But why can't a president stay in power as long as he wants? Why limited the term?

But why can't a president stay in power as long as he wants? Why limited the term?

A check on tyranny if anything. Washington set the precedent, FDR broke it and we got the 22nd amendment.

Here's what OP looks like in real life.

Because we aren't Latin American """"Democracies""""

people stop running for all offices

Because its too dangerous to trust people will always stay uncorrupted.
Same needs to be done to the senate as well as representatives. Limited terms. Running for politics should be seen as a form of duty or service towards ones country rather then a carrier.

If only that would happen

Cause it's too hard to fire him, even if he's clearly outstayed his welcome
>The virgin presidential system
>the chad Westminster system

We ought to teach them how to elect good men.

>But why can't a president stay in power as long as he wants?
as long as the people want, whose will is expressed via election

in truth, there's no reason beyond America's autistic worship of George Washington and his two-term precedent.

>muh FDR tyranny through court-packing
Checks and balances prevented court-packing from becoming a reality. Our system worked, and it would work fine without some arbitrary term limit.

i read an interesting article arguing against term limits in congress because it would fuck up the process more than it already is. basically you would end up with a turnover rate way too high and get retard freshman who don't know how to do anything, and many more lame duck terms

this is why.

It would be unnecesary if it wasn't so hard to unseat an incumbent.

A lot of Americans tend to get complacent so long as their lives are drastically fucked with within one term.
I really do wish it wasn’t so.

I've always thought about this side of the argument, but limiting them to two 6 year terms is plenty of time to get shit done.

This. Look, I dislike Trump and think he's a pretty terrible president. I voted for him but I hated Clinton even more. That being said, the way I see it unless he fucks up in a huge way, he's getting re-elected. We're getting 2 terms, we almost always do.

>marshal law
whoever made that image is clearly either a retard or a non-native english speaker, either of which discredits them


I think it's a seventeen-layers-of-irony type thing.

Donal J. Trump
Reigned from 2017 to 2050

Hey, if that motherfucker lives to be over 100 with his lifestyle, he's earned it.

>washington set the precedent
no, rome did. the founding fathers and early political milieu was hilarious romaboo

Commonwealth countries including Australia, New Zealand, UK and Canada all have no set term limit and manage to rotate their Prime ministers. The longest is the Australian Menzies who managed win 8 elections (7 of which were consecutive) and then resigned but besides him, nobody makes it past 3 or 4 before people get sick of them and they lose an election and many don't make it past one.

Is the fact that the president both head of state and head of government make that much of a difference that one person can't be trusted with that power for more than 2 terms?