You guys do realise that Veeky Forums is a meme, right? People in real life think you're dumb meatheads. Lurkers from other boards think you guys are retarded manchildren with deep unresolved issues caked beneath muscle. Other websites think you are beta-wannabe apes with no true motivation. Then I get the feeling you guys all hate eachother. Not to mention, yourself.
This place is just a small spot in gookMoot's pocket. Keep providing his family food with your posts, because we all know you're starving yourself over memes and larping.
Jack Moore
> Lurkers from other boards think you guys are retarded manchildren with deep unresolved issues caked beneath muscle
Caleb Watson
Here's a (You), lardass.
Dominic Ortiz
>Other websites think you are beta-wannabe apes with no true motivation. Then I get the feeling you guys all hate eachother. Not to mention, yourself.
They're right tho
Cameron Williams
is Veeky Forums a normie board?
Easton Rivera
The attention whoring is at its finest.
Liam Richardson
i dont let people without bulging serratus anteriors get to my feefees
Jaxson Green
Hoowee that booty is p l u m p
Tyler Cooper
>caring about what others think Found the beta male
John Cooper
Someone post a roll chart.
Matthew Diaz
My goal is to not care about what people thinks. I'm doing this for me.
Easton Campbell
>implying this doesn't describe all of Veeky Forums
Good b8 though, 7/10
Mason Morgan
Fuck off reddit
John King
struggle makes us strong
we live in a conformist world, why would I want to go to a forum that doesn't challenge my views or strive me to do better?
Asher Peterson
Carson Hernandez
If we cared what others thought we wouldn't be on an anonymous website
Jace Edwards
>replied >obviously cares Kek
Jackson Morris
>because the average /b/ & /a/ user workout religiously and are referred to as meatheads
Elijah Rogers
>please stop bettering yourselves so I don't look quite so bad in comparison
That's all I hear from your OP, OP.
Lucas Williams
You're doing worse though I'm from iFunny loser Not true at all. It's because you guys are rejected elsewhere
Caleb Richardson
>MAGA hat on anime Oh that's rich.
Ryan Wright
Aiden Stewart
sometimes I bury my face in asses like that because my muscles overcompensate my autism in certain situations checkmate
Adrian Howard
>panty boi
Zachary Ward
Chicks poop from there. Is it an act of autism to have an urge to bury your entire face into a rectum? Sounds complicated and a bit socially out there. How does one discuss it with a woman of interest at the supermarket without sounding creepy?
Help me out Veeky Forums
Oliver Martinez
>because you can't switch out "meathead" for "weeaboo" or some other insult
Please think for five seconds before replying
William Davis
Congrats, you found out that outcasts and social rejects gather at Veeky Forums and browse boards pertaining to their hobbies and interests. I'm sure your home board is a haven of well-adjusted individuals.
Austin Thomas
lions do not concern themselves with the sheep. I am a lion you are the sheep. Know your place.
Ayden Russell
Unless I'm drunk I take it slowly because some girls have horrible hygiene. Sometimes I just pick them up and carry them into the shower and clean their ass for them, a lot girls actually enjoy this
Thomas Peterson
That's all genetics, you can tell she doesn't work out or eat well. She's gonna be a wreck by 30.
Dominic Smith
>Lurkers from other boards
Like /mlp/ (who are probably nice), /r9k/ (who are probably jealous), /lgbt/ (who are probably fapping), /b/ (who are probably fapping), /k/ (who are probably chill), Veeky Forums (who are probably chill), /a/ (who are probably jealous), Veeky Forums (who are probably fapping), /pol/ (who are probably not white), and /sp/ (who probably wrongly think Mayweather will win)
Everybody's rooting for us!
Grayson Anderson
Girls that neglect their body in both lifestyle and diet go steeply downhill by the early 20s. No way they would last till 30.
Dominic Foster
>implying those are two things that can easily be shifted from one to another
Carson Flores
>lion replies to mighty Sheep's words with words that actually show more weakness than the initial statement Equality of all creatures with the right determination.
Jeremiah Stewart
It's kind of fucked that's what you get from this photo instead of enjoying a decent ass.
I bet you secretly bang BBWs and then make comments like with friends about any girl who isn't skeletal because you're insecure.
Alexander Bennett
Most make it to early 40s.
Luke Young
>Lurkers from other boards think you guys are retarded manchildren with deep unresolved issues caked beneath muscle. Correct
Joshua Morgan
Your bait is almost as weak as your body
Jaxson Davis
Average reaction
Pretentious reaction
Sociopathic, asexual reaction
Robert Thompson
>not knowing only beta males reply to bait, making baiter win; thus making him stronger in character and demeanor in comparison to (You) >calling out somebody for being weak is projection 101
Parker Powell
When did reddit take over this place?
Nathaniel Perry
>mental gymnastics this hard I bet you can name all of the logical fallacies
Jason Young
Hey OP, you might be right. However, weightlifting makes me feel better, and this place always provides me with a few laughs regarding lifting. If that makes me a beta-wannabe ape, that's fine by me.
All I know is that I feel better than I did before I started lifting. And that is worth more than trying to make other feel bad by pulling them down.
I honestly hope you try weightlifting sometime. It will make you a better person.
Levi Allen
>-t. DYEL manlet incel
Stay envious.
Dylan Morales
4D Chess*
>lifting intensifies as TED talk audio with birds chirping to light music explains why lifting will elevate your consciousness
Jackson Cox
p h a t
William Jackson
Pissing yourself in public and smiling is a demonstration of confidence too. Diogenes masturbated in public. Lifting is based in a similar way.
Cooper Ross
>showering with a girl so you can bite every inch of her body in a clean fashion
Patrician taste, user.
As for OP, I love being considered a meathead on first meet. But I double majored in ME/EE and went to law school and let that slowly drip out. I'll normally just say "office drone" when asked what I do initially before getting asked specific details.
Brody Brooks
You blind fuck...
Christopher Gonzalez
OP is correct about everything. Is it any of his business? Absolutely not.
Aiden Brown
have any more?
Josiah Hill
>anarcho-communists >muh helicopter rides What retard made this?
Ryder Jenkins
OP is right
Lucas Murphy
I just want to get swole desu
pic related; me at my last rep
Colton Brown
Another one of these threads...
Henry Ortiz
>People in real life think you're dumb meatheads. The joke is on you; I'm DYEL even by conventional standards.