Why do people claim that ENF brought white skin to Europe if countries with less ENF have much 'paler' people?
Why do people claim that ENF brought white skin to Europe if countries with less ENF have much 'paler' people?
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It's a fantasy forced by an Iranian diaspora spastic. He likes to imagine a Sardinia-clustering people who were all blonde and pale who got raped by Iranian IE.
Because they weren't the only ones who brought white skin to Europe. Your comparison is also really dumb. This is not how genes responsible for lighter skin work. Early Yamnaya were much darker than modern populations.
Yamna weren't original IE. Khvalynsk was, even D. Anthony slowly agrees on that one.
Just because Khvalynsk men liked to fuck swarthy Georgian pussy, doesn't make IE swarthy.
>Khvalynsk was
Khvalynsk didn't expand anywhere. It was definitely Yamna who expanded west. There is also zero evidence that Khvalynsk people were white skinned blondes.
And there are of course light skinned pre-Khvalynsk Hunter-Gatherers in Europe.
>It was definitely Yamna who expanded west.
Yeah and they carried R1a lmao and were actually called Corded Ware.
For a start, Finns, Russians and Poles aren't "whiter" than Swedes, Norwegians and Britons, so that image doesn’t make much sense. Swedes and Norwegians are obviously blonder and more blue-eyed than Russians and Poles, and you'd struggle to find the stereotypical English rose skin tone of the British Isles in Eastern Europe. I could go into facial morphology as well, but I don’t want to attract the Nordicist autist. Furthermore, no one but amateur genetics forum pros claim that farmers were the sole bringers of light skin to Europe. Anyone who's done even the slightest amount of reading knows that the genes for light skin were already present in SHG and EHG. However, it's a fact that in western, central and southern Europe, the hunter-gatherers were darker than the farmers. In the early Neolithic, farmers from Europe with raised WHG admixture were darker than those from Anatolia and the Levant. When people say that the farmers brought light skin to Europe, this is usually what they’re referring to. Also, this image ignores the fact that populations like Bedouins have significant SSA admixture and admixture from other swarthy populations, so they’re in no way representative of the original ENF.
>For a start, Finns, Russians and Poles aren't "whiter" than Swedes
But they are. Finns and Russians for sure. Poles are diluted with South and West Germans.
Corded Ware came later than Yamna. When they came most of Europe was already at least intermediate/light skinned.
What exactly is your standard for "whiteness"? Blonde hair and blue eyes? Pale skin? "White" facial features?
Calm your asshurt Swede dog. Finns are more blonde than you, they have more steppe admixture than you and less ENF than you. On top of that, more ANE.
Sredny Stog fucked Yamna girls and Yamna fucked Sredny Stog girls because they wanted to avoid inbreeding. That's the only way early Latvian CW(straight from Sredny Stog) can be Yamna clones in autosomal DNA but not a good match for Khvalynsk except the slightly more CHG influenced Q-slave.
I'm not Swedish and I don't give a shit about how much steppenigger I have in me. I just want to know what your metrics for "whiteness" are. If it's blonde hair and blue eyes, then the "whiteness" ranking should place Scandinavians above Russians and Poles, thereby proving the OP image wrong. If it's pale skin, then the British Isles should be at the top, thereby proving the OP image wrong. If it's facial morphology, then north-west Europeans in general should be at the top, although this one's a bit less clear. Regardless, there's no way that Finns and Russians would be at the top, so the OP image would be wrong.
>They found c. 8,000-year-old hunter-gatherers in Spain, Luxembourg, and Hungary were dark skinned while similarly aged hunter gatherers in Sweden were light skinned (having predominately derived alleles of SLC24A5, SLC45A2 and also HERC2/OCA2). Neolithic farmers entering Europe at around the same time were intermediate, being nearly fixed for the derived SLC24A5 variant but only having the derived SLC45A2 allele in low frequencies. The SLC24A5 variant spread very rapidly throughout central and southern Europe from about 8,000 years ago, whereas the light skin variant of SLC45A2 spread throughout Europe after 5,800 years ago.
But 5800 years ago is too early for Indo-European migration. So what happened?
