New Questions-That-Don't-Deserve-Their-Own-Thread-Thread

Mine are running out, not sure what I should re-order.
>Fish Oil
Afaik, usually considered essential unless I eat fatty fish almost every day.
>Zinc & Magnesium
Supposedly good for recovery and sleep. Also good for test apparently.
Been taking it so long, I can't remember if I feel any different without. But if one supplement theoretically should work, it's creatine.
Bought them because I did fasted training for a while. Still do fasted cardio sometimes, and sip on them during my lifting.
I should be getting "enough" protein from my normal diet, and it's always hit or miss with the taste.
Anything I should consider? I get enough sun, so Vit D isn't necessary.

Other urls found in this thread:


Been lifting for a month now. Is it normal to have these blemishes under your fingers or is my grip bad?

those are callouses, they get more subtle over time.

t. has them from sailing

Do you use chalk?
Also, yes, you might want to adjust your grip a bit. Look for "managing callouses" from starting strength on youtube.

Should I retake my vitamin after puking 2-3 hours after?

Are potatoes healthy?

No I dont use chalk. I'll check out the video. Thanks anons.

picrel is my right hand, but the left looks almost similar

I don't have any signs of callouses at my index finger. Is it normal?

Yes, if you eat the skin

What difference does the skin make?

Start using chalk then. That can help prevent callouses as well.

i cant find a good (upper/lower) routine that's focused on mainly building the glutes. strong curves looks bad. wat do?

yeah, although it has a high glycemic index
200gr = 150kcal
i cook em in the microwave in skin.

I honestly just need something to replace frozen chips in my diet.
I know they're not terrible, but something wholegrain-based would be better.

they lose less flavour and vitamins

cook potatoes, cut them in 1 cm slices, take a baking tray, lightly! coat it in olive oil ( < 1 tbsp)
place slices, add favorite spices: seasalt,paprika,..
put them in a really hot oven for 10 min so they crisp up nice.

So... Make my own chips?

Lel, as far as I know they don't do anything to the frozen ones, they're just cut up and frozen.

ahk, i was just assuming they were pre fried.
so, they fit in your daily kcal but you just want some variety?

i just eat whole grain pasta + whole grain rice.
I boil 500 gr in the beginning of the week and add it to whatever i'm cooking

Okay I have some problems with bulking.. I'm currently 62 kg and eating 2700 calories a day.. but I'm not seeing any weight changes... What gives?

Is my TDEE really that high to warrant a higher needed calorie intake? I workout 3 times a week and do almost zero cardio.

Can I squat every other day? I still have doms but I want my lower body to catch up.

how badly must I be fucking up if I'm stalling on 90lbs bench (among other lifts)? do I have a disease?

Am I overtraining if I'm doing SS five times a week?


normally it's 300-500 above your maintenance.
stick with it for a few weeks, no changes?
add 150-200 kcal.
getting too fat? cut back.

Bake sweet potatoes

Fist sized one of those fuckers isn't even 100 calories, you can get away with coleslaw or light cheese and a little butter real easy for a snack and not even break 200 cals.

God tear cutting snack, good for bulking too if you have binge eating disorder like me (I want to fucking die I hate it so mcuh fFFUKCCKK)

yes and that's not SS, SS is 3x a week.


should i do ss without switching to power cleans or do phrak gslp

im a complete newb

Not an expert but you seem to go too much forward, you have to put the weight on your heels.

Can I only drink whey on fasting day. I want to do the alternate fasting day. How much whey can I safely intake.

my arms aren't long enough for that, unless the upper part of my legs were basically parallel with the floor

I haven't had DOMS in over a year, and I'm working 110% seven days a week, usually 2-4 hours a day, also my recovery time is about 4 hours after a workout, why?

Also, if I need to go 40mi at 5mph, and I only have 1 gallon of water, how can I space out my drinking intervals, and how much should I drink to avoid passing out.

Thanks bros if you can answer my two questions.

One rep?
Mixed grip?
Not all the way up?

I'm 174cm, so around 5"9 or 5"10. My lifts are still increasing, so what gives..?

You gotta start from lower then, it's like long arms people having more ROM on benchpress


I haven't watched this whole video but this explains how to set up for the deadlift. Check this out and it should help your form.

