Are there any coins that can actually be mined solo that are worth it and possible? Or are the days of someone solo mining 50k of coins over?
Are there any coins that can actually be mined solo that are worth it and possible...
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Over - you can also forget 10 cent gas and nickel soda pop. Die in a fire you old fuck.
I mined .1 XZC today. that's enough for a sodie pop
You're going to go far in life.
Is solo mining over with?
I was recently considering it.
when you're apart of apool, arent you basiclaly wagering that your pool will score the mined coin?
I don't even have money to get into a fucking pool. I am out of work. Been out of work for 2 years. Can't find a job. I'm considering applying to fast food soon.
PoS is the future.
yeah but if there's enough people mining, the chances of you breaking a block on your own are slim as hell
I've been mining verge for a couple days, average about ~50 in 6 hours
Solo mining or mining in a pool?
I have a decent GPU and a semi shitty AMD FX 8150.
lazy faggot, go get a job.
Well user here is where I am right now:
I have no car to get to a job, so my availability is fucked since I have to rely on my mother to drive me. She is an EMT. She works 3 days a week (bullshit I know), and is off Thursday-Sunday.
I've fucking tried Walmart, I've fucking tried Brookshires, I've fucking tried everywhere but I always get told "well your availability is not as great as this candidate so unfortunately we aren't going to accept you"
I live in rural ass Texas. There are no buses. There is no walking. I am MILES from any potential job sites.
Fucking hell man - I have put on my apps I am willing to work from 5 AM to fucking 11 PM at the earliest and latest on the days she has off and I CAN'T FUCKING GET A JOB.
Fast Food is my only option at this point, because I know that they will fucking accept anyone because of how fucking short staffed they are.
But then I have to hope that I get enough hours to buy a fucking car.
My last job was fast food when I was 17 and I wanted to fucking die. I worked for 3 months and quit. Now I am heavily medicated. So MAYBE I can do it. I've just been afraid to go back to fast food because of that experience. But that place was the busiest one in the area.
Oh yeah, here's something that is retarded:
My mother keeps shooting down potential job sites because they are too far away, even though they're 30 minutes away.
Like.. I can't fucking emphasize this enough - RURAL FUCKING TEXAS. There's NOTHING that is close to me. Nothing except that Walmart and Brookshires and three fast food places that I haven't tried yet.
Also I'm pretty sure she is conspiring against me because when I said to her "well what am I supposed to do, just sit here for the rest of my life?" she said
>"Well that's kind of what I was planning"
So I don't fucking know what her deal is.
I am about to just fucking do the death walk for 2 hours down the high way to work every day if that's what it takes. I don't know what else to fucking do.
people are out there just dying to give you money. They want you to have it, begging you to take it. You just have to go play that part. Whether it be fast food, store clerk, desk jockey, factory worker, drug dealer, architect, construction worker... etc. the options are fucking limitless. Never be to rigid or proud to put on an act to get money. because once you have money, you have control, and you can take more and more control of your situation. If you have to bike 15 miles one way to work every day, do that. don't be shy about it. it'll build character and help you improve you to be a better less broke you.
there are other options too the next door app, i believe it's called, can point you into the direction of $50 for gutter cleaning, or whatever.
you can also look for a heartland express bus through the county, or ride sharing. people at jobs may help you out with rides till you can be self sufficient. So many options. sky's the limit.
It was just shit working fast food is all. I had fucking terrible anxiety over the littlest of things. I had gone from a homeschooled autist with aspergers to being thrown into a chaotic rush hour fueled mess. I was taken off grill after not even being trained because I was "too slow" and then I had to go to cashier duty, which was even worse.
But - I DID get used to it though. I wasn't feeling scared of fucking up on the job or being afraid of the unknown like I was. But then I had a very shitty mood swing and quit because of it. It's one of the things I really regret doing.
Also I had terrible spending habits.
I'm glad now I'm medicated. I think I can probably handle fast food again now actually.
I'm just not sure what to do about this past experience business. And the fact I am 19.
