>26 years old
>only have 50k in stocks and 30k cash
Who else /underachieving loser/ here?
>26 years old
>only have 50k in stocks and 30k cash
Who else /underachieving loser/ here?
Other urls found in this thread:
>80k in bank
>60k in crypto
>lives at home
>100k in crypto
>50k in bank
>bought my parents their first car, first home and first ETFs
How's it feel being a loser, old man?
>31 y/o
>40k crypto
>15k cash
>going bald
>working a job i hate
i'm the definition of a loser
>5k in bank
>240k in crypto
>80k in student debt
tfw 20
tfw a millionaire
>tfw not a billionaire from eth and btc
fuck sake
ITT: retards in the top 5% who think they failed
dude pay off your loan, wtf are u doing
He probably thinks he will get better gains from crypto than he will interest rates from debt
>420k in bank
>666k in crypto
ITT: biztards who couldn't buy a girlfriend even if they were millionaires
>60k crypto
>90k stocks/retirement funds
>1k cash
>live at home
>80k/yr wagecuck
Those of you with sizeable cash holdings are cowards
>27 years old
>60k stocks and etf
>2k in da bank
halp me get rich guise
all anyone has to do is just lift to get a gf tho
Something tells me youre LARPing
lol what the fuck is wrong with you people humble bragging and acting sad when you are better off than many people. quit being a bitch if u want friends
all in obsidian newfriend.
greed blinds people sometimes
pay your debt idiot
because most of them are either lying or subtly bragging whilst trying to sound like they failed
>11k in cash
>nothing in crypto
I'm not murkan though. And I have a family. Also, I lost 30k in businesses that didn't work. Will try my luck again next year.
Not complaining, considering where I came from.
How the fuck are you guys losing?
>25k in stocks
>15k crypto
>3k cash
I'm the one losing here :(
It's been working so far. I've started paying it off already today.
>24 yo
>2k in crypto
>4k in bank
>10k student loan
>not a fagget
>serial entrepreneur, and CEO of massively successful startup
>48 mil net worth
>tfw compensating after being years of being semi NEET, dropping out of college twice and finally getting bachelors degree 5 years after I was supposed to
>friends all look at your lifestyle and think you're a tryhard, not knowing you wasted years of your life being lonely, and depressed, shitposting on the internet, and watching chinese cartoons
>tfw reaching unbelievable levels of fulfillment
>3 million dollars in crypto
>25 years old
>fucking loser who is destined to be a beta cuck for life, and anyone doing worse than me is the same
lol name what your startup does then
>10k Crypto
>1k Bank
>Wagecuck, going back to school in the fall.
Serves me right for being born to a disfunctional family that can only think short term.
Not going to name startup
Without saying too much, we build educational hardware, if you're an electronics hobbyist, or are in EE, or at a high school with a good STEM program, then I'm sure you've seen or used our products at one point.
oh yeah. selling stuff to schools is a good racket
You're an inspiration.
Read a book you self pitying losers.
You have more than most people, be happy.
Arduino? Nice
My portfolio ~$300k is currently "managed" by Wells, at 1.2% per quarter. I'm sick of paying fees for no real reason...what is my alternative?
>tfw i have goals and am on track for those goals but know deep down chances are it wont work.
manage it yourself then
i fucking wish man haha
>100k in crypto
>20k in stocks
>10k in cash
A-am I gonna make it?
Exactly. Having almost any money in assets/securities/crypto is more wealth than most people my age have.
>40k in crypto
>1k in cash lol
do i have a chance?
>A-am I gonna make it?
80% of your finances are in a gambling racket bubble, probably not.
Yessir, most people in mid to late twenties are in the red by about 50k being in the black puts you above the rest financially.
1.2% PER QUARTER? holy fuck, they are jewing you at levels that shouldn't even be possible. Use a robo advisor service like betterment or sigfig, they have fees under 0.25% annually
They are larpibg faggots and have nothing. People with real shit dont need to boast
>having your assets managed by a company who nuked 1000's of credit scores for fun and profit
Thx mommy and daddy :)
Thx mommy and daddy :)
>21 useless psych major
>20k in crypto
>5k in stocks
>5k in cash
>30k student loan debt coming straight for my asshole next year
>Not realizing the financial benefits of paying off 2/3 of your debt immediately
Your maths is wrong, only 20% of my money is in stocks, not 80.
>be a zen intelligent high fashion 10/10 gf chad
>200k in crypto
>surely will have networth over 5 million in next 5 years
>will spend life turning self into work of art, subtle tattoos, nice simple clothing, meditation
>will father alpha extremely good looking children with my alpha genetics (dark hair bright blue eyes)
>will have big tittied wife who also has blue eyes
>will literally be epitome of gods highest form of creation
Also if your one of these retards who thinks success is high society status, just whoa you are a mark of society, thats what society wants you do to, work your ass of to cuck for it
success is living in a nice house, with a nice motorbike, with a hot wife and lots of money but being basically completely anonymous and unknown. Who the fuck wants to be famous? that would be a nightmare
also working is for retards, art and visual aesthetics is the highest form of creation, not some ambiguous career or status.