Maybe post another video after using these tips

not mixed grip, and one rep for video purposes, yes
i will fall backwards if i go any lower

He starts explaining the setup at 3 minutes in

I finally hit 70kg squat, but now my lower back kinda hurts.. should I just stop squatting for a week or just lower it to 60kg and start all over again and this time concentrate more on form?

Should I drink milk when I'm trying to lose weight? Should I drink milk in general? Also, I want to eat more fruits. What fruits would fit recommend for someone on a cut?

Don't look around while you lift. Do you want to snap your shit up? Maintain neural spine etc etc

I know it's important to replenish your protein after a workout, but is there anything wrong with drinking protein shakes/bars etc if you haven't worked out yet?

Tall fag here to give you quick tips

>heels on the ground, let your body center forward a little.
>Your dropping way too quick, if your gym doesn't have a smith platform I understand but don't be afraid to pull the weight all the way up, stick your chest out and hold it. Don't just drop it though, lower it down then relax and let her loose, a little drop is expected for anyone going heavy so dw bout it.
>If your gym does have a floor of anykind (its a raised platform with a smith, can't miss it.) go nuts with dropping weights if you can get that bar way up.

I've been lifting for a year I don't know what the fuck you even mean other than super set.

Try doing something simpler, if your just beginning, you probably don't even need to SS in your routine. Do compound lifts unless your only using dumbbells in which case...

I dunno man, research your shit.

Your form has to be perfect, do you have someone who could watch over it ?

I've been lifting for 6+ years but due to the sport that I was playing during this time I never got the chance to do a proper cut. I'm going on my honeymoon in exactly 5 months and I need to look sexy af.
Currently I'm 184 cm tall (6') and weigh 87 kg (191 lbs). I haven't measured my bodyfat percentage but by looking at pics on the web I'd estimate it at 17-18%. My goal is to get to 12%, which is when abs are supposed to show if I remember correctly.
Should I bulk for 2 months and then cut for 3 months? How do you recommend going about my cut (nutrition- and lifting-wise)?

ALWAYS pay attention to form, get a spotter to check your form that you can trust.
Straps and accessorys can help too, if your into that.
Lowering weights for your next 2 squat days is a good idea while your checking form. If pain subsists despite these measures, see a doctor.

My elbows hurt like motherfuckers whenever I'm trying to do pushups

Am I doing it wrong or my elbows are just fucky?

Do a natty cut for the 5 months, if you don't care too much about size.
Every body is different and abs'll pop at different BF%'s. So don't take online pics too literally. Just CICO comfortably under TDEE and up the protein in your diet.

You know all this, but I'll just reiterate it. Lifting and looking good is not complicated or hard. You know what you have to do, just do it.

no, i meant starting strength user

or phrak's version of the greyskull lifting program

Check your form and try different pushup techniques, theres a few different ways to do them, some easy, some hard. If you can, find one that works well with you.

if your probs continue anyway, see a doctor.

Try sticking your elbow to your sides

What delt workout does the absolute minimum with traps?
My traps grow on their own, and they give me sucky sloped, which means that when I train my delts I paradoxically look slimmer, not wider.
And I already have hips too wide for a man.

should i even attempt to increase my lifts while on a cut?

Okay I get you now.

Remember user, routines are not some kind of lock in contract bound by law, try what you like the look of or have heard good things about. if your sure its comparable with yourself after some basic research, give it a go.

If your not liking it or having problems, you can always switch it up or just stop doing that routine, you'll get noob gains either way. Feel free to experiment and find what works for you.

I'm a casual, but I think it'll just mess up your form.

Sure, why not?
If your worried about injury's and all that, get a spotter.


I do care about size, I haven't lifted properly during the last 2 months and have lost some (muscle-)weight. That's why I was thinking of doing a short bulk before cutting. Just not quite sure about the timing

How much suggar can I take per day? Im on a bulk and go to the gym 5-6 days a week.

without knowing your current diet, try and add this:
500gr low fat greek yoghurt before going to bed
+250 kcal
+ 50gr protein

check again after 3 weeks.

well... WHO says it should be 5% of your calorie intake so that averages 30 grams of REFINED sugars

Not enough time, just recomp instead

when doing delt workouts, pul your shoulders down, lower the weight.

It's 11:30am right now

should I head to gym?

Think it will be crowded?

Usually go at 1am when its empty but I need the pump

is the anabolic window a meme?

