

Women without children, and especially so in today's culture express "love" mostly in a manner of sexual access. Unless she has kids then she wont usually act in a truly selfless way for anybody.

Women seem to only suffer a hit to their ego after a breakup and will usually rebound quickly if she finds attention from a new man.

This is too abstract. Women aren't inherently flawed in some existential way. The facts on the ground are that dick is low value and abundant, plain and simple. All else stems from that reality.

This sounds like a question best left to the sad cunt experts in /adv/ or /r9k/


I'm no expert, but if I had to guess I'd say guy's suffer more because I think we have bigger egos, or our egos take bigger blows

girls have to deal with the pain of a breakup

guys have to deal with the pain of a breakup and our ego being demolished

It would seem that you have low self-esteem and mistakenly base your self worthy on how outside influences make you feel. Most men are taught to behave this way and lack the self awareness or intelligence to question why they engage in this behavior.

Let other people worry about making themselves happy. Right your own ship first, a sinking ship is useless

Feel the same way, OP. The bitch fucking cheated on me.

Why were you so easy to cheat on?

>When a lass breaks up with a man its the result of weeks of thought, while the man doesnt even know what hit him, even if it was mutual.
Shit, this rings true for me.

>be with first gf
>began dating in senior year of high school
>still dating a few years later (this would have been early 2012 now); thought things were going strong and we even were living together
>one night we're in our bedroom
>I think I was about to go to sleep or something and I said, "I love you, Anonette"
>she doesn't respond so I repeat myself
>ask her if anything is wrong and she just gives a reply like "Oh nothing" or something like that
>ask her why she didn't say it back
>casually says that she doesn't love me
>think she's joking because she says it so casually
>ask her why she's being weird
>"I just don't love you anymore, user"
>get that pang in your chest and that internal freak out
>"Anonette, that's not funny"
>she looks SUPER serious and tells me again that she doesn't love me
>ask her where this is coming from
>"I'm just not in love with you anymore. Sorry."
>breaks up with me
>about half a year later she moves across the country
>about three months after that she's married to some guy at 21 that she met after moving

blue pill detected

>Go out with a girl who doesn't share the same values as yourself
>ignore/minimalize/rationalize/forgive this very important flaw in the relationship.
>Get treated like the idiot that you are
>Blame the girl who is behaving in accordance to her values

Stop being dummies, dummies.

Probably not true in the long term.

Maybe for like 21 year old girls who still have a lot of options, but a breakup with a long term partner for a girl over 30 is absolutely devestating because they were already on borrowed time to begin with.

When men are 40 they are still a good option, especially if they are more financially stable.

In reality, I was tired of her. Still, the bitterness won't leave, even 2 years on. I got a new girl who is hotter and nags a lot less, so it went well in the end. But sometimes, the pain comes back. The anger. Usually for short moments. But it's there.

Just wait until she divorces that guy in a few years because "she doesn't love him anymore"

This was on /pol/, quit spamming this everywhere

>cousin has kid with his gf
>buys flat, family van etc.; really invested in that family shit
>about one year later her ex moves back to town
>she breaks up with my cousin and gets back together with her ex because, you guessed it, he makes more money
>mfw cousin has to pay alimony but rarely sees his daughter
>mfw his daughter calls the new guy dad, but not him

And your lack of emotional control isn't really a concern for you?

Lol, raising some other dudes kid... ISHYGDDT

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I'd definitely snap and kill them.

Also, I only figured out by chance. Most, if not all women in relationships cheat. They are just a heck of lot better to hide their tracks than men. This is probably evolution's work. A female with cheating spouse can still be certain her offspring is hers. For a male, he cannot know, unless some obvious racial differences in the offspring. That's why men can get away with cheating, but women cannot.

How does one get roped into paying alimony to an ex girlfriend? Sound like a family of dumbasses

It's on the inside. It never comes out, obviously. My emotions are as controlled as emotions come.

Yes, understanding supply and demand is only for cucks you fucking brainlet.

Because men are so used to honesty and loyalty in their relationships with other men they never see disloyalty coming from a woman. Women are trained in disloyalty their entire lives, pretending to be nice to people while bitching and lying about them behind their backs.

That why you need to make as much money as you can and use it to bait women. Nevet commit but always bait.

Kind of hard to resist when a judge orders your wages to be garnished for child support.

