do you hate money? dont miss out moon mission! 30 mins left! buy now!
Buy xvg!
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fucking hate it
Elaborate, OP.
It's tanked today, did everyone pullout of it?
fuck off poojeet
I just sold 75% back for virtually no profit. Cold feet. Smart money said get out while I wasn't actually losing yet. That said, it's only getting worse the closer we approach the countdown.
Should I rebuy at a new low??? Should I just leave it be? God this shit is stressful
i second this
nah just shilling, xvg finna tank nigga, dont touch it
dubs if it success eds
how did you not make any money? did you not buy when it was under 100 sats.
It "tanked" for like 30 min
It seems bold of you to hold, but it felt bold jumping before it crashed. It's now selling for 112sats and I sold it for 116 literally 10 mins go. This shit is getting ugly. I hope you have a bit of alcohol to take the edge off this ride.
REQ is where the money is at ;)
Some whales agreed upon putting their btc profits into req upcoming days
Don’t ask me how I know =)
No, I was late into it. Bought at 114.
I put $80 in just in case. We'll see
I've decided not to buy anything that shows up more than once on Veeky Forums.
This is straight up a lemming board. Misinfo and leading just to fuck with the charts.
Time's up. I see no moon :)
Glad I pulled out most of my junk. But I suppose we'll see where it goes now.
Tanking so fast. OP is such a faggot lmfao
I don't see how anyone wins when it comes to a cryptocoin tanking.
Monero buyers win