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I can't believe it's real :/ Fucking RIP big guy
I knew it was happening soon, not sure I would ever be ready but it's happened
big lenny noooo
stop joking guise he's my favorite fitness sub-celebrity
you mean whomst've
insulin comas are no joke
may cookie cutters forever feel the wrath of Big "theres an alien inside of him" Lenny
Wait, is he actually fucking dead?
no source
Its fake its piss
Yeah right.
How can you die if you're already dead?
This is just like the scooby death watch.
>*unsubs quietly*
Gorilla Mindset
It would actually sadden me if Lenny would die.
He's such a fun guy i would really miss him along the mifits. Why cant the monkey prick die before him
Can we figure out how to get a hold of Broccolini and let Lenny meet her before he dies?
He isn't dead, there is no source
No source talk faggot
wheres you're source??
I'm not a source
the sad thing is that he could drop dead any day now.
thatsn ot how it works
is he having a stroke?
his shoulder is fucked
labral tear? dislocation?
I would actually be pretty bummed out if this was real
It's coming one day, and by the looks of it that day will be soon. I know people have been saying this for years, but he looked like absolute shit in the 4th of July Misfit videos.
I can't believe he pussied out of getting that MRI when he had the chance
Labia tear
Fuck off
Big lenny will die within 5 years. Gonna be sad :(.
Guy has brought joy to thousands of people and is depressed, alone, and miserable. Poor guy
i hope christina broccolini realizes this and actually meets lenny. its literally his only dream in life and it would be awful for him to die without meeting her
I couldn't give a shit if Jason died. He made his my storie videos and that was all I could tolerate.
When Lenny passes on, will the Misfits go with him? Only Brad, Andrew, and M'tard will be left. Jay Masters is on the road all the time and Synthol Mark and Big Richard go to different gyms. Pretty sure Chuck doesn't even lift anymore
Ye olde chocolate golem
Brad killed the channel already
>Brad killed the channel
brad is the only 1 filming
he is the only reason the channel is still posting
>6 inch ROM
>bitch machine
>all kinds of steroids but still fat
>looks like a sunburned scrotum
fucking lmao.
why is bodybuilding infested with so many freaks
he even posted a goodbye message
Prince Andrew did the last vid Tbh
Though I am really enjoying these Black liver labs ments
Bodybuilding exists in the extremes. The extremes of society naturally gravitate to each other.
I really despise that one gook faggot who used the Delray Misfits to get YouTube famous. His videos are phonie cancer.
not in the am bro
Shut up you fucking cookie cutter. You're just mad you will never be the Tom platz of abs.
m'tranny brought us some good ments Tbh, but yeah he's absolutely fucking insufferable
FUCK Cookie Cutter Transexual KneeWrap Nate
Mods sticky
Yeah I always wondered why methhead Nate was ever featured in the videos he wasn't funny, insightful, edgy or most important of all a freak. Now I just assume he asked to be in them, as it lead him to do those gay binge eating challenges with monkeyprick, which were just promotions for his channel so he can pay for his female jew nosed "german" gfs greencard. It takes a special type of low to scam the iron extortionist.
>post yfw eggshell membrane
Is that a pic of Bradley Martyn's gym?
i saw him on his bike today over on linton, fuck off
It makes me angry how he's more popular than the misfit maniacs by a huge margin. Way more popular. He's so cookie cut. If he shows his face at Lenny's funeral I hope Dale gives him a shiner. I've been out of the loop. Do the Misfits think ill of that gook bitch?
it's a cookie cutter gym so probably
I regret every "get ye gone" I've ever posted...
I was not ready for this...
>type "is big Lenny" into Google
>first result is "is big Lenny black"
can someone link the video of lenny puking on the side of the road?
From what I know there hasn't been any real public mention of Nate by any of the misfits. Pisstroopers still run the comment section on every single video on his own channel, usually asking him why he doesn't do videos with jason anymore along with other insults and ments. He hasn't censored any of it so I guess it doesn't bother him.
Fuck I felt some sinking feeling like one of my parents just died. Please live forever as a freak Lenny.
Veeky Forums should open up a museum of all these dead roiders. They're dropping like flies. Who's next?
I know he's adamant about his health (roids forbid), but he always looks like he'd smell like stale cigs
Jason called him out for not hanging out with him for months, which was promptly followed by youtube.com
oi cunt, they're called lenny reps
What is this machine for, incline bench imitation?
>>looks like a sunburned scrotum
This is the greatest insult I have ever seen
has he ever been to a doctor to examine his tom platz abs and see what the fuck is going on in there?