Veeky Forums does weed affect muscle recovery?

Veeky Forums does weed affect muscle recovery?

No, of course not.



No Yes Maybe.

I don't know

Is it known at all what the affects of weed on fitness are?

other than motivation nothing

Yup weed increases estrogen, estrogen helps with recovery, no putting source look it up yourself

I thought testosterone helped with recovery?

Can you repeat the question?

ur good bro

Probably, it does alter glucose metabolism in the brain and peripheral tissues.
It's nothing major though and varies person to person.

Weed is degenerate and that's all I need to know. I'm sure, in some way or another, it fucks up gains. Of course stoner piece of shit hippies defend it, good for them

Wood slowly dissolves your spine

i know it stops you getting into REM and deep sleep which aid recovery so i guess it affects it in that way

More or less degenerate than being a neet virgin with no social skills?

Lol fag, you're parents didn't let you inject wood did they?

How'd I know ? I'm not one. Stoners on the other hand, they deny being addicted, deny being retarded but it is quite clear.
Oh was it a reddit tier passive agressive reply ? Sorry, forgot that weedfags are also prone to raging hard despite claiming it "calms" them

>Weed is degenerate
How so?

>Not smoking weed
>eating enough to make gains
Pick one

Well Arnold Schwarzenegger use to smoke weed every night after working out then took a shower and went to bed. He said it helped him recover quickly and helped his body heal.

Smoke affect your lungs, reducing your ooverall vitality.

Weed also affects your brain and unbalances your dopaminic receptors overtime, turning you into a nervous wreck with poor memory and lowered IQ.

>every night

How long does it take to do that? I've been smoking on and off for about a year now, starting at 21. I heard it had adverse effects but only really bad for young developing brains.

spotted the spoopy skellington

any psychoactive drug will wreck your brain given enough time. weed does this by making your dopamine and cannabinoid receptors insensitive due to overuse and you will feel the effects if you smoke frequently for a substantial amount of time and then stop cold turkey.

Overuse kills the crab. I've seen it happen.

>reducing IQ

Lol literally a retard, you have smart and dumb braincells. Simply smoking weed kills off the dumb braincells to make room for the smart ones

nah bro all it really does is cure cancer. pretty useless desu

It might not affect your gains but it is degenerate

>Been on Veeky Forums for 8 years now
>Been smoking weed that whole time
>Been to the gym 5 times in that 8 years
>If i had lifted a weight for every bong i smoked i would be ripped Rich by now

But it's not addicting, i can quit anytime i want. *Scrapes resin out of bong pipe to smoke*

Heres my experience:

I began getting high when i was 19 because the guys at the gym said the munchies will help me make gains. I smoked a ton and made a bunch of gains.

I would even go to the gym mildly high, and felt like I could tap into my mind-muscle connection on a deeper level. This benefit transferred over to when I wasn't high (it was like awakening cloudy parts of the central nervous system)

Over time I realized my motivation outside of lifting was decreasing because of all my sedentary stoned hours. As well if you get high less than 5 hours before you sleep you probably wont get a REM cycle that night which affects your production of the hormones that will give you gains.

TLDR: Smoke at 7pm and enjoy your enhanced MLG L33T gains

I think this is very dependent on the individual. I do not recall any dreams unless I'm:
a. High
b. Drunk

Yeah it does.

I just started smoking last week and it's really helping me sleep. I'll smoke a small bowl at night and am slowly correcting my beyond shitty sleep habits. I've noticed that I'm not as sore the morning after BJJ or Muai Thai. Rockstar is the specific one I use and it doesn't really get me high and keeps me lucid.

There is a fine line that needs to be realized when it comes to smoking weed. On one hand you have someone who may use often but not habitually, in this case you should be perfectly fine, and as others have said it may lead to motivation (it sure did for me when I was starting out). On the other hand there are the proverbial "pothead" that rots his brain with excessive smoking. dont be a pothead, be a stoner.

T. former stoner

Tell me where the stoners hurt you back in school

>there are people on fit who think they've made but have never gotten stoned with a girl and had their dick violently deepthroated afterwards.

I've heard weed makes girls horny as fuck. Any truth to that?


t. girl

My erections when high are insanely hard.

Is an Indica or a Sativa better? I gusee I could Google strains that make you horny.

Both make me horny
I've only smoked 5 times in my life tho...all recent. So I'm sure google will be a way better help.

i have stopped smoking cos i had problems with short term memory, (which i still have, but less pronounced), lower attention span, and much less creativity in thinking process. Also, i had problem with vocabulary (related to long term memory loss). All of these effects had begin to take place after 3-4 months of smoking weed 2-3 times a week, and i have smoked for 9 months with no pause.

where i'm from there's no talk of strains n shit, you just get some good ol' weed. as mentioned above, google is your friend

>Smoke affect your lungs, reducing your ooverall vitality.

You can consume weed without smoking.

>Weed also affects your brain

Potatoes also affect your brain. Pretty much everything does.

>and unbalances your dopaminic receptors overtime

Not such thing as an unbalanced dopaminic receptor. The phenomenon that you are probably referring to is called neural adaptation. Just do abstinence for a month and you will be fine or alternative be a moderate cannabis user

>, turning you into a nervous wreck with poor memory and lowered IQ.

Only if you smoke heavily during your teens will it affect your memory and even then it is not too far off from the average population, i.e. you would find it very hard to tell the difference.

that guy has a whole pharmacy in him

Sativa for lifts, Indica for recovery

When you feel like thanking me, don't come here, look to the sky

If you truly want to quit an addiction, you need to WANNA quit it. And why would anyone quit this harmless drug just because some ignorant twat called you an addict?

sounds like you've got adhd and it became more obvious thanks to the weed. do an online test and if you get high scores, get a drs appointment