Why are they so poor?Genetics?

Why are they so poor?Genetics?

Yes, third worlder subhumans

being on continental crossroads both along the north and the south and the east and the west tends to bring many invasions during large historic periods, along with swaths of land with no major defensible features with the majority of the land far away from a coastline is another contributing factor, anyone actually giving a damn about history or geography will tell you that

V4 and Baltics are breddy good actually

Ahahaha get a load of this retard, being a croassroad is a gift for anyone who isn't retarded, see Italy or Germany

Still a better place to live than anywhere in Africa.

Neither Italy nor Germany are located on crossroads, you utter mongoloid. They have major buffers insulating them, in the case of germany the said mentioned regions and in case of italy the god damn mediterranean sea, with the fucking Alps guarding the land crossing. They were able to extend their influence when ready and retreat and defend when threatened.

>Neither Italy nor Germany are located on crossroads

You have just been diagnosed with an IQ of less than 70

Communism and Nazism.

When you were in school you had no problem admitting other individual students were more smart or better athletes than you. So why is it so hard to admit other countries are better than yours? Part of life is admitting the facts.

The amount of rebuttal provided borders on academic levels, if you keep it up, I see a great future for you.

Western Europe was civilized for precisely twice as long, directly by the Roman Empire. Besides the significant headstart, Eastern Europe had to rely on themselves more or less. It was, also, directly exposed to Steppeniggers.

>So why is it so hard to admit other countries are better than yours? Part of life is admitting the facts.
Because it is demonstrably false. Dominant and rich countries and cultures are not historically constant. There is, actually, a thread about it right about now: "Why have the direct descendants of the early great civs been reduced to marginalized nobodies"

Those territories were not composed of simple uncivilized barbarians, I would argue that the western part of Europe has its roots in the east, indo-europeans are a thing after all. I agree on the steppeniggers, exopopulations such as the Hunns and other nomadic type cultures invading had direct access across the plains in the east and the "poor" factor is a direct consequence of not being able to properly use the available resources

>Those territories were not composed of simple uncivilized barbarians

They absolutely were, and the Indoeuropeans who you jerk off to were the epitome of semi nomadic savages

Indeed, it's not even steppeniggers fault, it's simply that Steppes themselves create nomadic lifestyle which prevents urbanisation and stimulates raiding and population crises.
Indo-Europeans were the original steppe niggers. Which is why they contributed some steppenigger technology (horse- and wheel-related), but actual civilisations were created by Indians, Semites and the Chinese.

Our genes are superior in every way. We are closer to ancient Aryans than Germanic shitheads.

Slavs are like white niggers, they have no concept of the future and care only for their own immediate selfish interests. Few examples:

A workplace provides a canteen for its workers, various coffees, teas, condiments etc are provided for free. The Slav steals it all and brings it home until it stops being provided for free.

A new infrastructure project is funded by the EU, building a brand new high capacity motorway. The EU pays for the materials, equipment and wages.
The Slav skimps on all aspects of constructing so that the road starts to break up and disintegrate in a couple of years and he was stealing the materials to use for himself or other projects he got paid for. The machinery was also stolen.

A Slavic country decides to build a huge fence around itself to stop migrants coming in since the Slav hates competition for free handouts, also probably wants to flatter Donald Trump by deepthroating his shrivelled balls to get more yankee taxpayer dollars.
The Slav steals the fence and sells it for scrap.

You getting the picture here? I can go on all day.

Wow you're closer to troglodytes who used stone tools and dwelt in tents, I'm so envious

Communism happened, before that they where doing pretty great

Still playing that communism card eh?

Before that they were German colonies

>More developed than the "core"

Sure thing

>Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth wasn't a powerhouse
You'll find that most of central Europe was doing good or average up until communism spread to them