/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

Post PR's, routines, form checks, meet results, schmexy lifts, and thicc power sluts.


>don't skip your curls edition

Other urls found in this thread:


>feel pretty
Well, feelings don't change reality

>arms of a 15yo boy @oppic

3rd for depression

Fucking cunts

Nothing is enjoyable anymore. I dunno what to do. I have no friends and I have BPD. I don't even have motivation to do the only two things that made me happy, lifting and hiking. Maybe I should just kill myself. Bench and deadlifts today were actually alright but it's still all pointless. Why am I even living this boring life anymore? What am I supposed to do? Everything sucks and I am always lonely

Just gotta wait for your up to come up, you crazy emotional coaster you

Mfw people put USAPL lifter on their instagram profile and then 198 weight class or 220 weight class and they look like they clearly roid and have "totals" that would place them top 3 in the world

There is no up. Just emptiness when I have no friends or craziness when I do

And right now all I am is empty. Sometimes I try to delude myself into happiness but it just fades away. I don't really enjoy anything. I kind of just want to die

Go take some responsibility and live a meaningful life. Clean your bloody room and see if your father needs help in the underworld.

Ex GF has BPD so I don't have the highest opinion of your kind, sry


remember to try hard, my friends.

I do have responsibility but right now I'm on break from Uni. I applied for a job but didn't get hired. I am totally bored and useless. My room doesn't need any cleaning and my dad's the one who made me this way so fuck him

I honestly don't blame you and understand where you're coming from. BPD people can be cunts, especially those who aren't self aware and thus even more selfish than aware people such as myself

>on break from Uni.

Pick one and only one child

>my dad's the one who made me this way so fuck him
Poor baby whos parents are supporting him through college, which is daycare for faggots that have no life experience

>squats 265 kg and like 8 rpe

Wtf alex

RPE0 nice job talentcuck

>that lower back rounding at the bottom of the squat

Stay safe friend

am I being retarded or does 3x int high not actually have any progression??

your max doesnt go up each week like the medium volume, and the week 4 amrap puts your e1RM at the same weight as the max your initial max???????

What do you suggest I do in the meantime then? I used to pore myself

I think you look good either way, no homo

Just put weight on the bar every 1 to 3 weeks, retard

Kys faggot, my mom pays for college and bless her for that. My dad's an asshole and abused her and I

*pore myself into lifting but now it feels empty

>My dad's an asshole
Trip on sean

You don't know shit. Quit blaming everyone. Get a job and support yourself. Quit wasting your time and get productive. Find a girl to fuck or something. Join a church. Whiny faggot.

can a non-retard answer my question pls

Not Sean. I'm not blaming anyone but myself. I do know my dad is an asshole for a fact. I understand why he does what he does but it doesn't excuse it.

You're right though, I do need to find something to do but I dunno what. None of the things you listed seem possible. I've been trying to get a job but no one's hired me despite applying to shitty minimum wage jobs. And even then I'll still feel unfulfilled and empty

>am I being retarded
Sounds like it, yes.
>AMAP - if you get 5-6, bump your max up 5 pounds. If you get 7+, bump your max up 10 pounds

so its just supposed to be one increase of 5-10 at the end of a 4 week cycle? 3x int med is 5-10 lb /week. why are they both called 3x int if theyre so different? I would have thought high would just be med with extra volume

Go see a psychiatrist and get med prescribed.

also, the amrap is 85% which you do 4x3 of on w3d1, which is harder than 1x5 imo



Lol no

He doesn't need to externalize his shitty life for some cuck

He needs a meaningful life. Go do some shit

Big guy, big guns

Perhaps. Meds for my brand of mental illness usually turn people into emotionless zombies and I don't want that but I guess therapy is worth giving a shot


Social group. Good people. Job contacts. Girls with families. Possible relationships. A sense of purpose.

Fake it it you have to. Im an atheist and attend church regularly.

I don't want to test my maxes at the end of every month of nuckols 28 free programs. What can I do instead?


Badly outsquatted by an 18 y/o girl lads

bipolar or borderline?

I went to UU church when I was a kid and I could kind of see doing that again but pretending to believe in a magic sky man just to expand my social circle is a bit past me desu. I don't disagree with the basic "church people are decent people" concept though.

Not a bad idea. I am not an atheist, but I knew a few agnostics that attended a church regularly and what you wrote was their reasoning.

Have you considered nootropics?

A good stack for moderate depression and anxiety is theanine, 5htp, and tyrosine, which will help your GABA, serotonin and dopamine receptors, respectively.

Pregnenolone, a precursor neurohormone, is also useful periodically, though I wouldn't recommend using it long-term, maybe once or twice a week if you're expecting a long day of activity, cognitive or physical.

It could also help to talk to someone, look into local counseling services.

If you drink heavily, try to cut back as alcohol abuse is directly correlated to depression.

You may also want to take a B vitamin complex, as b vitamins are necessary for proper neurotransmitter synthesis.