>my Swedish ass is on fire: the post
Indo Europeans were Eastern Europeans.
>If it's pale skin, then the British Isles should be at the top
The delusion. Only the ones who carry the ginger gene have pale skin since it eats all melanin. The rest can be inordinately dark by Northern European standards.
And blond hair came from North Europeans Hunter Gatherers, not from Indo-Europeans. It's probably the reason why it's so common there.
Ah yes, the classic "Poleniggers larping as Finns and Russians so they can claim to be the whitest" episode. Not fooling anyone, Piotr.
And by the way, Indo-European =/= white. Otherwise Corded Ware, Bell Beaker and Yamnaya wouldn't have been predominantly brown-haired and brown-eyed.
>Indo-Europeans weren't Eastern Europeans
Ah, so you're a retard then. Keep projecting, my nationality is irrelevant here.
Impossible. The Swedoid mix is Steppe on Sardinia. I1 is a huge red herring since farmers have no Y-DNA of their own thanks to their matriarchal culture of free love and wife's sons rights. I guess some people will never stop fantasizing about these non-Cagliari pre-Germanic ancestors which never existed.
I never said that Indo-Europeans didn't come from Ukraine and Russia.
And yet the oldest European people with blond hair came from Sweden. They were I2 by the way.
>since farmers have no Y-DNA of their own thanks to their matriarchal culture of free love and wife's sons rights
Complete nonsense.
But you projected hard in your first sentence, which makes your posts pretty fucking useless here, lad. Your implication that hair colour and eye colour is what makes you white is hilarious.
Countries in Europe with less steppe than Baltic region look like North Africans. Even the French and Brits have weird swarthy skin.
>Your implication that hair colour and eye colour is what makes you white is hilarious
I never said that. If you reread my posts, you'll find that I was attempting to guess the metrics that you were using for defining "whiteness". And it turns out that there are none, surprise surprise.
>Countries in Europe with less steppe than Baltic region look like North Africans. Even the French and Brits have weird swarthy skin.
That's a nice meme, but it doesn't add anything to the discussion.
>And yet the oldest European people with blond hair came from Sweden.
Irrelevant. They went extinct.
>Complete nonsense.
Complete reality. How much G do you find in Sweden? 1-2%? how much of that is original Neolithic Swedish and didn't arrive later?
Except it has nothing to do with steppe admixture. Baltic Hunter Gatherers were light skinned even before the IE arrived.
>That's a nice meme, but it doesn't add anything to the discussion.
As opposed to calling names and projecting nationality? Hilarious.
And Baltic region is still more WHG than rest of Europe.
>As opposed to calling names and projecting nationality? Hilarious.
Are you aware that you were literally insulting me for being Swedish before I even brought up the fact that you're Polish?
>they went extinct
Are you sure they didn't pass their genes?
>How much G do you find in Sweden?
Farmer presence in Northern Europe was always minimal, that's why they are so rare in Scandinavia and the Baltics.
Only Swedes get immense butthurt at Finns for some reason. Your dog fights don't interest me.
How about stop being a hypocrite, though?
How about you suck my dick? Seems like a fair deal to me. I'm here for shitposting.
And besides, EE was "whiter :)" than Western and North Europe before IE came anyway. :)
Their paternal and maternal lines are nowhere to be found nor is their EDAR.
>Farmer presence in Northern Europe was always minimal
Hopefully just confusion instead of pathological delusion. They were present as far north as Stockholm and farmers were always more numerous than hunters. Scandinavians have levels of Neolithic admixture halfway between Balts and Brits which is still a lot.
But HGs in "West-Eastern Europe" (Poland) were dark, and farmers in "West-Eastern Europe" clustered with those from central Europe?
God, what an obsessed retard.
>God, what an obsessed retard.
Who, you and your obsession with Germany?
>Scandinavians have levels of Neolithic admixture halfway between Balts and Brits which is still a lot.
>modern populations
Completely irrelevant. They were brought by Indo-Europeans.
