Who was it?
Most based US president?
Washington was the one only one who had the right idea, the rest slowly became more corrupt and selfish with each new generation.
James Madison
Washington will always take 1st place, but Polk and early Teddy also had the right idea. Jackson was a mixed bag but I like him
Andrew Jackson
Barack Obama
If you look at map, it must be Polk.
Andrew Jackson and Jefferson. They killed Central Banking.
they didn't do a very good job of it then did they?
They managed to kill central banking until 1913. It is not their fault future generations forgot the dangers of central banking.
Lincoln, the only Marx-approved president.
The economy of the US grew in the 1800's despite not having a central bank, not because of it.
If you look at the interest rates the Union paid on debt during the civil war, it was astronomical. This is specifically because the government had to go to many different individual banks to borrow money, instead of asking the central bank, who could then sell bonds on behalf of the government.
To give a perspective, to fund the civil war, the union issued bonds that yielded up to 7.3 percent interest. Other bonds were issued at 6% interest. The Union only racked up 30% of the GDP as debt.
During the Napoleonic wars, England paid as little as 3% interest on it's bonds, despite accruing 200% GDP of debt.
That would be Wilson.
Old Blue Whiskey Van.
Wilson jailed the leader of the US socialist party, and was president after Marx was dead. Marx wrote Lincoln while he was alive to praise him, and authored close to a hundred essays in European newspapers arguing on behalf of the Union cause in the US civil war. One of Marx’s old comrades from the Communist League even served as a Union general.
Fun fact, Garibaldi offered to fight for the Union, but only if it was to "free the Negroes". When the Union representative refused to say for certain that the war was to abolish slavery, Garibaldi dropped the offer.
I dare say the civil war would be a lot shorter if the Union started with a competent general.
Literally one of the planks of communism is the centralization of credit in the hands of the state via a central bank. Wilson did just this. All credit in the US is directly or indirectly controlled by the Fed. They have the power over interest rates, inflation, and the stock and bond markets.
One of the other planks of Communism is improvement of general living standards. I guess anyone who tries to promote the general welfare is now a communist.
Just because the Communist Manifesto supports an issue doesn't make it inherently communist.
Nazis banned smoking, does that make smoking bans Nazi?
wow totally weird how an ideology that saw itself forming out of advanced industrial societies would push for policies that support greater industrialization of society
You either didn’t read Principles of Communism or didn’t understand what Engels meant by “Centralization of money and credit in the hands of the state through a national bank with state capital, and the suppression of all private banks and bankers.” What he meant, you see, was that all private banking was to be suppressed in conjunction with the establishment of a central bank. If anything, the Federal Reserve has facilitated ever more profitable and widespread private lending and banking.
>Just because the Communist Manifesto supports an issue doesn't make it inherently communist.
By definition it is. Using public funds for general welfare is literally communist. You can support such a plank on ethical grounds which is fine, but it is literal communism.
The first step to monopolized control of banking is to create a central power that can monopolize power. Ever since it's inception the Fed has increased it's reach power in the name of stabilizing the economy. In this very day, the Fed has forced a private bank, Wells Fargo, to cap their assets and forcibly replace 4 board members. The time will come when the Fed decides to simply dispense with the middle men and directly loan out money in the name of economic stability.
Most historians think FDR, I agree for a number of reasons, and disagree for a number more.
Personally, I like that dude who died very early in office. A government doing very little except when it is most necessary is the kind of government I like.
This is the most stupid post I've ever seen on Veeky Forums.
Christ, talk about a missed opportunity.
Donald J Trump
God Obama looks so out of place on there.
1. Lincoln
2. Monroe
3. T. Roosevelt
4. F. Roosevelt
5. Jefferson
6. Madison
7. Jackson
8. Washington
9. Truman
10. Eisenhower
The Communist manifesto explicitly details what it's central tenants are. These tenants are by definition what form Communism.
Almost like a deterrent for racking up debt through illegal and wars.
