

>it's impossible to get hurt doing a bro split.

pls dont bully tom. he has autism :(

Poor Tom:(

Who is this?

This is why hookgrip is the masterrace

Tom Martin

World class powerlifter

What happened?

>hook rip 400+kg

okay yuri :^)

looks like he teared his biceps doing mixed grip deadlift

bicep tear

>yfw you lift your bicep off your bones

theres literally ZERO reason to not use straps if you are not competing in powerlifting.

>hurr train your forearms
bullfucking shit you can train your forearms in in isolation much safer than deadlifting without even breaking a sweat and barely affecting your recovery.

Even pic related says that you should use straps whenever they allow you to lift more weight, even on fucking machines

>being competitive

How do I achieve this level of mind-muscle connection?

If you deadlift with mixed grip its only a matter of time before you tear bicep long head from supinated arm

>trying hard at things

what if i can't pull as heavy using overhand

Use straps?

The only people who actually tear their biceps are literal steroidfags.

Depends, is your grip failing or is it just back weakness?

Focus on the muscle that cant keep up

>who actually
>are literal
kill yourself.

He's actually right. Steroid users run a higher risk of injury as their tendons don't grow as fast as their muscles

one of my fantasies is giving sexual pleasure to a man who just injured himself

>run a higher risk of injury
That's very far from what he said.

Yeah, uh, no