Peace out basement dwellers, and no I don't feel guilty because YOU TOO can imagine the life you want and you can achieve it :)
now buy link and go fuck yourself
i'd happily gas my stocks and savings account but i really don't want to cash out crypto yet dude
this really could be my early ticket out of 40 years of wagecucking
I wish, if that was the case I'd have been rich a long time. I've been buying bitcoin since 2012 (I can prove it) using my own money, I literally asked when my uncle died and left all the inheritance to my siblings, they said no. :(
>6.9 y/o
>420k in bank
>1337k in crypto
Buy link if you wanna die a poor retarded faggot
good post.
Fuck off cunt I wish I had as much money as you. I know this is secretly a bragging post.
yea I know which is why I asked how to fix this situation, I'll check out your 2
like I give a fuck about anyone elses credit, all I care is that my investments are growing
damn im such a poor boi
>500 in crypto
>200 cash
>40 in bank
>0 in bank
>live in a house my parents own
>never had a job more than 2 months
>chronically ill
>3m in crypto
no one with real estate here?
>decent travel job 70k
>50k owe on house
>1.5k crypto
>1k bank
>feeling really poor now reading this thread
Okay, then cash out half. The debt will wagecuck you more than anything. It makes more sense to clear the slate now than to gamble further on a highly unstable investment, much as I believe in crypto.
And a psych major may be oversaturated but you're not in a useless field gender studies major. You can do more with that than you think, especially if you specialize in something.
I meant your assets are in poor hands, dipshit.
>45k in the bank
>7k roth ira
>800k in crypto
>just finished a 3 month gig - might go to southeast asia and wait for crypto to either appreciate further / crash and burn leaving me with nothing
>don't wanna wagecuck anymore
I have $100 cash, that's it
Don't worry, keep at it, and you'll be wealthy soon enough. The first 100k is the hardest!
>10k in Crypto
>Only enough in bank to pay rent
>Sleep with multiple women
Feels unfulfilling man, I can teach you guys to get laid for a small price if you want
I also have a nice business idea, if you want to find out about it you'll have to sign an NDA
Or just tone down the amount you're getting ripped off while still not having to do shit: investor.vanguard.com
35% UPRO
65% TMF
send me ur btc address and how do i sleep with women. ill pay you more if you share it in this thread
>I meant your assets are in poor hands, dipshit.
Company has been around for over 100 years, they setup some fake bank accounts to pad their numbers...that doesnt mean you are in poor hands
What returns have you been getting? How old are you?
message me on Kik, i'll help you out for free first so u know what you'd be buying into
my username is LowCDW
if you insist on paying me now - 1CDqN3Z8tN99k2U56mfdwhJagu1TzsTBDy
i'm just heading to the bar though so its best to reach out on Kik
Just read chateau heartiste
>30k cash
>20k crypto
>50k in stocks and 401k
>90k student loans
My job and my big dick are all I have going for me in my incel life.
Thats definitely an option he has, but those advice blogs seem wrote by men who are tinging with desperation for women - most of their advice is pretty misogynistic and if taken serious alienates you from women (you view them strictly for their bodies - and they can pick up on it. The whole "alpha" act is extreme transparent and insincere)
>be op
>have a lot of potential
>post about it on Veeky Forums
Seriously man you can still make it
On the other hand, wagecucks never save and the people on the Bogleheads forum are boring as shit.
They don't even have multiple simultaneous LINK threads.
I'm just saying, where else could OP humblebrag about his 5-figure net worth?
29 barely
5m net worth
buy link...wtf u doing?
you're pathetic
29 5m net worth faggot
buy link
self made millionaire under 30
>5m net worth
>"buy link"
it makes sense some shitty larpers would flood in from /pol/
>82 billion in bank account
>43 asian gfs
you're a pathetic faggot hater
only fucking loser hater faggot nigger wage cucks say the word larp
i don't know what it means and i refuse to look it up
kill your self you faggot fucking bitch
29 5m net worth
self made millionaire under 30
must suck being a fucking hater bitch
buy link
Can you mail me some of your cocaine?
but to mamma a nigger? why?
>no money stocks
>no cash
>mortgage debt is over 150k
>6-7k in crypto
Pretty sure I'm the biggest loser in this thread.
Inherited $200k about 4 years ago, it's currently worth $340k, 28yo
>150k mortgage debt
>no cash
>2k in crypto
w-we're gonna make it too, r-right?
>$250 on paypal, 45k link, live at home with parents/no job
Looks like everyone is doing pretty well lol
>140k crypto
>15k paypal and inventory from shoe retail business
>less than 1k cash
>26 yrs old
>2.1k cash
>1100 in crypto
Fuck all of you.
>tfw still sperm inside my dads nutsack
>tfw likely to become worlds first trillionaire
>tfw wont be billion-gazillionaire
tfw i am satoshi
>2k cash
>few cents in crypto
My mother and sister agreed to not let me buy bitcoin @$4. I went on to mine a minuscule amount then forget about it. I spitefully told mum that btc is 7 grand now, boy did she get mad.
>no back account
>10$ in crypto
>8k in debt (no interest)
Wow, I thought I would feel better going into here but either I'm a very stupid person or some people are lying/joking
>tfw parents had hope in me but failed them...