Some of you guys are ok. Buy BCH now. Buy it as much as you can. Later post a pic of your lambo

Some of you guys are ok. Buy BCH now. Buy it as much as you can. Later post a pic of your lambo.

>yfw satoshi himself dumps his segwit shitcoins right after the fork for cash and it goes to #1 on coinmarketcap instantaneously

>i didn't sell my bags
BCH was a great hedge during this fork and I made over 60% profit on it, but I sold earlier at $620.

Some fund is selling a shit load of BCH and there simply isn't enough buyers for it, hence the resistance/dropping. Monero is the next coin to ride.

The only problem is that nobody will be mining BTC post fork meaning that transaction times jump to days if not weeks or months..

No fund would announce they are selling, they are playing with you.... use your brain.

god you're going to wish you didn't do that in about 21 hours

more than 21 hours but less than two months. nothing is gonna happen that quickly dude

what happens then?

look at btc bra.

someone explain what segwit2x is pls



so what is the biggest risk of going all-in bitcoin cash before the fork?

I see two cons:
1) you won't get 'muh free money' if you aren't holding BTC in an exchange at fork. So if both 1x and 2x manage to survive and you can split coins, you won't be able to sell or hold these

2) BCH could flash crash after the fork as the miners who have been hodling with iron hands suddenly dump. Why, I don't know, for segwit2x or something?

I'm a fucking newfag I have $165 worth of Bitcoin on coinbase what's the best method for me to change it to Bitcoin cash?

Some kind of exchange. Find one that supports BTC and BCH. Kraken for example.

send it to an exchange (for exorbitant fee)
trade it at exchange (for a reasonable comission)
pray it doesn't fuck you

this is the best thing about bitcoin, it redistributes wealth to those who can see the truth

Yes that's what I've been doing.
This piece of shit bch was supposed t go up when btc crashes like it did a few days ago two or three days in a fucking row.
Then it dipped at the same time.. one day.. then another one, and another one. Got tired of it and got rid of this fucking scam coin at a loss.

Enjoy your heavy bags. BCH was for a short pumps, but it will be dumped like a filhty romanian whore

ethereum was created for developers to create applications for real world use. it was not created to be used as a currency.
Blockchain tech is currently being integrated into governments, businesses, and personal financial use worldwide. bitcoin fills none of these uses other than being a vessel used to onboard new fiat.

and of course generate wealth for visionaries, and shit on greed.
guess which category you're in, mr i don't even know how this shit works.

Okay I signed up for Kraken now just waiting for them to "verify" my name and address before they'll let me transfer anything to or from them.

It makes sense. I wonder if my small investment will do anything meaningful

we break out of the current pennant

>it was not created to be used as a currency.
>Blockchain tech is currently being integrated into governments, businesses, and personal financial use worldwide. bitcoin fills none of these uses other than being a vessel used to onboard new fiat
Yeah don't worry I can guarantee you that all those organizations would rather use something like Ethereum over some scamcoin with "Bitcoin" stamped on its name.
Yes bitcoin is old and slow, no a scsmcoin is not a solution, yes Ethereum is being used as a currency.
This discussion ends here.



Draw a meme line to this

Lol, we did break out of the pennant, hit $650 and then dropped back to $600. This shows it wasn't that bullish.

I don't think you understand how many coins are getting sold from the trust...


Fuck off



The trust selling off coins vs post fork hash rate
Miners are better at programming than Wall st. And will crash the US btc my completely fucking the legacy network, until they decide to go back to it years later

Lmao, yes, I see your TA. I do my own TA and I made a call to sell, and if you look on trading view you will see why this isn't going anywhere, sorry senpai.

we clearly haven't left the pennant

Please help me understand this

You literally have zero chance lol sorry mate
There’s nothing there to understand.

Are you saying that the Elliot Wave and Fibonacci Retracement, and all other trading theories are false?

so much green ids in this thread, we're really gonna make it aren't we

Broke out of the pennant, but look at the MACD. Failed breakout, looking bearish from now.

use a log scale because all half decent cryptos purchasing power are growing exponentially (which all disruptive tech does)
price it in usd over btc because the purchasing power of usd are relatively constant (you can price in gold adjusted for paper gold if you want to predict price over years because gold is the value datum of the universe)
the straight line from the bottom left is probably the lower trend and the parallel lin going though the aths is probably the upper trend, These are established just by finding the pattern. I'm sure some people can calculate the trend but this is good enough for me.
when cryptos hit ath they have a straight line from said ath to the bottom of a parabola when those lines meet this is the bottom (time to buy) and the price will then go parabolic up to the upper trend line and continue to repeat until the technology is redundant

if you can't figure it out just buy bch and ripple and hold

>bitcoin fills none of these uses
Bitcoin is becoming similar to the art world - people buy in in order to have something they can later cash out. In these land rush days the volatility is of no consequence. This is closer to savings than investment.

the two pennants hypotenuse can't be parallel because the general trend line is becoming steeper and the hypotenuse should intersect the general trend at the same angle

They're not exactly parallel, just looks like that because it's zoomed out. The drawing was rough anyway, a few degrees doesn't change much.

I hope BCH increases man, but I/others don't think it will, not for now anyway. Gl.

not buying bcash because of the premine

there's no evidence of a premine

>tfw went balls deep on BCH at .0886

whales pls give it one last pump so I can drop these bags already.

Maybe he's mixing it with BGold

It will top 0.3 on the 15th. Be patient.

am I right in thinking BCH is a good hedge against the shitstorm that is going to unfold over the next week or so?