When can we transfer this ? Want to drop my bags at 2x before it goes below ICO


You want to sell some to me for 1.8x ico?

I see there are a bunch of 2x buy orders on ED. Would try to get one of those.

I’ll buy at 2x as soon as you can transfer them, how much do you have ? Or is it easier for me to buy from etherdelta?

Nice FUD mate, you ain't getting it any cheaper because you missed the ICO

Its easier for me to sell on ED. When do they allow transferring the tokens ?

ok, I'm not making the same mistake as in AST, REQ and EBET of not fucking selling immediately at 2x / 1.5x whatever

Not falling for the /biz meme again.

In the next 24h as I read but I think it’s a mistake, sell some but keep a part of it

lmao did u see how many pajeets are in the telegram group? this will be REQ 2.0, we said the same about REQ,5x moon incoming!! but these fucking pajeets are going to sell at 1.5x - 2x as soon as they are tradeable since its a fortune for them ,they are dumb as fuck

yes this could be REQ 2.0, AST 2.0, EBET 2.0 or not

so what do you do ? sell it for a fucking profit as soon as they are transferrable, and not be a fucking greedy ass as I have been all this time

when is it unlocked on etherdelta.

damn i also got fucked with ebet.
down 80%

im not going to bother with etherdelta, wish me luck

it's already trading below ICO. marketcap going to 1k

fuck off

fuckk off idiot loser

i dont see it on etherdelta what is the token name

hasnt even started trading yet and its already 2x....

nice LARP tho OP, youre not getting mine for cheap

Fake orders.
- no working product
- college kid all star team
- no major partnerships
- marketcap ebet 2.0


fucking 400k cap

>-no fucking github
See you at 20k mcap, pajeets

same was said about REQ

>putting a public gethub for pajeets to steal

lmao nty