How to get gf to lift?

my gf is really petite (5'0") and has a super tiny build. no tits or ass at all. how can i get her to lift a bit to get a juicy booty? thx (pic related).

what the fuck is with women and that filter? It annoys me so much more than it should, but every time I see that shit it pisses me off.

gomad + SS

Tell her to lift.

if she follows you on instagram
start liking nothing but buttpics

Don't be aggressive about it. Invite her to the gym once and awhile. Make it a bit of a game. Spot me squatting, and I'll spot you. Make it a bit of a competition. You have to do 1 every 2 I do.etc You just have to coax her into do it through nature human competition, play, and attraction. If she's your gf, and you've had a nice few days leading up to it, she'll take to it easily if she already goes to the gym.

i might do this actually, feels a bit mean but it might work. She is a instagram freak so she prob checks everything i like.

Just tell her you want more padding on her cheeks so you can fuck her harder.

me too. i use it as a red flag and just ignore cunts who use it

tell her that you want her too

>be OP
>post pic of "girlfriend" on Veeky Forums
>its some hot petite blonde girl
>she s an "instagram freak"
>people will fall for this bait

I google searched and didn't find anything

instagram freak = on instagram and snap 24/7
and yes that is my girlfriend, you dont have to believe it if you dont want too. but girls like that are super common in sweden.

Let her see you having a great time lifting with another female.

She'll knock that other girl out, and get under the bar quicker than you can deload it. Snapping her shit up, so you can dump her for a better quality gril to begin with.

If you have to convince someone to better themselves, they're not worth bettering.
But if all it takes is a hint or suggestion, offer encouragement and assistance.

>also grab those meaty glutes and tell her how impressed you are with her hard work.

Drop her and get a boyfriend from the gym

Dork lol

swedish people are among stupidest ive met in my life and ive travelled most of the europe and oceania and some orient

How do I get gf like pic related minus filter?

pls respond

it is weird how I can immediately tell that a girl is Swedish

You don't. She will if she wants to. If you don't like that break up with her.

Don’t tell her anything at first, just lead by example.
Get shredded as hard as you can, make her feel inferior by your side just with your looks alone, especially now when you're at the beach. Become the best possible looking version of yourself, and pretend like it's no big deal while you eat as clean as possible and lift BIG.
As soon she notices that every other girl is looking at your direction (especially now in summertime) and everybody starts the conversation with you first her female brain will finally kick in and she will make the decision of going to the gym by herself. Only then when she asks you about lifting/diet can you help her and push a little and voila, a healthy looking couple with both of you being the best looking versions of yourself.


That man is great.


go for it sven

>I have a Swedish girlfriend
Hi Muhammed, please don't bomb me

You're going down a bad road user, have fun with that.

Grab her by the pussy

im in a different situation. my gf is chubby (not thicc) and wants to go to the gym with me, but doesn't have a very good diet, and I have no idea what fitness for grills is like, since it just seems like smaller meme exercises? i don't even care if she ever gets skinny, i just want her thicc.

jizz'ed on this, so adorable.