
read all of before asking your absolutely retarded questions. no exceptions.


previously on idk I didn't read it: RIP PCB spring break edition

Other urls found in this thread:

Thank you hungry skeleton clan

what the fuck is this op image

those boys r cute/sexy

and source of the blonde girl in the middle? she has nice meaty thights desu

I have decided to ditch Panama City beach for my spring break vacation next year. Too many people saying spring break 2017 there was shit.

I NEED ADVICE trumpets. We'll go to florida btw.

You might not like it, but that's what true performance looks like.

im new to these.

why is source talk not allowed?

illegal in the states = bad for Veeky Forums = bans for everyone!

Because Mods. They delete threads with source talk.

why does every white person from my high school vacation in panama city or destin florida. Can someone explain?

Do you guys use a fresh new syringe each time?

maybe less niggers? no idea.


Mods. But it's not hard to find a source if you know where to look.

Just got back from Florida. It was alright but I was with my family so I didn't get to party or anything. But if I weren't with them and not so terrible at being social I'd probably recommend it.

I've been using one to pierce the rubber stopper and get the test in, then another one to inject. Some people use the same needle for both.

yes, how poor are you to even ask this


Did he get a hair system or a new hairline? lol. he looks much better in the 2015 pic

im talking spring break, you poor cunt

hes asking about syringes, not needles

I have seen guys using syringes that were already bent over backwards of how much they have used them.

>what is growing your hair out and styling it

*the needle was bent, of course

Have you ever shared a needle with a gym bro?

Yes. The syringes are sterile and once used they are no longer considered sterile.

Especially considering that you should always aspirate, it wouldn't make any sense to reuse a syringe.

dont be one of those guys

>Going on spring break to get that college bussy
>not going over summer vacation to get that 85 yo gramma bussy
never gonna make it

Also yeah I totally misread that. I use different syringes each time as well but I don't know the consensus on that.

No because I don't have gym bros who know I'm on gear. But even if I did, no.

I want to marry her.

>Especially considering that you should always aspirate,
retard alert

Like, you were in the locker room chatting with a gym bro, maybe singing a few tunes together, and you pull out your juice, and he sees it and asks "what's that senpai?", and you say "oh, nothing some tren", and he says "can I have some?", and you say "yah boy", and you inject half and then give him the other half, and then you give each other a high five and a kiss

Do roids develop your browridge and your jaw? or is that a lie

Also is this guy natty or not

This is a troll right?

Can't say I've ever had the inclination to do any of that, no.

I don't think there's any conclusive evidence for this. It's usually just a reduction in bf%

HGH is the only thing that will actually 100% do that should you use it long enough

Probably not going to happen, unless you take them extra young.
>Also is this guy natty or not
Maybe. Could be either way.

Why you should aspirate:

It only takes little effort, so why not aspirate and prevent the cough you can get from it? Especially considering you aren't a professional and you might inject into a spot where you could hit a vein, it's basically an insurance policy to make sure you're not fucking up.

u wun sum?

had a bartender actually look at the picture on my ID. 24 now, 19 when it was taken. She pointed out that my brow had changed.

That's enough time for changes to take affect naturally.

you have ascended

Yeah. Certainly not claiming it was roids that did it. Just never had someone point that out to me.

basically because it does nothing. pulling blood in means nothing, there's a 99.9999% chance that if you pull blood you just nicked a vein on the way in

and the .0001% is if you willingly looked for a vein and tried to inject into it. if you are in the general area of a proper site and deep enough to hit the muscle, you are not inside a vein.

>tfw you will never have a qt soldier girl bark orders at you while you fug
Why even live

I've been aspirating because I was told to and it only takes a second to do. I'm sure if you're not retarded you don't have to, but since I am retarded I do it to be safe.

How do you figure your ai dosages for a cruise?

same way you did for your blast


I'd argue that if you're a retard it might even do more harm than good. seeing blood because you nicked a vein will make you pull out and inject elsewhere, repeat as many times as you need to not nick a vein entry... and then you realize you fucked around with a needle inside your muscle 4 times before injecting and you're headed straight to pip city

Oh damn, you're probably right there.

are high school boys as easy as high school girls

high school boys aren't out of the closet yet

so no


I know that most women in the army don't look like this at all, but it's still tempting me to shoot for an army qt gf.

Unfortunately the few girls around where I live who are army are black, and/or extremely unattractive.

Did you already get the testoviron? Or the homosex thoughts are natty?

It's more like something that "just happens"

thats because you live in murica. All the pics i posted are ISREALI DEFENSE FORCES.

>people like this exist

Nice try jidf

Do they look at you weird at the lab when you take in an order for a female hormone testing panel? Do they care?

Hey! Oi m8. Nah, I am the kind of guy that likes to read about things and get some idea of what I am suppoused to be doing before I start. I haven't read the roids sticky yet, I am in no hurry to get started at all.
No homo btw

>Blonde hair blue eyes

Not sure how I should feel about this desu

>Be in the locker room
>Leave gear at home becasue I'm not gonna inject myself in a filthy gym bathroom
>tell my bro I'll see him next workout
>go home and do my thing

>Be in the locker room
>Pull out gear
>He sees it and asks "what's that senpai?"
>I say "oh, nothing some test."
>He says "can I have some?"
>Inform him of how to get gear and where to get his own syringes and needles while also informing him of the health hazards that come with needles, such as why you should never share them with anybody under any circumstances.
>Go home and do my thing

Beautiful face.


