Feels so fucking good

Feels so fucking good,

Eric Gu is a fucking boss,

Other urls found in this thread:


Who and what


Watch this and if still dont invest in this Chink ur a fucking moron

aren't you joining us, user?

Metaverse is what NEO should have been, an actual team instead of some memed volunteers.

Wow, this is bigger than I thought.

Can anyone transfer me a few BTC so I can start investing on Metaverse ETP too? Thanks!


Yeah I'm watching that video now from the other thread. I didn't realize he was buds with Vitalik in 2014.

5BTC sent. Oh fuck my copy paste lost the Y on your address FUCK! I am so sorry man agh.. sigh

no those tits are not big enough

Early Summer Tiger. That's his name

Which market is best for this coin? Mostly used to Binance, been wary of others.

Also for those kind anons


Watch it then you realise this dude is a Nerd and a business man, i mean VItalik sold his ETH for 8$ sure he will do good but i am here to make money and i trust Eric more in that matter

finex or hitbtc

webwallet was just confirmed for release soon also in the slack

Right now I'm 20% in ETP, 20% in BTC, 20% in NEO, 20% ALIS and the rest in random ICO coins.

I'm pretty happy with my distribution. Got pretty hurt this past two weeks but I really believe in all the projects.

Hey op join our chat here I think you'd fit in discord.gg/jUwUQ8

i got 30% ETP 40% BTC 30% OMG

i want to move some OMG to NEO but im a bit scared desu, The beauty of META if china is back its a bonus its not a must to make this coin big

That's a good distribution. I feel like OMG's news has already passed and the gains lefts are small and slow. But then again it's cus I didn't get in early.

NEO I got in at 8 and ETP 1.6. I need to work on my BTC ratio tho

im the hodler type anyways, and OMG is a long hold if they can do what they are planning, im not sure if they can tho

All in on ETP, the usable ETH of the east

Reposting to late other anons know whats going on.

While I do agree ETP is great, the fact that it's home base is in Dubai is not good unfortunately as it looks like Saudi Arabia and Iran are about to go to War. Dubai is right in the middle of those two countries.

Lol the got 25 projects from china coming on META they are in dubai to go around the rules in China

Dude, that's a brilliant portfolio. I have some bags I need to drop to get there, but that's basically the Dragon right there.