Wtf I love nazism now

wtf I love nazism now

Did they really invent the microwawe oven?

>300 km range
>Long-range ICBM


>Highway system
Autobahns were started by the Weimar Republic in the late 1920s. Typical Stormfag taking credit for other peoples' achievements.

wow who could imagine that Hitler and rest of nazi party invented so many things

>Live television broadcast
The first live television broadcast was done by the BBC in 1930

Germany's was limited to a few rich cunts in Berlin so they really claim "large scale" either

WTF I love genocide and expansionism now

>Not a single source
Really makes you think

keep crying about the jews faggot its not over yet

Yeah your fight against the jews seems to to be going real well. Victory any day now.

They created the first ecological reserves to protect the wildlife animals.

Teddy Roosevelt did that decades earlier you cockslurping dropkick

Ok, but the Nazis were environmentally conscious.

Harmful shit that no one really needs.

Ironically, almost all of them were used to spread globalism and other anti-nazi things.

Considering the autism that went on with their parks I wouldn't be too sure it was about some noble notion

Too bad they didn't have the same consideration for humans

Jewish people invented far more great things, do you love Jews as well?

Well he loves the guys who contributed the most to the creation of Israel, so it wouldn't surprise me

Well, jews killed far more people than the nazis. Look at the Holodomor.

>Muh joos did holodmor
No, sweetie

Not an argument.

>Stalin kills a shitload of Jewish revolutionaries
Not logical