How long do you rest in between sets?
I usually do 1 minute because my watch only goes down to 1 minute minimum, but my roommate told me that 1 minute is a really long time
How long do you rest in between sets?
I usually do 1 minute because my watch only goes down to 1 minute minimum, but my roommate told me that 1 minute is a really long time
Depends what you are working on. If you are doing heavy sets then 1-2 minuters is fine. I generally keep it 30 seconds for isolation work, 45 seconds for compounds. If it's not enough, I went to heavy, if it's to much, I need to go heavier.
I used to do 30 seconds, but it's annoying to me to have to watch my wrist to count down half of the timer
Well I can't help how hard it is to look at a clock. But you could always go off the feeling. Still a little exaustion, not fully recovered.
I do 60 seconds minimum.
SS says do up to 5 minutes to fully recover, but that's lifting heavy and completing all your reps, so take it as you will.
Anything under a minute seems more like cardio work to me. You just busted out a set of 8, kept proper form, but were struggling with your last 3 reps and you need to do another 8 again in 30 seconds?
If you are struggeling with almost half your set, you are going to heavy. If you wait till you are fully recovered theres no point in doing multiple sets, you are removing any overload. You might as well do some squats in the morning and some at night.
I guess the next logical step is to ask
How many reps do you do in a set?
How many sets?
why even give advice on the internet if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about?
As with everything it depends on what you are working on. I generally do 3-4 sets, 2-4 reps when working on strength. When working on growth i do 6-10 and always include a finisher. I can do a drop set, slow negatives, or a cluster set.
EX: Ez-bar preacher curls. 3 sets of 6 reps 30 seconds rest. 4th set lower the bar over 5 seconds and hold the bottom stretched for 2 seconds. If you want to hit it ever harder hold the bottom stretched position for 20 seconds after.
I lift to failure, if it takes a lot of reps (more than ~15) I increase the weight next time.
Ah found the guy who grinds every rep. then plays on his phone for 20 minutes. To cool for me.
I always do 10 reps
I try to do around 6-7 sets or until I feel like it's enough or I can't finish a set
Am I doing too little weight?
30 seconds exactly
>struggeling with almost half your set, you are going to heavy
How's life treating you with no progress after 5 years of lifting with your baby weights?
Pretty amazing. Hows if feel lifting for 5 years and making no progress with your ego weights?
Found the dyel thread.
>insulting other peoples lifts without posting your own body
post pictures of your bodies fags or else you're all DYELs
is that supposed to be impressive?
post a picture of yourself then
I'm just proving I lift. Do you?
do you have wide hips and also a wide femurs? i do and am wondering if this is what i'll look like lean. your body looks so similar to mine it's uncanny.
Ya, I have wide hips and femurs
Need to hit cross overs for that inner chest
I just have a natural chest gap
I want a bigger upper chest though