You find an old oil lamp and upon polishing it a djinn appears

you find an old oil lamp and upon polishing it a djinn appears.
he grants you three wishes:

1. Have a conversation with any historical figure
2. Witness a historical event of your choosing
3. Change/Alter one historical event

What do you wish for and why?

Other urls found in this thread:

1. Caesar
2. The battle of waterloo
3. The United States never enter WW2

>Battle of Lepanto
>make Martin Luther die of dysentery in his childhood

1. Jesus
2. David Bowie's last show at Hammersmith in 73
3. Stalin dies in january 1919

1. Jesus
2. Fall of Constantinople
3. Germany wins WWI

>1. Have a conversation with any historical figure

>2. Witness a historical event of your choosing
The French troops rallying to Napoleon on his return from Elba

>3. Change/Alter one historical event
Stop the 1812 invasion of Russia.

1. Hitler
2. Fall of Berlin wall
3. Trump getting elected.

1. Leonardo da Vinci
2. Battle of Vienna
3. Prevent 9/11

1. Cleopatra
2. Destruction of Athen's long walls to the sea
3. Add a few changes to the Septuagint to make Christianity more to my liking.

>The United States never enter WW2

This is the most blue blood American answer I can think of.

>Prevent 9/11

Prolly a /pol/tard or a tankie.

1.One of the Gracchi brothers
2.The construction of that Gobekeli Tepe(can I get a spellcheck here please?) monument. If I could also understand the appearance, intent and purpose of the people building it that would be nice as well.
3.Abraham dies before he can invent the first Abrahamic faith.

whoops, meant forobviously.

It just would have made things worse for either of those sides though.

1. Assuming they can talk to me, I would love to speak with Alexander or Caesar. It would be nice to get their perspectives on how their legacies turned out
2. Any ancient battle from the Greco-Roman period. Largely because we quite honestly don’t know how they exactly fought in a battle that was hand to hand combat. Just watching the battle for 1 hour would revolutionize the study of ancient combat.
3. Justinian’s Plague never happens, ultimately allowing Justinian and the empire to more easily deal with the reconquests.

1 Friedrich Nietzsche - I like edgy jokes and edgy philly's-fee.
2 Attend a Beethoven concert, pretty much any of them, I have a list of favorite pieces, though.
3 Napoleon conquers Europe, forcing his vassals into his enlightenment ideal of democracy and good education.

If only he fucking won!
With the monarchists out and republicanism in, you don't get the reactionaries of communism and fascism to the imperial order nor do you even get the first world war.
Anything bad you can think of from the past two hundred years probably wouldn't happen if Napoleon won.

oi m8 nappy was literally hitler
t. Lindybeige

Didn't want to go too far back and possibly fuck up the timeline too much.


>without Luther there would have been no reformation

Abraham was just a legendary patriarch

1. forget the top down approach, I'd be interested to just talk to a random citizen of Rome during the Pax Romana to get a better understanding of what day to day life was like during the height of antiquity
2. maybe the building of the great pyramid at Giza just to see how they managed to do it, there are many different theories
3. prevent the discovery of agriculture

>The Tunguska Event (provided its from a safe distance)
>The March on Rome is an absolute failure that ends with Mussolini and fascist leaders imprisoned or executed

1. This dude who first fucked neanderthals and ask him "wtf bruh?". If not possible - Subotai.
2. Cavalry charge at vienna.
3. None of abrahamic religions never show up.

1.Genghis Khan
2.Minoan civilization at it's height.
3.Prevent horses and camels from going extinct in the Americas, so natives could domesticate them.

1. William-Adolphe Bouguereau
2. Some orgy in ancient Rome, preferrably with slaves of many ethnicities.
3. Escape with Maria Romanov and take her as a wife.

1. Peter the Great
2. Alien/ UFO Visits with the Sumerians and If not that, 1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg
3. We DON'T take little boy and fat man on a visit to Japan. what would happen anyway?

We'd starve out and bomb what's left of Japan while the Soviet sent troops in. Japan would be half a balkanized shithole like N. Korea.

>balkanized shithole like N. Korea.
holy fuck that would be interesting. Imagine a Universe like that exists
>fucknugget N. Japan has the best anime
>well fuck you everyone knows S. Japan has the best manga AND Ramen to boot

1. Alfred the Great
2. JFK assassination
3. Either prevent Ricimer from deposing Majorian or prevent the Justinian Plague from happening.

>but technically she never said no, so it was all cool right?
>no grug, she doesn't have a verbal language, it was rape

>3. Change/Alter one historical event

>What do you wish for and why?

A proper set of three wishes where I'm not bound by your stupid rules and can wish for anything I want, you cheapskate!

Funny cause I'm French.

3rd one and I won't say which because it would seem so stupid and insignificant to you that you could never understand why.

>3.Abraham dies before he can invent the first Abrahamic faith.
Abrhaham didn't invent shit. He was just a legendary figure who probably wasn't any less "pagan" than other people of his time (if he existed at all). Judaism started way later and without him they would've just called Abrahamic faith by some other name.


>thomas hobbes
>death of franz ferdinand
>mussolini not siding with the autistic austrian

>1. Have a conversation with any historical figure
>2. Witness a historical event of your choosing
The foundation of Rome.
>3. Change/Alter one historical event
I win the lottery a few months before starting college.