I just got from the gym and it wasn't crowded but it was starting. That was like an hour ago, though. We probably don't got to the same gym so just go and find out, nigga.

Just how much salt should I be putting in my half cup of oats? I've read anywhere from a pinch to 1/4th a teaspoon, which seems much too generous.

best quad exercise I can do at home without a machine. have barbells, dumbbells a bench and smaller other shit. I already do squats but I want to isolate them as well.

bonus points if you dont say lunges or some squat variation

God damn it nigger this is supposed to be SFW


this is long-term change not "duhh ya better eat it now or youre gonna lose it all" voodoo shit

is there a place to see results from phraks or SS and such?

why you browsing four chins at work nigga?

dumbell legg extension

I work for the FBI

5x5, pyramid or reverse pyramid? Which is the best routine?

Should I be chugging brotein shakes after cardio too or just after lifting? I want to ration it if I can cause that shit's expensive.

doesnt matter either way the anabolic window is a meme just drink them whenever.

Starting Strength

I've started around 2 weeks ago... 75kg@186cm, I've been doing really intense workouts to "activate" my muscles as the PT in the gym was telling me but I'm unsure if I should ditch him and his program and follow on with SS till my noob gains start to wither.

I've done ss for 6 months, should I keep the 5x5 that it calls for?

Can someone answer my OP question or are you all fucking retarded summerfags?



The question is, could I be ready for a program such as strong lifts only after 2 weeks of intense training? I'VE LITERALLY NEVER TRAINED BEFORE. My school was shit and I've been living the computer-geek virgin lifestyle for about 13 years now. I used to find it hard to hold a glass cup. I can curl 5lbs dumbbells nowadays but IDK if I should start with something like SS or not. What do Veeky Forums people advise a weak loser like me?

>done ss
wat nigga
give me more info. what are your stats, your goals

>really intense workouts to "activate" my muscles
ayy lmao. Just do SS nigga

not strong lifts, SS* as i've understood it's better.
Is there no disadvantages to not being active one bit for 10 years+?

Is it not 5x5?

start with SS or SL, especially SL starts with laughably low weights. you will literally start with the bar.

get the book and read it.
Watch some of the official Starting Strength videos so that you know how to perform the movements.
Read the "Get Started" section on the SS website.

There is no reason not to start with SS as soon as you walk into the gym. No matter how old/young or weak/strong you are.

Order what's in pic related. You can add fish to your diet. Creatine is a hit or miss. You can just add more protein rich foods to your diet. The rest are memes. Just one of pic related will change your life.

never took preworkout before, I plan on doing HIITs after todays session, will it kill me?

yes like all over the counter supplements

How to avoid bloated stomachs? My stomach is flat during the day but it gets so bloated and fat after eating lunch and a couple of snacks.

less carbs, less milk products


Do you think this could be enough for me to start tomorrow? I'll look into the book in my free time, thanks for the rec.
>There is no reason not to start with SS as soon as you walk into the gym
I'll keep that in mind, thanks!

Thanks, I can benchpress about 25kg which is I guess pathetic but it's better than when I entered the gym.

Is it okay to drink a milkshake one hour before bedtime though? Like a 1000 calorie shake.

Just tried front squats.
I can back squat 200 pounds for 3x5 so I started with 0.5pl8 on front squat and it was fine when I put 1pl8 on I failed to even unrack the bar because my points where bar connects to my shoulders hurt like hell.
Do I just need to lift heaviest I can and my shoulders will adapt?
Also I have completely flat shoes and I didn't see anything similar to pick related to put under my feet, is there anything else I can use or it's actually ok to do front squats with flat shoes?

i doubt having something that large before bed is good for your sleep.

there is a different way to hold the bar when frontsquatting and the bar rests in a slightly different position on the shoulder for me atleast, try that.

as for your shoes it is fine to do them with flat shoes but a lot of people simply dont have the flexibility do do that and go below parallel without their heels coming off the floor or losing balance otherwise if that is not an issue for you keep the flat shoes.

certainly not the best thing and I doubt your stomach likes that very much. if you can just drop it for a while and see if you feel better without it. could be a negative influence but doesnt have to be. things like this can be very different from person to person.

I still can sleep fine.. but I'm more concerned about like would it be bad nutritionally wise or would it cause bloating.

I mean, it's a shitload of dairy right before bed. If your body doesn't like too much dairy, what makes you think it'll behave any differently when you're asleep?