I hate that smug frog faggot so fucking much
Say the retard who died converted has catholic
kys, retard
>He Can't even construct a proper sentence
>he Still posts on Veeky Forums
Kys nigger
the HRE was but a meme of the era.
It was holy though, blessed by the pope.
It was in a way roman, as the successor of Francia. it was also blessed by the pope as the new roman empire. and yes it was an empire in the sense that it had an emperor, like the roman empire.
The problem is people take this quote as reflective of the HRE as a whole. While arguably during the era that he lived in is when it really failed to live up to its name.
Before (as far as I can see) the 1400s it wasn't too bad.
>he was born too early to shitpost on Veeky Forums
Fuck off Apostate
I like this one more.
you are so extremely right
would fuck
Why hello Pajeet! Poo in the Loo?
coronation by the Pope, protector of Christianity (unlike the Byzantium heretics)
it contained Rome for much of its history, and was the spiritual successor of the Roman Empire
it was a meta state, with an Emperor ruling over various kingdoms, fiefdoms, princes, barons, imperial cities etc
thus, it was the HOLY ROMAM EMPIRE
suck on it
Kinda looks like St Vincent.
thanks for noticing this
>Discussing the enlightenment in class
>Call Voltaire the farcical repetition of Galileo
>Professor agrees
>prevented the Germans and Italians from unifying
sounds to me like the HRE was doing us a service