
Just had a "meeting" with my bank. I (19; studying IT; 450€/month parttime McDonalds) asked if i could take a loan.

They said no. No discussion.

Im white; have a car; never went negative; have parents that own a house and get 450€ monthly.

I wanted to get like 2k and pay them back 2.5k (which would be 25 fking %) over a year and buy into btc once it crashes again

Now i feel like even if i put everything i earn into btc; it wont be enough.

Whats the best way to go about online loans; what to watch out for?

Would any user let me loan 2k? (And im serious about that)

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Smear some shit all over your face and accuse them of being raysis next time.

Lol wtf, you can get a better loan with a fucking sms here no questions asked

What kind of a bank won't give a 2k loan lmao?

Where the fuck do you live, can't you take a student loan?

that sucks user, banks are total asshats who think they can control you when you're 19. Just wait till you're 35 and 10 years older than the guy sitting across fro you when you'll be meeting the bank, on top of that you'll be making 2 to 3 times what that smug little cunt makes a year... fuck the banks dude..

f you're willing to pay 25% yearly interest and pay back in 12 months you should check out credit institutions, they are less picky about customers' standing and do small loans all the time.

Alternative is to ask your parents to take the loan out in their name as they'll surely have better credit (even if you're 60 and poor, you have better credit than a 19 year old). But that probably implies telling them what the money will be going toward (no waifu pillows or penis enlargement pills!)

You have to put up collatoral or have your parents with you if you're under 20 FUCKING YEARS OF AGE idiot. Nobody wants to give random teenagers 2k.

You're 19 and you're surprised that you didn't get a loan?

I have a (small) monthly income, so yes

Also the land of cucks; germany

>can't even afford a full bitcoin even if you take out a loan
hahahahaha stay the fuck out of bitcoin. it won't even be worth it. you might as well just try the stock market, you'll probably get a higher return.

Stay poor kiddo

> you realise the refugee faggots get more than what i work for

God i hate this piece of shit country; 90% of customers are refugees

You guys got some space for me over there in america if i make it?

Fuck the bank, I will help you out user.

Do following:

1)Go to
2)Select a Macbook for around 2k EUR
3)Choose 'Ratenzahlung' as payment option
4) doesn't require a SCHUFA check, ID authentication or employment contract
5) will ask you to pay them 10-20% of the MacBook price beforehand, so be prepared to have 300-400 EUR just in case
6)Once you have the MacBook go to or eBay and sell it for cash

Be glad that they did not give you a loan.
Everything you say, screams
"I can't be trusted with money, lol!!!"

You earn 450€ a month and want about 4.5 times you salary as a loan, for speculating? Yeah no.

>Would any user let me loan 2k? (And im serious about that)
So I assume you are an €uro? Where are you based?
whats your car worth and are there any organs you don't really need? How good can you suck dick?
we probably could work out a contract that benefits us both.

if you think you can pay a loan with your 450, just set the same amount on the side monthly and have 2k + 25% at the end

or just work a month fulltime for some student job, maschinen bediener and have it in a month

also what did you tell them the 2k are for?

>pls g-give m-me some money, you will get it back from some risky online investment

Told them it would be for my car and a christmas trip with friends

Check out the kfw loan. Or Bafög, for that matter.

Germany; car would go for around 2k; maybe lil bit more. I am a great metaphorical dicksucker and would like to keep all my organs.

€450 is higher than my country's average salary you underprivileged white trash baby

You can always get a job as a Werkstudent in your area for at least €680 per month, it'd also help you prop up your CV for the future. Stop blaming refugees for your lazy ass. Even working at mcds is completely your fault, there are so many minijobs put there pyong the same that arent as soulcrushing as fast food. Ffs your're even german mutteesprachler, youre telling us you cant win a fuxking minijob over some poor soul thag cant even deutsch

>for my car and a christmas trip with friends

How fucking retarded are you?

You could as well have told them that you needed it for drugs

This is actually a good idea. OP listen to this man

>i asked for a loan, I'm white

lmao kek good laugh 5 star post

Hey this could work damn

Yeah, that's exactly the kind of customer a respectable bank wants.
"lol, I want to live large, even though I can't afford it, just gimme money, I'll even promise you to pay 5 times the normal interest rate, just gimme the money!!!"
Of all the stories to cover up your stupid speculating with borrowed money idea, you chose the worst one.
Weist du überhaupt warum in Deutschland so gut wie niemand Aktien und sowas hat?
Neuer Markt, "Volksaktie Telekom" und dotcom crash, klingelts irgendwo?
Haufenweise Leute haben gehört (damals noch analog, von Freunden und Bekannten) das man an der Börse nicht verlieren kann, und es nur nach oben geht, und klar, da muss man mitmachen.
Nur was tun wenn man grad nix flüssig rumliegen hat?
Klar, investieren auf Kredit!
Diese Schnapsidee hat die Deutsche Aktienkultur nachhaltig Kaputtgemacht.
Aber mach nur, vielleicht hast ja Glück, und irgendjemand freut sich wenn er dir dann in 5 Jahren 10000€ abknöpfen kann, weil du keine Ahnung hast wie man mit Geld umgeht.

>Germany; car would go for around 2k; maybe lil bit more. I am a great metaphorical dicksucker and would like to keep all my organs.
Wo in Deutschland? Was fürn auto?
Ich kenn da ein paar Leute an die ich deinen Mund verkaufen könnte, so es denn sein muss.

I can loan you the money you need, no interest, but you have to pay me back in 12 months or less. No catch.

As security, I need you to film, not photograph, for 5 seconds the ID page of your passport, driver's licence, school ID (expired AND current), a government or utilities letter with your address and your car, focusing on the plate and your ownership papers.

If you don't pay me before 12 months are up, I'll dox you to skinheads and pay them for videos of you.

Reply if you're interested. I genuinely mean no harm, but I'm not to be trifled with either.

You're fucking stupid, kid, I wouldn't give you 50€.

lol neither would.

OP is 19 and works part-time at McDonald's for 450€.

Fucking refugees who can't even speak German and that work for 1€/Hour earn more than OP.

Do you even have a Hauptschulabschluss OP?

That was actually my plan if someone wanted to help me out but now you scared me lul; the shit you could do to my life with that

> just saw the name before posting this

>That was actually my plan if someone wanted to help me out
Junge, geh heim und sag deinen Eltern dass sie bitte die Vormundschaft für dich Übernehmen sollen bis du Erwachsen bist. Weil trotz 18+ bist du das definitiv nicht.

I wrote that i am currently studying IT
Realschule + Fachoberschule

>Realschule + Fachoberschule
In Berlin vielleicht.

>studying IT

Yea OP you are beyond fucked even if you get a Bachelor in CS.

You do realise shortages are fabricated right? It's an easy way to import cheap labour.


No, they aren't. I worked at several software companies in Bayern, they literally make you sign contracts with a 6-month notice period where the norm is 4 weeks!

German companies are VERY desperate for programmers.

I'm a C# developer and my current gig is pretty boring, I also live in Austria at the moment. Can you recommend something?