>itt times you confirmed your professor was a brainlet

>talking about etruscan civilization
>professor shows wall paintings of etruscan tombs and asks if there's anything odd about them to the class
>no one says a peep
>he says that the answer is: since there are some people with fair skin and some with olive skin in the paintings, etruscans had a multi-ethnic culture
>raise my hand
>me: "but some Italians just look like that; there are fair-skinned and olive-skinned Italians just like there are brown-haired and blonde-haired ones"
>professor: "well i disagree, i think it's a sign of multi-ethnicity"

So how did you coutner his arguement?

I just didn't bother arguing since I didn't want to derail the class and he's honestly a nice guy. The idea that there's no such thing as simply different phenotypes in a single ethnicity was just baffling to me though, especially since he was saying fair-skinned fair-haired people most likely weren't Italians to a fair-skinned fair-haired guy of Italian descent with an extremely Italian last name.

>gay couples
>naked servants
Why is Southern Europe like this?

One can make the arguement that the fair skin people come from the ostrogothic and lombard invasions, which could be used to defend your professors stance
But i haven't done research on italian phenotypes so i may be wrong

welcome to the new reality


so you proved that you're a retard?

My professor said "there are no different races, only the human race". I'm guessing he meant species, or that he doesn't know that categories in general are abstractions.

Another said that it is a mistake to characterise pre-Greek Western, and the traditional societies of the rest of the world, as less rational than the modern West.

But Etruscans were way before the Germanic invasions

None, because my professors are primarily doctors of medicine and scientists.

>None, because my professors are primarily doctors of medicine and scientists.
Is this a lie? If you were actually taught by both it would soon become apparent to you that the former are merely craftsman, who (relative to scientists) are brainlets. Even the scientists are brainlets compared to researchers in holistic fields.

physical variation exists within populations and isn't proof of multiculturalism. Is your professor Italian?

No, because fair skin has been reported and documented as existing in Italy long before the Germanic invasions.

People who make up bullshit?

>multiculturalism is about skin pigmentation
The absolute state of today

Just look at current italians. Many can go from relatively fair skinned to very tanned

This was more weird and creepy than necessarily pure brainletism.
>Long time ago
>In uni, in NYC.
>Get invited to literature professor's place for dinner
>Meet his family, they're nice
>They're all from Poland.
>Telling me about some medieval slavic hospitality customs.
>And it was customary to offer distinguished visiting male guests a woman if they weren't traveling with female companionship.
>By the way, my daughter's room is over there, why don't you say hi?
>Wait, is he really trying to pimp out his daughter to me? And possibly making up some custom to justify it?

It sounds like a joke you autistic fool.

How old was the daughter?

You know I have to ask

My Humanities professor claimed she was a Lutheran Taoist and bragged about how super vegan she and her son were on the first day of class. She openly used Reddit while we were taking exams (I could see her desk from my seat) and used the Youtube Series "Crash Course History" in her lectures, often in place of an actual lecture so she could do Reddit stuff on the side. Additionally, she had a wide communist streak and seemed to think Mao Zedong was the greatest human who ever lived, and Karl Marx was second-greatest. She used words like cis-sexual and demi-sexual in class to describe different Greek Philosophers (claiming Plato was something called a Demi-Boy, it only made me think of demigods)

I paid more than a thousand dollars for that class. At least the easy A+ (just parrot what the loony lady says and ask as few questions as possible) helped get me on the Dean's List.

This happened last week, I almost REEEEd in class.

>today's lesson was about our ethnic origins
>he asked the class what the color of our flip race was
>many answered brown ofc
>mfw he said 'actually we were originally black'
>mfw those australoid niggers in the mountains are just one ethnic group
>mfw we flips are descent from the malay race not those niggers
>mfw this is considered to be a highly prestigious institution and pay shit loads of pesos

flips are fucking malay, not black australoids. those australoids are just an ethnic group bumfucking in the highlands. they are speculated to be the first population present in the phils. but it is absolutely absurd to spread lies claiming that the entire flip race is actually of black australoid descent.

>how non-humanities majors perceive the humanities: the post

I thought it was considered highly likely that they were first now.

None of my professors have been brainlets, but one is actively a Japanese nationalist propagandist and tells every class that the Rape of Nanking is exaggerated and only happened because the soldiers were exhausted.

Well, true I wasn't a humanities major, I majored in Allied Health, but that really was my professor. She was a fat lady in her early 50s from Minnesota. Crazy lady, one of the craziest I'd met up to that point.

This, I get mistaken for mexican in the summer but I'm pale right now.

oh yeah, my mistake. evidence strongly suggest they were the aboriginal population in flip land. But in no way is the entire flip race descended from those abos as my professor shamelessly declared.

Better question: why isn't northern Europe like this?

What's really spooky is the etruscan tomb has the flag of italy colours.

>the soldiers killed hundreds of thousands of civilians
>because they where tired

the ones with fair hair and skin and who are dressed differently are probably meant to be females.

You weren't there. He was very clearly trying to set me up with her.

She looked mid twenties, but I hadn't asked.

No, she really wasn't very pretty.