And it feels really shitty when you realize you were the old one.

Feelings hit harder but don't last long with women. Men's feelings hit a little bit less hard but last longer.

>asked my ex if she wanted to hang out today, just to find out she has a new bf now
>we've been not together for a while, but she just asked me to get a drink ~2 months ago and I guess I didn't put in enough effort to make it happen

Oh well. Gonna go lift and see if that helps. There's a lot more fish in the sea, right?

>Current year
>Not being a sociopath

Never gonna make it

Sorry brother. Literally sitting here asking myself are you me.
Your story hits hards. My dad told me something pretty good though.

"What do you do when your dog dies? Go out and get a new one." If your a 6/10 like me, charm and a good heart will get you much farther than a pretty boy.

>cucks the first guy by dumping him for another
>cucks the new guy by making him raise the kid of the former

Whoa. I'm actually impressed by how devious this is.


This is what facelets believe. Truth is, wealth cannot stop women from cheating on you. The wealth from a spouse doesn't guarantee 'sexy genes' for the offspring.

basically the gameplan most women have in their genetics
>wealthy male for ensuring enough resources for her offspring
>sexy males for ensuring high tier genetics for her offspring

tl;dr: women are genetically encoded to cheat and if you believe different the cucking will hurt so much worse when it comes to your door

I think this happens when women go from the "I want to experience love" to "I want to have children" mentality.

>not dating down

My cousin is the only dumbass.
Everyone told him to wait with having kids but he didn't listen...

Very eye opening...
You're on to something big.

That's the coward's way out tbqhfam

My experience is that women love with their brain, while men love with their hearts.

Women attempt to think out reason why and why not they should be with their man, at pretty much all times, even when things are going well. Basically, a guy is perpetually on the chopping block.

>"I love you, but..."
Bullshit, if you really love someone, there are no "but"s.

Bravo, well said.

He means in age, honestly I'm nearing 30 and the whole dating dynamic is shifting hilariously
40 year old men date twenty somethings

flips when you're over 30
>be woman
>breakup after the big three zero
>spend months wasting away at bars while people insult your cracked face and sahara desert vagina

>be man
>break up after big three zero
>prime of your life, have money, nice body and confidence/charisma finally
>end up in hospital with surgeons pumping your stomach because you drowned in pussy

such is life

>I don't know where we got this idea of men being shallow and women somehow being the romantic ones

>>"I just don't love you anymore, user"
Heard this too many fucking times.

28 dating 20 y.o. Only cucks date old bitches.

I want to start dating down. How do you do it user?
I always feel like I'm some sort of pedo. Even though, I'm 26 and she may be like 22 it feels weird at times.

trying to find strength to do this


>he believes everything he is told and is incapable of thinking critically about the world around him

he doesn't mean age

wtf... a whole generation of men cucked into feeling like pedoes just wanting women in their prime age

grow some fucking balls or just end your miserable genetic make-up


It's been 2 years and i still haven't forgotten my ex, OP.

Just like you, i also have partied, fucked and accomplished other things in life like getting a good education and a job that pays well, but from time to time, the thorn she left in my heart still stings. I wonder what she's doing, if she thinks about me as well, if she has that urge to call me, if she regrets what happened and would jump at the opportunity to see me again.
Thinking about her living her life happily, going out, enjoying herself and being glad she left me hurts a lot, and it hurts even more to think she could be doing these things in the arms of someone else. Just thinking about her naked body being explored, caressed and penetrated by another man... My day is over, this is a level of pain very far above getting physically beaten up.

Getting attached and falling in love are some of the worst things that can possibly happen to a man. You become delusional, thinking that you have found a very special, unique person and that you can't lose her otherwise you'll never be happy again because you'll never find someone like her, you make dumb decisions based on your feelings for her and you lose one of the most important characteristics of being a man: Being a solid wall of emotional stability and rational decisions.
Life is a bliss when you two are together, but when she inevitably leaves you for whatever reason, the pain seems to last forever.

F, did you really mean it when you said you didn't feel anything for me and never wanted to see me again? Why did you say such harsh words?
I would never say something like that you, I never hurt you like that, I loved you so much and I became a better man for you, I would do anything for you and after all these years, after all the beautiful moments we shared, you shattered my heart.
Why did you do that to me?

