ITT post only patrician-tier ideals
Now, behold perfection


great body, roman fail, decent clothes, good women.

I like it for obvious reasons.

Bretty good, aside from being bald, of course.


>implying he has a choice

Bod should be bigger, 8/10

"Hair" is shit, girls could be better, nice bod and style, 6/10

W-why didn't you rate me, senpai?

Ya gotta post the prompt if u want a response

who is bottom right?

Alison Stokke.

I don't know anything about fashion

Why would you want a girl that looks like a preteen?


here's the template brahs, make me proud

>I don't know anything about fashion

We can tell.

Brad Pitt is meme-tier dyel, style is literally "lmao no style", girls are generic thots, Jason Momoa is cute but he would still look better with short hair, 3/10

nice, 8/10, the girls are disgusting but I guess you're entitled to your shitty taste

7/10, good body, hope you have some deca on hand bc it's not attainable for nattycucks

also >wearing makeup while working out

8/10 nice hair but don't comb it back like the top-left pic, good style, don't listen to the effay soyboys on here who'll tell you to dress like a trap

t. middle-aged bitter single roastie

>wearing makeup while working out

It's a photoshoot, breh. Btw, you're wrong about Momoa, look it up. He looks like shit with short hair.

>those "girls"

And you insulted those other guys' girl choices? Jesus.

>Homo hair
>Homo style
>Girls with short hair


Body 10/10 everything else literal 0/10 short hair dyke chick pls go

>inb4 hipster
>inb4 pedo

Here's a better template

>Susan Coffey
My nigga 10/10 everything
Solid 8/10
Solid 9/10
8/10 , great style choice
9/10, Only disagree with ideal girl choice but great everything else, style similar to me
7/10 everything good but girl looks a little young

>Now, behold perfection
Eh, the hair is a little pedestrian. Other than that, solid effort. 7/10.
10/10. Wouldn't change a thing, assuming you're already bald, which you almost certainly are. Love the style and girls.
8/10. Better chicks than OP template.
>tfw no pole vaulter qt 3.14 gf
7/10. Basic but pleasing.
6/10. Hate the girls/traps/whatever those are. Hair is a little memey. Respectable style and body goals.
Not sure if more repulsed by the pedo taste in girls or the fact that you fell for the meme bun. Tiny Trip is a G, though.
9.5/10. Classic taste.

> he thinks I don't know normies don't like reverse-trap soft butch qts
> he thinks this is a bad thing
> he doesn't realize I have zero competition

You can keep sharing your instagram thot with the 3 billion other guys who like generic instagram thots, I'll be over here with my mountain of androgynous bfs (female)

I'm on a liberal college campus and I swear these girls can somehow SMELL that they're your type, literally every girl like this that I've met seemed into me and I don't even look like a nerd

Honestly maybe I like them because I'm a literal bifaggot, I also think pic related is cute

>little girls dressed like whores
you might as well just be a teleio

Khia is not a whore you take that back

all i see is corruption of youth, setting girls into an early puberty
it's a real waste to see when a little girl is turned into a whore

9/10. Took one out for bald but I won't take more because I guess it's not your choice.
8/10 for Barbie
6/10 decent but nothing special
Fucking pedo

What image editing software do you guys use?
My mspaint fucks up the picture quality.

Yes I'm aware of my retardation.


GIMP. It's free and takes 30 seconds to figure out.

looks pretty solid

That's why you gotta get them before they turn into whores. Khia is not one, she's a model and wears whatever they'll pay her to. Hopefully the fame doesn't go to her head.
Emersyn is also not a whore. She's only 6 so I doubt she's even grasped the reality of her relative fame.
>t. someone in denial they find those girls hot

6/10. Shame about the hair though
7/10. Girls are good
7/10. The girl is cute
4/10. I don't dig this personally
9/10. Wish I could see a man with this body.
6/10. Kind of bland
6/10. Would be higher if it weren't for those girls


Thanks for that man, I'm gonna save it

Who's that bottom right?

Looks like Maria Menounos

fix that hair and you've got an A+, son.


lmao I dig it

damn nigga I have to steal your hairstyle.
you cool




be my bf pls

hehe so your type is like the guys on the right?

I don't understand these topics. What is the point?
>go and get your ideal haircut today
>go and buy your ideal clothes today
>go and pick up girls today (might take ~1 month to get ideal)
>go and lift today (only time consuming ideal, but you'll get there in ~2 years for the vast majority of you)
These topics are just excuses to put off action, because you feel like just by identifying your goals that you're actually working towards them. This is especially ridiculous when one of your goals is just to get a certain hairstyle or to just wear a certain style of clothes.


who's the red head?

Your clothing choices are autist tier.

Not the biggest fan of the hair but pretty patrician otherwise I guess.
Do you want the og Avril or are you satisfied with her double? very nice actually.
pretty nice
goal body is nice, everything else is meh.
Very very nice. it would be nice to see what you would wear when not wearing a suit.
9/10 I like this

You're an idiot and think you're really intelligent. I guarantee you're a cancerous person to be around.

>What is the point?

They're fun and help you develop a clear aesthetic goal in your mind that you can proceed to aim for. There's a point behind the old trope "write down your goals," it's to give you a clear image and reminder of what you want. Besides, in these threads people typically rate other Anons' goals/aesthetics and recommend stuff to them.

Anyways, you can't just throw money at things to achieve them, so you're completely in the wrong on that end.

>want a guy with that X taper AND V taper

girl confirmed for not knowing what she wants

t. stylelet

>have to wait for my hair to grow (want long hair)
>Have to save money to buy all the clothes and shoes i need
>Have to spend few more years in the gym to achieve goal body
>hate women

He's making the most of what he has, faggot.