That would be Washington or Polk
Each president after him is the worst thing that happened to this country
Sure, but your line of reasoning implies that because something is in the communist manifesto it’s communist, when there are other explicitly anti-communist ideologies that might have some similar short run policy goals. For example, social democracy certainly believes in welfare, but the SPD hired right wing paramilitary death squads to murder the KPD leadership and suppress the German Revolution, which is hardly the sort of thing they’d do if they were commies.
Oprah 2020 :^)
>literally gives California back to Mexico
Fuck r**gun
Washington of course
Lincoln only 'freed the slaves'.
Other than that he was pretty bad, and most other countries managed to abolish slavery without falling into civil war, so he didn't even do that very well.
...He kinda looks like Lee, this would have been amusing
A bad president AND a bad actor
> Using public funds for general welfare is literally communist
TIL that the Romans were communist, since the grain ration was one of the first instances of general welfare.
Andrew Jackson
> Using public funds for general welfare is literally communist.
Boomer posting in the house tonight.
Also by your definition Prussia was communist.
Probably either Andrew Jackson or Teddy Roosevelt.
Calvin COOLidge
If you say anyone besides Andrew Jackson, you're wrong
Top 6 best:
6-John Adams
Top 6 worst:
1-LBJ the far-left nation-wrecking shill
2-Barack "literal anti-white leftist nigger" Obama
3-Woodrow "the original SJW feminist" Wilson
4-Abraham "fuck the constitution" Lincoln
5-George "leftist neocon kike shill" Bush
6-Ronald "le BASED illegal immigrants and gun control" Reagan
to be fair, "Honestly Austistic" Abe is looking directly at the photographer.
>1. Lincon
>as if anyone but the most incompetent president could have lost that war
>Washington below Franklin Roosevelt and James Monroe
ur gay
You don't say.
1. Lyndon "Jumbo" Johnson
2. John "the good one" Adams
3. Dwight "I like Ike" Eisenhower
4. Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon
5. James Earl Carter, Jr.
5. Calvin "Corruption" Coolidge
4. Ronald "Retard" Reagan
3. Ulysses "Gilded Age" Grant
2. Warren "Teapot Dome" Harding
1. James "Civil War" Buchanan
Rankings based only on performance as President. The order of the top 5 is a little debatable (Ike higher, Johnson a little lower) if you're a Republican, but bottom 5 are objectively the worst.
>gun control
>amnesty that helped make California the shithole it is today
>spend 15% of GDP on the military to collapse an already collapsing Soviet Union
>father of neocohenism
Forgot to mention, not counting Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, or Trump. It's too soon.
And in what universe is a WAR an inherently destructive action good for an economy? It is precisely for this reason, unnaturally low interest rates, among others is a central bank bad. By forcibly lowering the cost of money, it encourages malinvestment. Government deficits become far more permissable allowing all sorts of gross misallocation to abound. The U.S military industrial complex can only exist because the Fed allows it. Today, debt is so cheap that companies have now taken to leveraging themselves up to the hilt in red ink to LITERALLY fund stock buybacks. Buybacks which are taking place at record high prices. It is a Faustian bargain.
Creative destruction. Gets rid of zombie companies.
>Sure, but your line of reasoning implies that because something is in the communist manifesto it’s communist
Yes. When China introduced some elements of free market capitalism it was said they had introduced market elements, even though the CCP will vehemently deny that they are free market capitalists. General welfare supported by the Government is communist, and can be integrated by non-communists. In the end, though, it's still an element of communism.
No. I am merely saying they had communist policies. The Chinese currently have some market based policies, but neither they, or anyone with functioning brain cells would claim the Chinese as the champions of free market capitalism. It is the same here.
1. Nixon
2. Obongo
Firstly, that is not creative destruction. Secondly, under your incorrect definition of "zombie companies" the same thing can be accomplished with less loss of life through fluctuating interest rates.
Not enough Nixon love in this thread.