Like, I worked my ass off to get a GED since quitting, so I guess I can say that for the past two years I've been out of work I was just working on that, but what about if they ask why I quit in the first place? Will
>To continue my education
Be sufficient? And what of the wonderful
>Where do you see yourself in 5 years
These are the questions that keep me fucking subdued and stuck and I am sick of it. Is the answer to just fucking ignore all this shit? Maybe I overthink and overplan.
damn that sucks. I work as a busser at a busy restaurant in philadelphia and easily make an average of 100 per shift, 200 a day if im working a day. And bussers quit all the fucking time and we always need new ones heh, you need to get to a big city.
easy peasy, they don't need to know shit about your past. They may ask, be vague. it wasn't the right fit for me, I decided to try other avenues of employment, education...etc, whatever b.s. story you can muster is probably sufficient.
your young, risk taking is expected and quitting jobs randomly is almost a given. And in 5 years you may be an astronaut, or you may still be a sandwich artist. know one can know for sure, but you're ready to make the commitment to help their establishment today and for the foreseeable future. people just want to hear shit like that.
Well I also do have a road bike.
Not sure if I should take it on a fucking highway though. I also have a problem with the chain coming off every now and then. I'll have to repair that.
What I've been doing though is reading a lot of programming books and business and economics books. I've been programming for fun for 4 years but now I'm starting to take it seriously, and I am getting kind of decent at it, so I'm thinking of maybe trying my hand soon at doing Bitcoin for programming jobs or something.
I've already got experience in a good margin of languages from C to Python, and I know HTML, CSS, JQUERY, Bootstrap, Bulma, etc and have made websites with Django and Flask in Python.
Problem is though is that programming is becoming inflated with fucking code monkeys and pajeets.
I stand by my assertion that programming is the new doctor field. Growing up, parents used to tell their kids
>go be a doctor make money
Now they fucking say
>go be a computer scientist make money
And the problem is computer scientist classes are fucking actually easy and passable to these idiots.
>Are there any coins that can actually be mined solo that are worth it and possible?
Mine any new non ico shitcoin, preferably not premined, and hope it 1000x's not that hard
in this economy you should stay home with mommy as long as possible. I'm 22 and pay $200 a month. if people make fun of you for it laugh at them for paying $400 to live in a shithole with shitty roommates and having to cook dinner themselves.
I didn't know what I wanted to do, never went to college. Eventually I got a job at winn dixie, impressed them, and transferred to a much better company with great employee benefits and pay. It's simple work and not as awful as fastfood. I never saw myself doing this, you just have to start somewhere and find something you're good at.
there is a shortage of trade jobs like plumbing, electricians, etc. that will only grow over time. otherwise you should get a job anywhere but fastfood just to make friends. the majority of good jobs people get because they know the right people. My second job was highly contested but I got in bc I knew people there who used to work at winn dixie.
I know.
There's hope though.
My mother/father has been taking me out driving when I can get the chance to harass them, and I can drive pretty confidently now, except parking.
Fucking parking is annoying. But the car I practice in is my mother's automatic big ass SUV which drives like a brick.
But anyways, she is planning on giving me her car after she files income taxes and gets a new one for herself. She's actually talked about just straight up buying me a car instead even.
But the thing is - I don't WANT to fucking sit here until January/February and go through the fucking stupid nonsense at the DMV to get a license.
That's like an extra 4 months of sitting here in this fucking room in the dark doing nothing all day but reading and fucking talking to you people. No offense.
I'm fucking tired. I want to live, not exist.
I have a fucking brother who is 25, and has never worked a DAY IN HIS LIFE, has no education, dropped out of fucking middle school, and literally fucking just smokes weed he bums off his friends every weekend and plays video games all night. I FUCKING HATE HIM. I don't wanna be like that. I don't wanna fucking be here anymore.
He even has the audacity to try to act like we're equals sometimes. He says "what have you been up to" and I say "nothing" and he goes "same as always?" like we're both fucking the same. God damn it makes me fucking writhe in my seat.
What if I just say "I had a medical problem I'd rather not talk about."
Legally, can they not pry?
Yeah I'm actually fine with this though.
My parents are fine with sheltering me for as long as I want to be sheltered...
I mean fuck, they have a fucking 25 year old man that they just bought jeans for $100 so he can go to a friends wedding even though we are BARELY FUCKING MAKING RENT.
I don't even mind the fact I might have to work in fast food for YEARS or something. I just want to fucking be doing something god fucking damn it.
Maybe since I will be living at home I can start investing and doing programming things. I don't know.
I was planning on doing welding but I'm iffy on that. I feel like I'd be working 80 hour weeks in dangerous labor with no time to pursue other avenues (investing, biz shit, programming, general hobbies).
I'd REALLY like a contract based job. Something I can do for like 6 months, and then spend the next 6 months living off my payout.