Does anyone believe ChainLink is going to be the next big thing?
>but the sergey and DELUDED memes
Try reading whitepapers, you morons
Does anyone believe ChainLink is going to be the next big thing?
>but the sergey and DELUDED memes
Try reading whitepapers, you morons
It might be but people are lost because lack of updates from the devs and all that
a better team will come out of nowhere and do oracles better
I believe so. I'm a bit confused on how the payout will work, and the tech of the nodes. But that will all be released in due time.
has it been peer reviewed? how is it compared to others?
Large chance the lack of news could mean non-disclosure agreements. With many banks adopting Ripple; Swift needs Chainlink to remain competitive.
Or a dev who realized he is set for life and gives 0 fucks like many other pnds
It has been. Also co-written by Ari Juels
Deluded thinking.
cant wait for fork to happen and shitpost twice as much
Also read this shit
This is the Ethereum Community Manager
If he didn't give a fuck, motherfucker would not be flying all over the fucking country presenting at every crypto conference known to man. Also these dudes just came out with this shit a month ago, they're hiring employees now and already have a working product (ChainLink and secure link with Intel SGX).
I bought bitcoin at $1000. pretty good, but let's face it, I missed the boat.
Totally spaced on buying ETH at any price.
LINK will be my salvation. LINK will bring me to the promised land of lambos. And anyone who says otherwise is just too stupid to understand.
In other words:
>Rent Free
kek, another one for the history books
>reading whitepapers
lmao you're on Veeky Forums. it's like 5% of us that have the attention span to read through a whitepaper
I couldnt think of a more jewish sounding name
Link memes are the spiciest
are you kidding me? it's literally the ONLY peer-reviewed white paper
Should I wait for the fork to buy more LINK or buy asap since its already at ATL?
My advice would be to not wait until the fork. Bitcoin is going to correct hard with people selling off massively, which means money flowing into alts.
Why wouldn't it be the next big thing? Its not another privacy coin. Another exchange. Another wallet. Another this. Another that. Literally the ONLY thing /biz talks about AND RIGHTFULLY SO. Chainlink. Say it again. Chainlink. Rent free lil nigga.
Even though reddit may not be a great indicator, the Chain Link Trader subreddit is consistently growing in subscribers.
Da accumulation is real.
But wouldn't the price drop of Bitcoin inherently mean cheaper LINK?
Albeit that would be the general mentality which would mean that money from the bigger coins would flow into alts which might make the price of LINK rise rather than fall. I'll buy at today ATL and post pink wojacs till I make it. Ty user.
is this the chainlink anthem?
amen, baby.
>another this, another that
Educate yourselves, no-linkers
Yeah np. Just for future reference, to clarify, here is the cycle that is observed constantly.
>BTC rises heavily due to forks or news
>Money in alts is sold off for BTC in order to catch the wave
>BTC reaches it's peak and people start taking profit en masse
>BTC corrects as people buy back into alts at their now discounted price
scumbag serge with the carls jr girls is the best one
This one got me good.
Where do I get link?
Speaking as a developer, 15yrs coding experience. I could write Oracles while taking a dump. Anyone who owns this is a flipping moron of the highest order.
Sold my links and investing in lap bands.
etherdelta baby!
get ready to become a hacker!
So why haven't you cashed in on your $32 million then, smart guy?
I will hold LINK until the day I die if I have to.
LINK traders will be cutting themselves for every single LINK they lost over the years, while I steadily grow my supply. This is the next big thing in crypto, once the true bubble starts we will be in the fucking 10th dimension of profit.
>he hasn't read or even glanced at the white paper
>has it been peer reviewed?
What a funny thing to ask.
Chainlink's whitepaper is the only peer-reviewed white paper in all of crypto last I heard.
>how is it compared to others?
There are none.
Dude you should definitely let swift know that you can do this. They will want your services, especially since you have 15 years of web developer experience I mean holy shit that's unheard of.
LINK will close the innovation gap for many projects, once we see the signals it will be beyond expectation, believe me...
>I could write Oracles while taking a dump.
That's the whole point, big boi.