>The Neolithic transition was a dynamic time in European prehistory of cultural, social, and technological change. Although this period has been well explored in central Europe using ancient nuclear DNA [1, 2], its genetic impact on northern and eastern parts of this continent has not been as extensively studied. To broaden our understanding of the Neolithic transition across Europe, we analyzed eight ancient genomes: six samples (four to ∼1- to 4-fold coverage) from a 3,500 year temporal transect (∼8,300–4,800 calibrated years before present) through the Baltic region dating from the Mesolithic to the Late Neolithic and two samples spanning the Mesolithic-Neolithic boundary from the Dnieper Rapids region of Ukraine. We find evidence that some hunter-gatherer ancestry persisted across the Neolithic transition in both regions. However, we also find signals consistent with influxes of non-local people, most likely from northern Eurasia and the Pontic Steppe. During the Late Neolithic, this Steppe-related impact coincides with the proposed emergence of Indo-European languages in the Baltic region [3, 4]. These influences are distinct from the early farmer admixture that transformed the genetic landscape of central Europe, suggesting that changes associated with the Neolithic package in the Baltic were not driven by the same Anatolian-sourced genetic exchange.
Now show me some sources about those millions farmers from Stockholm.
Because it's true? ENF from Hungary and Scotland were very fair on average, and light skin is recorded first in ENF
Saudi Arabia is not 85% ENF though, Sardinians are, they cluster with Neolithic Europeans, and like most Neolithic Europeans they have fair skin and dark eyes/hair on average. Arabs cluster closer to Natufians but they have additional SSA admxiture
I don't disagree necessarily. Scandinavians could easily have almost a flat 0% ancestry from local farmers as they do from hunters. Scandinavia was always the destination and not the source of migrations until such late times it had a typical European gene pool.
But regarding farming Scandinavia
>We show that Scandinavia was settled after the retreat of the glacial ice sheets from a southern and a northern route, and that the first Scandinavian Neolithic farmers derive their ancestry from Anatolia 1000 years earlier than previously demonstrated.
Embarrassed Naked Female?
European Negro Fuckers
Extraordinarily Nifty Farmers
It was probably just a small group of people. Most farmers remained in South Europe and their presence is still noticeable today. There is little to no male farmer haplogroups in North Europe, but this matriarchal peaceful society meme is complete nonsense.
Regardless of what extent it is a meme or a fact these people still form the other side of Germanic heritage. SHG has no connection to anything. They probably got the steppe plague and died even harder than farmers Native American style. Maybe their women were unfuckable too, that's a possibility.
You got the wrong poster. I'm the 'Polenigger'. Not the guy you were shitposting against. It's pretty funny to see how lack of argumentation turns into ad hominems and flamewar. Bunch of uneducated teenagers with delusion of grandeur.
>lack of argumentation
>uneducated teenagers
>delusion of grandeur
Projection. If you spent less time trying to psychoanalyse me and more time reading this thread, you'd realise that I was more than prepared to have a proper argument before my arguments were dismissed and I was called a "Swedish dog". You don't actually expect me to seriously argue with a guy that admitted to shitposting for fun, right?
I didn't expect to enter a bait thread, just to see insults that were meant to hit me, being used on some other guy. And yet, here we are.
I can't keep track of every Pole poster
>Silesian Balkantard
>R1b Goth
>Angry kid
>BLACK Turko-Pole
There could be many more
>Poland has 38M population
>there are few Polacks on Veeky Forums
WOW. A ground breaking discovery.
So why criticise me for using ad hominems and flaming when you admit yourself that this is a bait thread?
Poland's unique history also plays a role in all this
Here, let me help you. I'm "R1b Goth poster" and the "BLACK pole" poster(at least one of them).
There is also the Silesian Nordicpro that you mentioned.
Some angry /pol/ack from, well /pol/ obviously.
The other BLACK pole.
And Corded Warepro that used to post on /int/.
No need to thank me. Know your polacks.
What about Swedepole?
I didn't count diaspora, there is too many of them. But the Swedepolack is well known already.
Poles are drawn towards this shit because they want to know if they are whiter than Germans
Fuck, now I actually kind of feel bad. I apologise for the insults :^)
I'm sorry, but it wasn't Poles that were so racially obsessed to the point of starting World War just to kill other Europeans and replace them with German mutts.