Yeah same, i was reading about roids like a year before pinning kek
>No homo btw
Obviamente papu
did you read my post about asking in the landerlan page? If not do it, they have a "representante oficial" in Argentina so no customs

No hard feelings, but i think i am setting the bar too high for you faggots.

I would not start with that base, but hey whatever. If you feel good what you're doing, just do it.

>Whats about the he posts pics credit? Not many do that.
That's a valid point, i give credit for this post. Good one.

I need to tell you guys the truth, get you out of this muhh zyzzz muhh tren fairy tale.

100/200 mg seems enough to me imo.

Would rather use it for a cut. You can always control your e2 better with an ai

army women are whores

when was the last time you knew a woman that spent her time almost exclusively with males that wasn't getting fucked daily by one or more of them?

Geez, good thing i didn't ask you about sharing a needle for smack

Yeah, I saw it but I couldn't reply because the thread was closed. Thanks a lot for all the help broski

do you think any girl isn't getting fucked constantly? either they're constantly in relationships getting the dick or they sleep around

Natties get the girl

Roiders get the twink

army women are the second type

I mean I never said I was god like. I just think you're expecting a lot out of anonymous strangers on an anime weightlifting forum. What would a good starting base look like to you?

Also what does "muhh zyzzz muhh tren fairy tale" mean

masT hates that people idolize zyzz and not him

mast is a jelly manlet

Not really. I have seen plenty of natties in cbt that are way better looking than you on other over here that are roids.

A bit build and low body fat. Especially lower body fat is important. You have too much body fat to start with.

It means that most people over here think you can just use tren and eat and train like shit and muscles will grow on trees. Delusional

I am not in the right place to be jelly of someone.

>Yeah, I saw it but I couldn't reply because the thread was closed. Thanks a lot for all the help broski
Np bb keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get

fuck you trigger me, you know nothing about this world.

>murican education


>t. murican

Somebody said WHITE?

I do have too much body fat, that's true yeah. But I've already started so I guess there's no turning back now.

Also I don't know shit about tren since I'm on babby's first cycle, but if the point of going on gear is to maximize your potential, why would you fuck it up by eating and training like garbage?

Also why are you not in the right place to be jelly of someone?

Why does that trigger you? I was just pointing out how funny it is that someone who looks like the Nazis stereotypical poster girl happens to be in the Israeli army.

Here is a free redpill, /fraud/. No, you are not suppoused to inject it

how does this even matter? Females have to server 2 years minimum in the Isreali army, thats all you have to know.


>Let's get some girls in the pic so it looks less gay

>tfw when the screenshot you made gets reposted

This is a better feeling than all the (You)'s combined

Mast supposedly helps control water separate from e2.

I always bloat like fuck on anything anabolic, test deca adrol etc and I'm a fucking water balloon no matter my estro. I know because I crashed my e2 to shit thinking that it would help, nah I just hold water easy.

Hoping something might help because I hate feeling so jiggly and shit fucks with my BP. I'll try 150-200mg when I hop off of cruise this Autumn, thanks.

you're being fed propaganda is why it matters.

That actually sounds awesome. Can we get that here in merrica?

He's a simple yolo idiot that idolizes the seid/zyzz roid to get laid at festivals culture. Nothing really 'wrong', but there's no depth to his thoughts just filter or take him as he is.


you know i hate this rule

can we talk about this for just a moment?

even on boards like /diy/ you can't really talk about anything cool but on reddit sources are posts 24/7

thought Veeky Forums was the bad boy and reddit was the good boy

then again sure it would lead to scamming and fraud and money making so i guess it's necessary

>Israeli army
Why would that bother him? I'd think he's be pro militaristic ethno states.

>thought Veeky Forums was the bad boy and reddit was the good boy
Reddit is idiot's who think they're geniuses, while Veeky Forums is retards who know they're retarded.

Also I'd say 4chans rep as the bad boy is precisely why we need ot be careful. Feds probably wouldn't have any problem shutting down Veeky Forums (or at elast getting us all in serious trouble) if we were throwing out sources all willy nilly, but since reddit is seen as the "good guy" they aren't as likel;y to get shut down over something like that. That's just my opinion though, so it's probably wrong.

I'm in Colorado...

you're not from around here I take it

cheers user

no im not being fed anything. You see it as propaganda, which is wrong and autistic. I see it as pictures of female soldiers, nothing more nothing less.
You overcomplicate it too much with your autistic mind

german, i just mixed the names up

Where in Colorado? I'm moving to FoCo soon.

>posting pictures of Israeli army women

Shit now I'm even more confused

Grand Junction reporting in

what is the /fraud/ anime of choice?

why do you have a picture of underage shirtless boys

>walking out of sex shop to car
>someone drives by and yells "atta boy"

I binge watch pretty much all the ones on netflix. They're pretty bad, but it's something do watch while playing vidya.

Just finished "My Hero Academia"

My hero academia it's not over bb

BTC down $155 since yesterday. boys. Spend what you got now it's doomed.

I'm around the Denver/lakewood area..

How do you guys dose your HCG?

You do know that this was legit a JIDF plan to get one over on the goyim right? Posting pics of their military women who happen to have enough goy genes to be actually attractive.

yu yu hakusho

I like Hajime No Ippo. Kinda cheesy as fuck but I dig it.