Just tell us faggot

>Diogenes or Aristotle
Edgy, cynic hobo for keks and the latter for a more profound and enlightening experience.
>The cruxifiction of Jesus
I want to bear witness to the origin of the most prominent icon/symbol used by the Catholic Church.
>Eliminate aguinaldo before he started causing shit for the katipunan.
Without infighting and factionalism from among the revolutionaries caused by the power-hungry aguinaldo, the katipunan movement as a whole would have had better chances of succeeding against the spanish, and later, against the filthy imperialist american scum.

>prevent the discovery of agriculture
is this just to fuck shit up or do you have a specific goal in mind?

please tell us, making fun of you will be one of the few thrills I will get in my lonely life

>tfw your autism creates an intricate network of events to reshape modern society that starts by distracting a mongolian shoe craftsman during his lunch.

a world inhabited by nomadic herdsmen will enter the industrial revolution eventuall and skip the horrible transition period

On the other hand, if somebody else winds up creating that equivalent of monotheist faith it may well never catch on. Atenism in egypt got wiped out, for example.

1. Jesus
2. Battle of Tannenberg Line
3. Prevent WW1

Back the fuck off hating on Mussolini????

>Alexander the Great
>The fall if Constantinople
>The last Roman-Sassanian was never happens, allowing the two empires to btfo the Caliphs and limiting Islam to Arabia

1) Marx. I wonder if he would have phrased his ideology differently if he knew what would happen in the 20th century.
2) Collapse of the Inca empire
3) Discovery of nuclear fission by the scholars of 7th century Islamic world

Spottet the patrician

1. Mussolini
2. March on Rome
3. Prevent Italy to enter ww2

t. filipino

1. Brahms
2. Charlemagne's coronation in 800
3. France invades Germany immediately after war is declared, instead of sitting around for 8 months

1. Friedrich the Great. I'd love to hear his opinion on how Europe and Germany turned out. Or Hideyoshi and ask whether he was serious about Korea
2. Something during the Bronze Age collapse or or of Alexanders battles
3. Tell Valentinius to calm down about Aetius. Rome would still fall but this is just not ok.

1. Alexander the Great
2. Battle of marathon
3. Muhammad is never born

> Soviet sent troops in
Not without American supplied landing craft they won't, unless they exhume the bodies of all their Ostfront casualties to form a bridge


Agree with the second.

1. Diogenes
2. The fall of Troy.
3. I would NOT want to force the newly free American states to live up to their constitution and abolish slavery, thereby removing the Civil War as we know it and our new United States superpower that came after. I WOULD, however, have not allowed slavery or the importation of slaves to ever exist in the Americas period. We might have become a boring EU-like place, but at least that permanent stain would not exist. It will never, ever be healed as long as there are generations who claim they deserve an advantage for it. "Positive" discrimination is legal in the US because of it. Overall it was a shitshow.

1. Conversation with Jesus
2. Witness the Cretaceous extinction event (comet that killed the dinosaurs)
3. Alter my own life by talking to my younger self in kindergarten before I become an isolated sperg

>1. Have a conversation with any historical figure
>2. Witness a historical event of your choosing
trail of socrates
>3. Change/Alter one historical event
No treaty of versailles

He'd probably tell you to fuck off just like everyone else.

Mein neger

>1. Jesus
>2. Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
>3. prevent Holocaust

>prevent Holocaust
now why on earth would you want to do that?

jews literally did nothing wrong

1. Nicolò Zeno to ask him about the library he inherited.
2. The building of the pyramids or the moment time began, any one of the two will do just fine, I want to witness something we only have ideas of so that I can see how much our logic actually matches with what happened.
3. Prevent the division of the Indo-Europeans and see what would have happened if they united and thrived under the same culture of long before.

True. Turks would have just payed someone else to do it.


1. Buddha
2. When the first human fucked the first neanderthal (or vice versa)
3. Alaska Purchase

>No treaty of versailles
Harsher or lighter then? Choose wisely.

Completion of the Temple of Zion by Solomon
Muhammad dies as a child

>Blue-blooded Americans liking a heroin-addicted dick-sucking jungle-fever British fairy

>No treaty of versailles
Indeed, we shall fight until we raze Berlin

> 1. Have a conversation with any historical figure


> 2. Witness a historical event of your choosing

The 1250 B.C. Battle of the Tollense River:

> 3. Change/Alter one historical event

Convince Polish King Bolesław III Wrymouth to change his will and NOT stupidly divide the kingdom between his sons.

1. Julius Caesar
2.Battle of Grunwald
3.Bolsheviks lose the civil war

Trust me it's better left to the imagination.

1. Karl Marx
2.Battle of Cannae
3.Great Leap Forward(Have it work and not cause mass famine)

So that Anne Frank becomes pregnant and it can be credited to a Confederate victory in the American Civil War

everybody loves Bowie, faggot, get in line or gtfo. he was the yoooung american

1.My primordial haplogroup ancestor
2.Sack of Baghdad by Mongols
3.Make sure Mongols dont fracture into warring states, make sure they sack all of Eurasia and unify Africa so Kara Boga can be real

Have Homer sneak marxist propaganda into the Iliad tbqh

>3.Enable ChiComs

Ninamori Eri?

I change the historical event where I didn't win the powerball to where where I do win the powerball

Have conversation with this guy
Witness him winning the powerball
Change our jetski vacation in barbados to a month long bender in Monaco

bUt I WaNt TO sEe MUh TRuE coOmMuSim

1. Muhammad
2. Destruction of sodom
3. Give Hitler a Jewish trap fetish