Water fast doesn't wor-

>water fast doesn't wor-

Show two weeks after that when she hit 175

How bad is this for muscle loss?
water fast then lean bulk
or slow cut then bulk

These pics again, last time you posted a guy who clearly put in effort with a 2+ month cut and slapped the same text on it.

Yes, it's fake you idiots.

I think water fasting is a good idea for super obese but am I not sold it's the best idea for a lifting bro who's in the upper teen body fat region.. Sure, our ancestors did it for thousands of years but last I checked no caveman was pause repping 315 on the bench. I have a hard time believing you don't lose muscle

water fasting is great for when you want to lose weight FAST and temporarily, but it's not setting you up for longterm. I'd imagine most everybody who water fasts probably gains the weight back just as fast once they start eating again.

Wow you starved yourself for two weeks and lost weight WHAT A SURPRISE.

When people say it doesn't work they don't mean you won't lose weight they mean you're being extremely unhealthy and bad to your body and there will eventually be consequences because of it

Water fasting = literal anorexia

Don't be proud of a mental illness, get help.

>How bad is this for muscle loss?

Very little muscle is burned provided you aren't lean and have plenty of fat mass. I'd say going below 15% via full fasting is unwise for maintaining muscle.

The only caveat is that you can't do any form of intense exercise. Anything more intense than walking requires glucose, and converted protein into glucose via gluconeogenesis is where the body will get it.

So basically, it can work to go from fat to good body fat level quickly provided you don't do much physically outside of walking. Using it to get ripped or extremely lean is a bad idea, though.

Are there any updates from that kid who was water fasting for 28 days? I wonder if he gained most of his weight back

he died

Are you a downie?

"Anorexia" literally just means "without appetite," it does not imply causation or degree. Look up the etymology of the word.

>be fat as fuck, body has ample amounts of energy it can use
>insulin levels lower, human growth hormone raises to mobilize fatty acids out of lipid cells into the bloodstream for fuel


You're body is getting plenty of fuel.

Anorexics have extremely low body fat and have no real fuel while eating extreme caloric deficits. That's starvation. Fasting and living off of body fat is not starving, your cells are still getting the necessary energy to function normally and healthily.

He did not. He's still the same body fat level.

Only an idiot would say water fasting doesn't work. That shit just isn't healthy when done for more than a day or two.

>That shit just isn't healthy when done for more than a day or two.

If you've got enough fat, then it's fine to keep going. The only danger is electrolyte imbalance, but I don't think it's possible for that to be a factor before a week's time.

Will ADF have the same effects in 4 weeks?

>your body literally eats itself to survive

Totally healthy guys.

>his cavemen ancestors weren't repping 315 on the bench


>your body uses stored surplus energy deposits as energy! it eats itself!


>The body stores fat for no reason.

Are you like a HAES fat ass or something?