>tfw this is me

It's hard to not feel that way but when you build yourself up as the best and you fail you can't help but feel like you're the one who didn't do enough.

me too i was almost ready to snap from a regular breakup but that id have to at least fuck that guy up a bit somehow holy shit

not Veeky Forums related and not your fucking blog you whimpy cunt

You never will
You'll just get better at dealing with it
I know I haven't

>Why did you do that to me?
I'm convinced a woman's love is only situational or based on what advantage she gains in loving. For women, it's a subconscious decision; for men, we just love them, and that's that.

I don't even want to think about all the times I wanted to work through an issue in a relationship, where all she wanted to do was think and talk about only the possible negative outcomes...or she won't be willing to try whatsoever.

I still am dumb enough to believe there's a good woman out there for me, but fuck if it isn't fucking hard.

Maybe not, but this is a good thread.

No he doesn't

i was 20 at the time and my ex was 19 when she started dating a 26 year old lol. she always felt pretty immature about a lot of stuff and was very uninteresting, i cant imagine being 28 dating a 20 year old, honestly that sounds fucking awful

I'm 26 and am gonna have a date with a 19 year old tomorrow. She's fucking hot, but I wonder if it'll feel weird.

>girl leaves you
>can't accept that you're unremarkable compared to the countless other dudes trying to fuck and that's why she moves on quickly
>hurrrrrrr men are honorable
There's nothing "redpilled" about ignoring realities of the dating market. You don't care as much about something that you have access to in abundance, which is why women at their peak don't really care that much about men, in general.

What i don't get is why she felt the need to hurt me like that when she broke up with me.

We did so many things together, we shared so many beautiful moments together, i was her first everything, i was willing to try anything to make our relationship work, she made me sad and frustrated many times but i still pushed on, the moment SHE was the one feeling frustrated... She completely destroyed me.

Fucking hell man, i thought after a few months i'd feel better than ever, but who am i trying to fool? It's been 2 fucking years and i still feel like shit and worse, I STILL WOULD TAKE HER BACK.


Was in the shower since I'm going to dinner soon, so my apologies for the late response.

>I think this happens when women go from the "I want to experience love" to "I want to have children" mentality.
You know what's funny about this? The guy she married: already had three kids. Shit, if we were still together I'd have put a baby in her soon enough since it's no secret that I want to have kids one day (not as in waiting til 40 either). Oh well, fuck it.

don't get into relationships guys dont be cucks.

look at zyzz, he legit left behind the blueprint.

You're good bro just remember the rule, half your age plus 7

>Women aren't inherently flawed in some existential way

>What i don't get is why she felt the need to hurt me like that when she broke up with me.
Arrogance probably. Women might act like they're the ones with the worst self esteem/self worth of the two sexes, but they sure as hell don't act like it. They know they can find anyone easily, even if they're a dumpster fire of a person.

Yep, been there
Coming to terms with what she did is difficult
Getting hurt sucks, and time+distance are the best cures
My mother told me that she'd be hugely concerned if I wasn't upset after a breakup, what you are feeling is right
This forges you into a better man

She's technically a year too young then, lol


What are some good mgtow redpill material to read?

Right. Women's behavior isn't tied to the options they have it's just because they're evil. Kys my dude

Don't buy into their bullshit, just do your own thing

>I still am dumb enough to believe there's a good woman out there for me
Same. If only I could lift my autism away.

I can't help but appreciate how subtle that was. Took me a moment to figure out what it meant.

I know what it's like and I know how awful it is. But if she was the one for you it wouldn't have ended. If it was meant to be it would've continued. You deserve to have someone who loves you and feels the same way about you as you do her, and there's a lot of people out there who would love you if they knew you.

Wow this is such a great fitness thread

>another fit thread full of guys crying and whining about girls

This is the most pathetic board on Veeky Forums

Then why do so many men still choose to get girlfriends and get married if they know that the majority of women will bail on them ?

>he doesn't date morbidly obese women so that he's always the top partner and never gets dumped
literally no negatives except for wanting to castrate yourself all the time

Most guys in the western world are like this about women.

if may be "good" thread but it's not Veeky Forums related because it's a bunch of unstable /r9k/ posters crying about their love life or lack of it. Veeky Forums it not a place to blog about your feelings and women. it's a board oriented towards fitness. take this pathetic shit elsewhere

Women are more resistant to pain than men.