If you're having trouble sleeping, I recommend melatonin and 3-4 grams of Glycine. This is a new combo I'm trying and it has helped me feel much more rested in the mornings.

Don't lose hope, user. We're all gonna make it.

Add ten pounds.

I have Psychotic Maniac Depression and I didn't have any problems with the meds.
My psychiatrist said that only used to happen with very antiquate meds.
And you can always stop taking a med if you don't like it.

Going to the doctor was best thing I did in the last few years.

Don't let people on the internet scare you, they are all stupid. See:

Just ain't my thing. Not gonna lie to have friends, I don't believe in that stuff


I'll consider this, thank you

>so its just supposed to be one increase of 5-10 at the end of a 4 week cycle?
They're not that different tho, imho. I can't really speak for Greg about why they are the way they are, tho.
High is just Med with extra volume, which means you're less likely to recover each week, and thus it's a bad idea to increase the training max along with the weekly increases of both intensity and volume.
The point of the three first weeks is to get you stronger, the fourth is to get rid of some fatigue and test whether you're stronger.

good to know everyone here is a schizo mentally insane crazy freak LOL really explains a lot to be honest

I've read lots of reports of people losing all emotion, feeling like zombies, etc due to meds. But I guess more research is warranted. Thank you for the support user

I'm normal ...

Do the fourth week anyway, but be a bit conservative with the AMRAP. The fourth week, practically a deload week, will do you good and not dedract from your long-term progress in any way.

Okay Dino

good guess
Guess you know who's the sane one around here mr schizo


google bpdtransformation. it is quite common for them to recover.
I had a diagnosed bpd gf. she wasnt that bad

Bodrerline? What does BPD mean then? borderline Psychotic Depression?

With new meds it happens some times but usually only lasts while you are getting used to it.
Also most people only take it for some months, so even if you have no feelings while the treatment lasts, after it you will have your life back.

I started Seroquel(anti psychotic) this year, during the first month I indeed didn't have much emotions and was super focused. After that I got back to normal.

There are many possible med combinations and everyone is different. If you can't deal with the collaterals ask you doctor to change it or prescribe some humor stabilizer.

The worst thing that could happen is you stopping the treatment and going back to how your life is now.

borderline personality disorder

>reposting in the real thread

it isn't even fair how quickly my body starts to look like shit after I jump off RP. Took a full week off for my birthday and for a vacation to the lake and this is what happens. Yeah, there's a lighting difference but the change is DEFINITELY more than just the change in lighting. Obviously it'll bounce right back after I get started again but still, fuck me that's obnoxious.
also reposting todays deadlifts

>288/635 single

>265/585 set of four

Say what you want but churches are generally filled with fairly well-adjusted people

It's not uncommon for those that are mentally ill and general failures to resent those that have normal lives

You should try swallowing your pride and going to church

is Mike T natty?

some one's been on /pol/ too much

Sucks to be the type to blow up just by thinking about eating above maintenance.

Shitfuck, sorry, took me until now to realize what you wrote.

Happy (belated) birthday, Norse!

>It's not uncommon for those that are mentally ill and general failures to resent those that have normal lives
not surprised

its funny, because what you wrote here is 100% true too lmao.

just looking at a brownie is enough to immediately feel stronger but also increase belt notch by 1.

Thanks senpai, appreciate it! was way worth it, had a damn goood time. Hopping back on RP now tho

Fuck you

You try dealing with sinus infections off and on for 3 years


Does a max effort approach work well for accessories, chinups, rows, other isolations etc?

So I set a target of like 50 reps and just do as many sets as it takes until 50 reps with 1RIR each set and up the weight when I manage to get 50 over 4 or 5 sets or something?

post gf IG you normie fucking shit

bring trappy back pls

this makes me want to kill my gde self

Monday 7/10/17

Clean and Jerk: Max

95% x 1 x 2; 90% x 1 x 2

Back Squat: 2 Rep Max

95% x 2; 90% x 2

Push Press: 2 Rep Max

95% x 2; 90% x 2

Drop Snatch: Max

Jerk Drive: Max

Bench Press: 2 Rep Max

95% x 2; 90% x 2

Weighted Sit Ups: 5 x 5

what on Gods fucking green earth is this?

Question about benching, when I keep my ass on the bench, I feel loose. Just how much am I supposed to keep it on the bench?

Firmly planted or should I try to get my hips as high as possible so that very edge of my ass is on the bench?

Tell me your push press. I need to laugh.

I prefer the latter. Feels tighter that way. Personal preference though.

>what on Gods fucking green earth is this?
A shit routine because you have a shit coach

Need some advice with an injury, or just any ideas of what to do. I have been to multiple physiotherapists, chiropractors, what not, and none have been able to help me long term. I live in Canada and while our health care is glorified for being free, it's essentially completely fucking useless in this scenario. Anyways, onto the injury.

