Redpill me on steroids

how much damage would I do to my body if I took testosterone at 20 years old?

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>generalizing all steroids together

what a stupid pic

Probably not as much as you would even a year earlier, but still probably some stunting if you plan on running more than a single cycle in a short span.

At 20 you're still producing a lot of natural testosterone as a part of puberty. Lift natty for another 2 years, that way most of your hormonal development has ceased and becomes more regular an stable.

if i were to only take test only cycle, and assuming I do proper pct will I run the risk of never getting my natural test levels back?

bump. im interested

Probably not. However, I must make it clear, I do not use steroids and am not trained in their effect on the body. Tread lightly at this point. Ask /fraud/ if you have any other questions.

maybe fi youre under 21

>benzos less harmful than speed and ket
>benzos less habit-forming than tobacco and alcohol
yeah ok


>heroin the most harmful

No. You can take opiates indefinitely and have no physical problems besides withdrawal and OD. While long term alcohol use will kill the liver.

>if you discount the harmful parts heroin is the lease harmful

fucking junkies.

Heroin is the drug with the most ODs because of this fact my dude. You become so tolerant of it that you inject twice the amount the body can handle. I'd say that's a big deal

inb4 fags say

"at 20 years old your already on a natty cycle!"


but to OP, my 2 mates starting gear at 18 and their fine. just do pct

yeah man heroin addicts look totally healthy

whats with all the juice heads saying they "blast and cruise" now instead of running cycles. Sounds like theyre drug addicts to me.

I'm 21 and I'm thinking about doing a dianabol cycle.

Good idea or nah?

do test e with it, dbol only will fuck u up

if I didn't know shit about AAS then I would probably say something like that too

All this broscience
No one has ever proven steroids stunt your growth in any way, if anything they let you go beyond your natural limits
Arnold, seid ect started using gear at early as fuck ages, do any on them look "stunted"
Pic related
Arnold heavily juiced deadlifting at 19 (he started way before 19)

They also kept doing them for years. If you run one cycle, it'll probably have negative consequences.

imo at least be 19 when you start to be safe. anything more is overkill af

Wrong image, heres correct one

stay cope drug addict

Provide sauce to prove your broscience claims

I don't use steroids.
But if you were to read even the slightest little bit about the topic you just talked about without knowing shit, then you would learn that most people prefer B&C rather than cycling on and off roids and PCT.

you seem upset junkie maybe time to up the aromatase inhibitor, oh right you junkies don't take them on your 'cruise'<198::AID-JNR8>3.0.CO;2-A/full

>muh ad homs

well done

why mate?

Don't you have to inject test? Not really comfortable with doing that.

What other oral alternatives are there?

>rat model
>nandro + test combo
>probably way higher mg/kg dosage than in humans


if your uncomfortable with pinning then don't do gear man, dbol suppress your test man, if you gotta ask you gotta educate yourself man or you will fuck yourself up big time

Used correctly, you'll be 100% fine, used incorrectly, they can cause grievous harm.

1. Learn to pin. You're gonna have to inject, orals are flat out too hard on your liver to sustain.
2. Be relatively low body fat.

Other than that, and the obvious aseptic injection techniques and reasonable dosages thing, you're great. /fraud/ can & will help you

pinning isn't even bad, the worst thing that could happen is some pip if you don't inject properly

Oral only cycles are a one way ticket to man tits and liver failure.

Man up and pin, or skip roiding in general.

>ask for proof
>get proof
>moves the goal posts

Okay buddy

Just don't like needles haha

You definitely risk that, chances are big you'll be fine after but a decent chance of ending a bit lower and a tiny chance if needing TRT indefinitely.

I've cycled before but now with a kid on the way I feel like even the slight risk of fucking myself up with a heart attack or something is too much. Am I being ridiculous or not? I would do a test only, 500mg per week cycle.

roids don't fuck your heart.

stims do.

But cardiac enlargement is possible right?

if your blasting retarded amounts maybe. test e is pretty mild. just stay away from tren if you wanna be "safe"

Ok cheers mate

That's malnourishment, not heroin. I'm not saying it's good, but whoever made the chart doesn't understand heroin.