Companies and banks and shit out there are currently writing their own oracles for their specific shit, like AXA Fizzy.
Now look at pic related (from Sibos).
And now imagine every single party to this transaction using their own in-house oracles.
The whole set-up would be doomed to fail, since nothing is connected, and the trust and confidentiality levels are wildly different from one oracle to the next.
Chainlink connects everything. It's a decentralized network; the "internet of oracles".
And even for very simple oracle computations, Chainlink will be a vastly more robust solution than any in-house made oracle. Not to mention cheaper.
How to turn a FUD attempt into a nice and accurate shill
The whitepaper is gold. And is what convinced me to invest. That, and SIBOS. I will hold till dawn of eternity
Yes HTML sounds dangerous lmao
long-term Linkers , what do you think the price of LINK will be in 5 years assuming partial success of chainlink and wide adoption of crypto?
-no moon/lambo stuff plz
>writing contracts is easy, therefore ethereum is useless
About 2 and a half lambos, 15 acres of moon land with 5m depth license, or 25 surface-only acres per token.
>therefore I am sitting here, shitposting on Veeky Forums, not solving the most relevant problem in cryptospace today and not getting billions of dollars for it because it is way too easy for me.
Do some guys just have not the slightest shred of self-respect and use their brain before they actually write something?
have some class user
>try reading whitepapers
It always amuses me when people say this. Read whitepapers all you want, it won't make the price go up.
Fudder without arguments.
He's right. You can't possibly know if they're under NDA so you don't have any arguments either.
Looking at how other projects communicate with everyone, I can surely say that's bullshit and that there's definitely something shady about these guys.
There are most likely no partnerships confirmed otherwise Sergey wouldn't have to go around and present his project on some pothead conferences if he already has big names like SWIFT as future users of the network.
And this is coming from someone who's all in on LINK.
>Hello fellow Linkies
>Isn't this clearly a scam?
>Let's sell fellow Linkies
Its true that swift needs something to stay competitive. Not deluded thinking. And this poster was merely pointing to the possibility of NDA's.
Im not stating that NDA's conclusively exist, but rather Swift needs to play the game if they don't want to end up the same as "kodak"
And i personally don't mind them not communicating as much with 'investors' lol, if they have more important things to do, like go to devcon 3, sibos, keep their VC's in the loop etc etc etc.
FUDer without arguments
Where did I tell anyone to sell or that it's a scam?
Devs drove this project into the ground only one month after the release. They made it look like SWIFT partnership was a sure thing and that the network is practically finished.
Instead, zero communication led everyone to believe that the network is in fact not finished and that the SWIFT partnership is one big question mark they don't want to talk about.
They don't want to list LINK on any exchanges, they don't want to let the community know who were the "early institutional investors" even though they said they will reveal it after the ICO in September.
Every time Sergey posts an "update", it turns out to be a big bag of nothing. A lot of words but not much substance to it.
SWIFT partnership might be happening but it's still far from implementation, this goes for any crypto project including their "competitor" Ripple. So there's no point in keeping it a secret if Ripple is out there flaunting with all these bank partnerships.
SWIFT needs to act FAST if they want to remain relevant, not play from the shadows. This tactic you're describing makes no sense in the fast world of blockchain.
Oh really?
>SWIFT needs to act FAST if they want to remain relevant
SWIFT "GPI" project (its current flagship project) takes a full day to process cross-border payments, while cryptos can do this almost instantly (see Lumens, Ripple).
There is virtually no doubt that Swift is going to move into crypto, and they do have to hurry.
At the same time they cannot afford to praise crypto too much right now, because they're not quite ready yet and too much prise for the blockchain would drive their users even more towards competing solutions.
So for now they're going to act like blockchain isn't THAT important.
But wait until they're ready to launch their own blockchain solutions, then they'll praise the blockchain to high heaven.
Get a grip. Veeky Forums made you believe that the partnership was a sure thing.
Drove it into the ground? They are doing work, and not beholden to respond to an autistic adhd board. Instead they should spend time impressing the people with real capital, something they seem to be doing quite successfully.
Something my old boss taught me, said it was vital in business. Underpromise, and overperform. Maybe think about that for a sec. Especially in the context of a major player such as swift.