Light skin genes do not always equal white skin. The Khoisan have the same light skin genes as Europeans, and they are yellow/tawny to medium brown, with the darker ones having Bantu ancestry.
It's amazing how every time I post this, no one seems to pay attention to it.
But still there are no Germans here. Well there was one but he only drew lines on PCA maps to scientifically decide who is white and who is not and pondered the threshold for mongoloid and negroid admixture white people can.
Slavs were inside his lines while Lithuanians were not.
>he still thinks there are actual Germans on Veeky Forums
But Poles don't originate from Corded Ware alone, m'lady. Significant portion of Polish men are R1b and it has nothing to do with Germans or Ostsiedlung, but Central Euro Bell Beakers instead.
I paid attention I love you user
finnish are 67 yamna and they have the more light air is not an accident
There are no Finns in this picture and that's not true. Finns are more like Estonians but slightly less Euro HG with some percentages more Siberian.
its true it appears in the haak review that was published in nature
In K3 Siberian admixture will find the most common alleles with Yamna because of ANE. When Samoyeds are properly included the Yamna will fall to more normal levels.
I love you too user, at least someone has common sense here.
European farmers were blonde-haired blue-eyed white Aryans :) Indo-Europeans were swarthy Siberoids
Uhm, nah. Indo-Germanics were Nordic.
This is some next level Polish false flagging
>farmers have no Y-DNA
Farmers were E-V13.
They were G2a retard
The presence of R, I, G, J in Europe precede farmers by several millenias, they belong to native matriarchal Europeans. E, on the other hand, belongs to the Patriarchal Farmers who became Europe's ruling class.
Obsessed. It's funny how Polacks trigger everyone on this board.
There wasn't a ruling class or stratified societies in Europe before the iron age (excluding Greece)
>in Europe
>before farmers
Wrong. Proper Arabs have very little ENF: in fact they are largely Natufians mixed with SSA and whatever brown skinned mesolitich population lived in Gulf contries. Turks are also heavily mixed with Mongoloids and Mesolitich Iranians/Iraqis.
Beside the fact that Italians much closer look-wise to Central and Western Euros than to Turks, who look like chinky depigmented Arabs.
We wuz Trojans
My Nordic ancestors BTFO swarthy matriarchal m*Doids like you :)
(Also LOL'd at butthurt sw*Rthoid who blocked me for 15 minutes hahahaha)
nice imaginaton sw*Rthoid
farmers were matriarchal pussies, and this is why they got BTFO by the Nordic man so easily :)
enf were still m*Dshits with small brains
Nope, Indo-Europeans were swarthy short-headed Siberoids. Northern European farmers were Nordic gods and goddesses. Deal with it :)
And nice try, Janny ;)
Why do you keep posting that retarded image? there's no evidence that the figure on the right was a "Latin"
>Nope, Indo-Europeans were swarthy short-headed Siberoids
Nah, they were doli Nordic warriors :)
they are, it's just that saudi's are an eighth black on average
It's obvious he is Latin, because only Latins were Nordic :) Not native sw*Rthoids
Nice circular logic retard
Original Indo-Germanics were Nordics :)
Why wouldn't Latins be Nordic if the Roman Emperors were Nordic?
>doli Nordic warriors :)
Nice description of Northern European farmers :)
nobody denies their asian admixture
My ancestors :)
>Nice description of Northern European farmers :)
farmerboys were farmers, not Warriors...
This is why they got BTFO by the superior Nordic man so easily :)
>got BTFO by the Nordic
Med bulls became the ruling class of the Indo-Germanic race*, in fact, Dyeu Ph2ter is a Patriarchal (E1b1b) god.
>This is why they got BTFO
Indo-Gypsy steppenigger pestilence?
>There is also zero evidence that Khvalynsk people were white skinned blondes.
Ctrl+F Khvalynsk.
When you realize the best power fantasy Polish people have is troglodytes whose best weapons were stone axes
So you accept that Corded Ware was predominantly brown-haired and brown-eyed?
I am a German :)
God, it feels good to be a Nordid R1b Indo-Polacke. :)
How can Medo-Germanic subhumans even compete :)