>Start using saved up money to invest back in 2010 >Determine my investments by comparing the utility of the product and the brand, the company behind it (if applicable) etc. >Make the following investments: (chronological order) >Mylan >Netflix >GXY Resources >Bitcoin >Ethereum >Aphria >Monero >Not one of these has made me less than 3x what I put in, ironically GXY was the best (12x in three months) tied with BTC >Now that I'm sitting on 800k (started with 5k 6 years ago) I'm suddenly very anxious, I'm starting to believe it was all luck etc
Whats wrong with me Veeky Forums? Is it imposter syndrome? Or is investment really all just luck and I've been lucky 6 times in a row? I'm sort of paralysed now that I'm just under 1MM, I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like it's all gonna come crashing down any day. Stock markets can crash, Fiat can crash, Crypto can crash.
Hunter Adams
take out half and spend it on solid assets. rentals and investments it will make the money more real.
Cooper Parker
If you're afraid the market will crash, don't forget that toilet paper stocks rarely go down. People need toilet paper. Hell, if you buy now and the crash comes in 2-3 years, you might make some good gainz out of it.
Julian Jenkins
Nothing wrong with selling and taking profits. Don't keep everything in the market, BTC taking a massive dump could ruin all your 'good luck'.
Nathan Thomas
Most of your gains were luck, and by luck I mean right place right time, with a little bit of proper planning on your part. Being scared is dangerous, so I'd advise you cash out like $500k and put it in very secure investments, and continue to take measured risk with $300k because I think there's still 1.5 years before any major crashes. Do you need this money badly, or do you do ok at work?
Bentley Watson
Then sell, find a means to generate income (business), and reinvest
Carter Robinson
I'm a 23 year old university student. Also what is a safe investment? I don't want to invest in property, it feels like it immediately 'ties' you down, I don't want to deal with renters or property tax or any of that stuff. Of the remaining options what's better, ETFs or Gold? I don't particularly trust Fiat considering the degree of political instability.
Bentley Russell
GXY? Aussie OP confirmed?
Why aren't you buying MEI mate!
Sebastian Peterson
ETFs, gold is a meme for suckers. Unless there is total anarchy, your ETFs will not fail unless you chose shit ones.
Camden King
So like VOO? Also as an aside, I was also thinking of opening a 2x leveraged position on Oil, since what are the odds of Oil ever being half its current price?