I hurt my SI joint about a year ago now. Spent the last 6 months rehabbing it, doing all the right things, guided by a physio-therapist. Corrected multiple mobility shortcomings. Have spent months working on uni-lateral stability, glute strength, core strength. Stretching every possible muscle connected to my hip you could imagine. I took 6 months off of back squats and deadlifts. Completely. Under advice of my therapist I tried to deadlift again, felt a little bit of irritation so I stopped. Fast forward to now, have been able to front squat with zero pain for three weeks. Slowly building back up. Tonight I was in the gym doing front squats, everything was normal, then my third set in with like 65% of my max my back just randomly gives out. Keep in mind the weight I was doing is a joke, could have done it for a set of 15, but for whatever reason as soon as I hit depth my back just said fuck you, sudden pain in my SI joint again, and now I have rewinded 6 fucking months of aggressive rehabilitation. I'm at a loss right now, what is wrong with my body? I went from back squatting 405 at 17 years old and 165lbs to being 20 years old now and snapping my shit on front squats that look completely normal and move ridiculously easy.

Any ideas? I have tried everything under the sun. Seen every video, been to therapy, worked on every imbalance day in day out. I'm at a loss, on the verge of giving up lifting a weight ever again

it's time to become an upper body bro and just do some cardio to keep your legs """"toned"""

a pain free life is more important than your squat and deadlift numbers

should i deload for week 6 or just start the next cycle (c6w)?

Nutty instagram.com/p/BWS7ZrbAGHA/

How much are you paying your coach?

it probably just takes more time friend.

boi do you think I know that

funny cause he's one of the best on the east coast with high connections among USAW and IWF alike

but I'm sure you know a lot more than he does

we are ending off LSUS in the peaking phase and we have been doing rep maxes on every lift we train 2 days out of the week for the last 10 weeks

if it says anything about the program I did by old 1rm on squat for a 3rm



shut up you worthless subhuman retard powerlifting fake athlete

you dont know shit, you talk nothing but shit and you are shit

crawl back into the cesspool you came from with your fake faggot man sport and go sniff nose-tork scream and pick up a bar to your waist as if your"sport" means anything

Are the other 88 pepes just as low res as that one?

not inherently

>one of the best on the east coast with high connections among USAW and IWF alike
>they let Panzer join
>pick one

Post your meet videos :^)

>p-panzer pls stop raping me with your words

>Desperately deflecting from your pathetic lifts
Remind me again what your jerk is?

dumb frog poster

I've been an upper body bro for the most part aside from rehab exercises. I totally agree with the pain free life thing but I would still like to be able to move functionally without my back deciding to implode.

You are probably right, although I am losing the best years of my life to back pain. I come from an athletic back ground and was able to lift pain/injury free for close to 2 years before this episode. I've taken things as slow as possible while working hard to correct all imbalances and my body still gives out, meanwhile there's a tons of young yolos who don't do mobility at all and never seem to get injured. Just frustrated.

My btn push press is 265 lbs at 192. What is your jerk?

>Layne Norton back on the platform


Have a friend that i think has borderline personality disorder. He gets psychotic episodes every now and then. Usually in combination with drugs, but it have also happened without. He used to get serious fucking fits of anger when he was drunk. He'd go nuts on someone and start swinging for no fucking reason or an imagined reason.

Over time he wore me out psychologically, he used to subtly refer to my weaknesses and insecurities in offhanded ways and seemed to enjoy when i felt anxiety or shame or felt bad about my self. Like he enjoyed it, and over time he did it more and more until i had no self confidence left. I used to ignore it and pretend like it didn't happen or even deny that it did. That didnt do anything good for me.

He also needed constant attention and validation and if i didnt give it to him he used to punish me in indirect ways or just do something to annoy me. Like he would put on music and shit that could be related to someones insecurities or hang ups and use that as ways of sending messages or whatever while pretending not to. So one sit there and wonder "is this for real? Is this dude really consciously putting this song on to express something indirectly?" So it messes with ones head.

I had to cut him off and it took a really fucking long time for me to rebuild my self and i thought it was me that something was seriously wrong with for a long time.

Can anyone relate? Does this sound like borderline type of behavior? I can't believe i let this shit happened or even pretended that it didn't. I guess a lot of the behavior was so strange that i didn't think people could actually do that crazy shit and i was just imagining it.

Its off topic but since you guys talked about borderline why not.

Also, power cleans are awesome.

Sounds like sean

Does anyone like this twat?

Its not him. But can you say more? What kind of shit does he do? Any examples or anything?

I feel like even after all these years i am still kind of confused about the whole situation.

I do, yeah.

He knows his shit and he really has overcome a lot of adversity

And because he's so annoying he really does receive a ton of haters, so his dramatics are justified

>he really has overcome a lot of adversity

>thinking about doing a SS fall classic meet because I think it would be cool to OHP instead of bench
>they force you to pull conventional

Could the SS community be bigger elitist pricks I swear to god it's not possible

>Panzer disappears the moment people ask about his jerk

It's okay Panzy-boy, you can tell me your jerk. I promise I wont bully.

Tons of injuries. He hasn't competed in 2 years because of them

Ain't he biboplar ?

He inflicts them upon himself.