That's why doctors can put people on opiates for their entire lives for pain and the only side affects are being High and developing an addiction. We're talking about physical affects to the body, not indirect results from being an addict (malnourishment from spending all your money on drugs).

My aunt takes a lot of opiates daily due to cancer and they don't physically impact her health .

Would you rather deal with needles or deal with complete testosterone shutdown (or even worse)?

You have not thought it through or done enough research!

to be honest mate, you're right. I only really thought about it a few days ago.

if you do the cycle and post-cycle smartly then there will be little damage from temporary roiding. the danger comes from the fact that once you're off the juice your muscles will begin to shrink, you'll lose strength, and won't recover as quickly so you'll probably jump back on them and continue this vicious cycle for decades. I have nothing against steroids but I have seen this happen in my life and on /fraud/ here. This is the reason I am not going to juice until I hit 45 years old or so

i started 125mg/week of test 5 weeks ago because i thought i had low test (never got bloodwork desu i know im retarded) and wanted to understand how id feel with normal/high test levels. it was the single best decision ive made in my life

It really seems like people are excepting steroids to work like creatine; something you can take and then just stop taking, like it boosted your natural test levels and was easy to stop.


do d bol too.

99.9% you're fine, 0.01% you end up impotent and on TRT for life.

the picture is nonsense.

generally speaking its a good idea to run test only or test + dbol front load as first cycle.

if you respond well to test (lots of water weight and good lean body mass gains) there is a likelihood of gyno.

there is almost no chance of long term natural test shutdown for normal healthy males, however recovery could be as long as 4-6 months without PCT. (search Chinese population study on exo test as a birth control measure).

some form of depression is a very likely if estrogen levels are not kept in check post cycle. this can manifest in a dependency like desire to cycle again asap.

tfw ive sold this guy guns IRL

As a transguy if I have too much T it increases my estrogen levels.

what about the other 0.09% ?

you get congestive heart failure and die

>how much damage would I do to my body if I took testosterone at 20 years old?
There's no way to tell because unless you're an endocrinologist or are under the care of an endocrinologist or other medical professional skilled and experienced in the therapaeutic use of anabolic steroids, you're playing Russian Roulette with your health and life.

Don't be stupid. You do not NEED steroids. You just have a combination of unrealistic expectations (due mainly to faggots on YouTube, and loudmouths on Veeky Forums) and a lack of patience.

What you NEED to do is LIFT and EAT and SLEEP and be consistent about it for at least a YEAR, re-evaluating your progress regularly, and changing how you're training according to your progress (or lack thereof).

If you fall for the 'steroids meme' then as soon as you stop taking them, your gains will start to melt away and you'll be back where you started, plus you'll be depressed as fuck. Just do yourself a favor and take my advice to stay away from steroid use.

Is there a safe dose I can take so I just get to normal t levels? Had bloodwork done and Im 380. Is this even a good idea at all, or can I just work harder and get some decent results natty?

Here's a protip: ALL natty bodybuilders take steroids. If you want the natty physique, you have to take LOTS OF STEROIDS. Sustanon 250, Anadrol 50, and Trenbolone Acetate.

>tfw I used to shoot up regulary

Well, you can either cycle and PCT, where you'll sit with crappy Test levels for weeks/months while your production recovers, lose some gains, possibly feel shitty, and have to deal with potential sides from your PCT meds, or you can cruise at the high end of the "normal" range, feel great, maintain gains, and be ready to run another blast sooner than you would if you were cycling. But yeah, we really just BnC because we're drug addicts, not because we're trying to be as efficient and practical as possible...

Kek, this is the one comeback that every natty seems to use over and over again. "Time to up the aromatase inhibitor, juicehead!" It's like they're so proud that they know what an AI is. Makes me giggle every time. But really, dude, I'm impressed that you know so much about running gear without ever having done it before! So tell me, why I am I supposed to be running AI on my cruise when my Test is at 1,100 ng/dL and my E2 is 30 pg/mL?

Mfw lsd is even on the scale