>And i personally don't mind them not communicating as much with 'investors' lol, if they have more important things to do, like go to devcon 3, sibos, keep their VC's in the loop etc etc etc.
I forgot to add one more thing.
We as the contributors/people who invested in LINK are of course expecting LINK to grow in value, that's why we bought it. Running a project like this won't get you anywhere in terms of LINK token price.
There are functional projects out there like Factom that already have enterprise implementation but their team acts the same way as LINK team does. Now please check Factom's market cap, that is a 2 year old project.
Do you want LINK market cap to end up like Factom?
Exactly. You doubters of LINK are what we smart investors call "linear thinkers". You don't see the bigger picture, the chess games the big players are playing. Just buy and hold, or don't. More LINKs for me :).
Wtf do i care about factotum? Is their product similar to Link? No. So who gives a shit.
I know right. Factom? Lmao
Here's a FACT, UM:
>Rent Free
>So for now they're going to act like blockchain isn't THAT important.
They're not acting like it's not important and they can't afford that with competitors knocking on their doors. What you're saying makes absolutely no sense.
They have an annual conference dedicated to blockchain. They paid teams of developers to come up with solutions for them, that's how they ended up at SIBOS in the first place.
>>They are doing work
I just love when someone posts this, what does this even mean? You don't know a single thing about what they're doing.
That's why ACTUAL projects have developer updates or post future plans/roadmap so you can know what they're actually doing instead of "they are doing work".
>muh rent free
What a bunch of idiots you are. Like I said, no arguments.
I wrote a ton of stuff that's wrong with this project and you can't disprove any of them.
>Wtf do i care about factotum?
I'm giving you an example, do you know what an example is? You can't even spell.
You really can't understand how deluded your average linkie is until you start questioning obvious things like any sane person would do...
>They're not acting like it's not important
>“Is blockchain the right technology to solve that business problem? What we have shown so far is quite encouraging: we believe it is the right fit and could solve the problem. But could we do it in another way? Yes, we could solve the problem by using another technology."
(note that this is about GPI, nothing to do with Chainlink)
Here you have Swift themselves acting like the blockchain is not that important.
It's fun to know what you're talking about, give it a try some time.
And again, let there be no doubt that they're only ACTING like blockchain isn't that important.
In reality they are hard at work to develop their own blockchain tech, because they are definitely feeling the heat from other blockchain projects that blow Swift's non-blockchain projects out of the water.
For instance: Lumens being used by IBM for instant cross-border payments, while SWIFT's GPI project takes a full day to do the same.
>That's why ACTUAL projects have developer updates or post future plans/roadmap so you can know what they're actually doing instead of "they are doing work".
This is bullshit btw.
Almost nobody in conventional business does this (try finding the roadmap or constant updates for the GPI or Hyperledger projects for instance), and only a handful of cryptos even do this to keep their shitty projects relevant.
Even noted hypebeast OMG only released its roadmap a week ago or something, and it was meaningless fluff.
You are a walking crypto stereotype.
And I assume you personally spoke to these people so you know they are just "acting"? This is on the same level of shitposting as "they're under NDAs so they can't post anything". Just wishful thinking.
For all we know everything he said is true. They are running on legacy systems. Any type of technology that's from this century will outperform whatever they're running on nowadays, it doesn't have to be blockchain you know.
Blockchain is still in experimental stage so of course they don't want to commit to anything right away.
>Almost nobody in conventional business does
>You are a walking crypto stereotype.
Sorry, I thought we were talking about IPOs here on Veeky Forums.
And good thing OMG went to 1.2 billion within the same time period, I don't think anyone complained because the team was active on social media more than they should've been.
This one doesn't have any social media presence.
And before you go muh social media, yes I know but that's how crypto works, this is not "conventional business".
Sergey... easy on the oracle problems
>And I assume you personally spoke to these people so you know they are just "acting"?
I'm just putting two and two together.
SWIFT is facing massive heat from blockchain-based solutions. Even some of their own users are looking
They just did the most blockchain-heavy SIBOS ever, and they are facing DIRECT competition from the likes of IBM/Lumens, Ripple, and even some of their own users are joining other blockchain projects (CLS Blockchain Consortium).
