Why should I pay taxes just to keep poor people alive with welfare? They should just die if they can’t stop being poor desu.
Taxes should be 0%
Austin Nelson
Eli Williams
nigga what about road and ur fucking toilet? I hope ur kids not going to turn out as retarded as u.
Ian Clark
taxes are needed to fund like war machines
Alexander Davis
but user-kun, how would i get my neetbux then?
David Brown
I mean, you have that option. Move somewhere that doesn't have tax.
Protip: they're all shitholes and you don't wan't to
Brayden Baker
>muh roads
>muh sewage systems
both could be done faster and cheaper in the private sector
Levi Nelson
>muh roads
>needing a government-issued toilet
Sebastian Adams
get out ancap faggots this is a nazi board
Charles Wood
Exact fucking definition of ANCAP
Brayden Russell
Without taxes I unironically wouldn't be poor.