Swift's current flagship project (GPI) takes a full day for cross-border payments, while crypto-based solutions can do this almost instantly.
Them saying "we COULD use another solution" is technically true, but not really.
>Any type of technology that's from this century will outperform whatever they're running on nowadays, it doesn't have to be blockchain you know.
SWIFT's current flagship GPI project: a full day for cross-border payments.
Blockchain-based solutions: instant cross-border payments.
How many times do I have to repeat this?
>Sorry, I thought we were talking about IPOs here on Veeky Forums.
The point was not even a lot of cryptos do this. Not even OMG.
And the ones that do provide updates and hard targets, often fail to deliver on time or as promised.
Anyone have the fat sergey with the Carl's Jr girls?
Taking market cap/supply etc into account, what is a mid to long term realistic price for this?
>The point was not even a lot of cryptos do this. Not even OMG.
You cannot possibly compare these two in terms of communication. They're like the two most extreme cases I've seen this year.
OMG being all hype with mediocre partnerships, this is not the best approach but at least they communicated something.
CL on the other hand having absolutely zero communication of any kind with probably one of the best possible partnerships any crypto project could have.
And so many questions go unanswered in slack. This is the worst communication I've ever seen, even taking out social media posting out of the equation.
you're an ADHD kiddie who needs updates every 30 minutes. it's YOUR issue. not theirs. eat shit.
80B with 700M tokens by late 2018.
BTC 300B
ETH 450B
>You cannot possibly compare these two in terms of communication
The point is not even OMG had a roadmap until a week ago.
And it's still not entirely sure or clear OMG will even have a blockchain by mid-2018.
In terms of $ per token I mean.
Fuck off, I've held coins that barely did any better than these guys communication wise, but this is a whole another level.
They haven't posted anything of substance since the ICO. Anything they've posted as "announcements" ended up being recycled news we found out about like a week before and it wasn't anything new even then.
I put my money in the presale in early September two months ago, and from that moment until now, the team hasn't said anything that we didn't already know from before.
Are we going to keep repeating the same stuff over and over again?
OMG more than made up their communication in other forms and token value itself.
They didn't post a roadmap until now but at least we know who are they working with, while all we know about the SWIFT thing is that they're in talks and something might come out of it someday.
But OMG already secured the customers even though they have no blockchain. LINK is supposed to be a finished product but no users in sight.
Try dividing 80B by 700M.
>OMG more than made up their communication in other forms and token value itself.
The point was that even OMG didn't have a roadmap until a week ago.
Lmao, if it's worth not 80B but only 800M by late 2018, I'll eat my dick on national TV.
No, the point was that there were a couple of things that they could do to have any kind of presence in the crypto world, excluding a private slack channel where they barely answer any questions.
Roadmap was only one of those things. But they haven't made any effort on anything, let alone roadmap.
Yes Sergey attended conferences but he mentioned Chainlink once to this date but not even once mentioned the use of LINK token this entire time.
>No, the point was that there were a couple of things that they could do to have any kind of presence in the crypto world
You said "actual projects" have regular developer updates and roadmaps and whatnot.
While this is in no way true.
Certainly not in conventional business, though some crypto devs tend to do this for publicity.
And even then, noted hypebeast OMG didn't even have a roadmap until a week ago.
>expecting a little bit more than complete radio silence after devs collected 32 million dollars
My bad, I guess it really is too much to ask.
>You said "actual projects" have regular developer updates and roadmaps and whatnot.
Yes, developer updates, roadmaps, social media presence, see that's 3 different things already.
And yes this is true for recent ICOs. Give me a name of some recent ICO where they don't even have a Twitter account.
>Certainly not in conventional business
Again with the same stuff, this is not conventional business.
And again focusing on OMG roadmap while it is just one of many things devs are expected in crypto space to do.
I give up, you win.
Pretty much nobody in conventional business provides constant developer updates, and only rarely is this even done in Crypto.
Even known hypebeasts are rarely 100% in this area.
>I give up, you win.
You bet your ass.
>high five